More and more people are feeling the need for their own space; they demand it in fact. A lot believe that it's just physical space which does bring some ease, but that's only part of it.
This urge wells from deep within us demanding that we reconnect once more with who we really are - with our Inner Being. Here are 6 effective techniques that clear out the emotional clutter that create toxins in your body:
1. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
EFT is soft finger tapping on specific meridians of the body - exactly like acupuncture but without the needles. It is used together with particular phrases to based on your feelings to get to the root of the problem.
What is interesting about EFT is that it usually brings up old memories and forgotten feelings and experiences which are often linked to the emotional problem that is making you unhappy.

If you don't believe you can handle the emotions that arise if you intend to do EFT on your own, then find an EFT practitioner in your area; because once that genie is out, there is no putting it back in. EFT also works through phone consultations.
Two of my favourite EFT experts are Brad Yates and Magnus. Magnus' video explains how EFT works. at They are funny yet mindful, down-to-earth and "connected". Use their free videos to deal with issues like self-acceptance, procrastination, stress, waking up, tapping into your own brilliance, limiting beliefs about self and money, weight loss, and many more.
2. The Sedona Method
It's such a short and simple technique yet so effective. I don't understand why it works yet it does. The technique is composed of 3 questions: Could I let go ... would I let go... and when would I let go... A free, downloadable mp3 file is available. Get your free copy and see if it's for you.
3. The Silva Ultramind Method
Another free mp3 is available here too of the Silva Centering Method with 7 free lessons included. This method helps you to re-centre yourself by harmonizing the left and right brain.

With this method you are able to focus your mind on solving problems; setting and visualizing goals, and strengthening your intuition.
The Silva method of problem solving is worth it's weight in gold. Classes, seminars and conventions are other ways of learning about the Silva Method.
4. The Daisy Pond Meditation
Burt Goldman aka The American Monk has created this sublime meditation technique. It's so smooth that after listening to it a few times, you tend to find yourself gliding spontaneously into his Daisy Pond at times. Well, I do anyway.
There's one caveat - although it's free - you must sign up to his programme (also free) in order to get it.
5. Tapas Acupressure Technique - TAT - for Releasing Traumatic Memories
When I originally wrote this post, I had no experience with TAT. That has now changed and I was blown away by the results. Here is the story of how I got rid of my emotional clutter with TAT.
TAT uses two acupressure points on the face and is taken from Chinese medecine. It was created by Tapas Fleming. Based on testimonials from army vets and active personnel, it is very effective for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Here's how it works:
(a) Focus on the negative feeling
(b) Hold the pose as described in this TAT demonstration video, then
(c) Let the memory go.
Simple as that. It works quickly. Repeat as desired for a maximum of twenty minutes only. Have a look at Fleming's TATLife site to find out what else it does.
6. Four-minute Reprogramming of the Subconscious
Regina Murphy, an EFT practitioner in Nevada, demonstrates this four-minute reprogramming technique which she claims reprogrames the subconscious. I use it often. Now, I don't know if it's reprogramming anything and it is not EFT, but it does something. I feel so soft and peaceful and still inside afterwards.

I'm always searching for techniques that are free, simple, easy, non-intrusive and effective in my quest for vibrant health on all levels. So I will continue sharing!
7. The Core Energy Technique: How to Release Unwanted Thoughts, Feelings or Beliefs
This Core Energy Technique is sublimely effective. I use it almost every day and it is quite short. It reconnects you to your spacious Inner Being, simply and wonderfully and it's marvelous. Sign up to get access.
Kevin Schoeninger, the Technique's creator, was giving away the Core Energy Meditation; only shipping and handling needed to be paid. I highly advise that you get it. However, I don't know if it's still available.
Try any one of these techniques and let me know how it goes!
Additional information:
Boost immune health
Creating emotional space, 1
Creating emotional space, 2
De-clutter and gain physical and emotional head space
Technorati Tags: create emotional space within, EFT, The Silva Method, The Sedona Method, TAT, TATLife ,The Daisy Pond Meditation, Reprogramming the Subconscious
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