Best Blogger Tips

24 Jun 2009

Chris Brown - That Sack of Pure Shite

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This Chris Brown and Rihanna affair bothers the heck out of me because women rarely get a fair deal in abuse cases, and definitely not in domestic violence cases; not by the legal system or by the judges in the case.

A plea bargain is not what was needed here; the case was too high profile and the judgement handed down is sending the wrong signal! That boy has gotten off far too lightly!

Female batterers get a slap on the wrist like - don't do that again ... for the umpteenth time when they appear in court. And therein lies the problem. The police and judicial system as a whole do not consider violence against women to be outrageous, which is what it is!

Unfortunately, it is not just in the USA. Denigrating women and girls is prevalent everywhere and most particularly in countries where religion is the law. I am so sick and tired of this. When will it stop and when will women the world over get the respect they deserve? It seems that only when a woman is killed does the case become "serious".

Women would have to go to one of the nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, etc.) to get a fair deal in rape or battering cases where the probability of the offender ending up behind bars is very high.

Nevertheless, we will not stop. We will stand up and continue the fight until we all have our rights respected.

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