I went to bed angry at myself and woke up the same way.
Angry for reacting to the nasty European men on the streets of Geneva who believe that all women of colour are prostitutes.
Angry for reacting to the nasty European men on the streets of Geneva who believe that all women of colour are prostitutes.
Of course, my reaction to the sack of shit changed my vibration immediately which is really what pissed me off because the uneducated and the racists will always be around until we all assume responsibility for our thoughts, words and deeds.
I am very grateful to no longer be as hot-headed as I was when I lived in New York City. Back then I always had an 18 cm (6 inches) long antique hat pin stuck in my clothing as my weapon of choice and I had no reservations about using it if I was ever attacked.
So, today
I am grateful to be alive
Right at this moment
I have no problem
I am content
My heart is so full of gratitude
I feel it could burst
Maybe with plentitude
I no longer thirst
I am becoming
I don't know what that means
Yet it's how I'm feeling
I'm changing every day
Sometimes it feels like "hooray"
Yesterday it felt like "no way!"
So, today I'm happy to be here
Fully aware
I'm grateful to be angry
Really pissed off
At myself, nobody else
For shrinking, trying to be small
Instead of walking tall
And owning my space
Embodying my grace
In the face of one and all
Because I am not small
I am grateful to put myself back on track
Taking my control back
And with that act
I'm saying "Sorry Jack"
I cannot stand back
I am not one of the pack
I am in charge of my life
After all the strife
I take back my life
I am grateful to knowThat I am magnificent
I am creative
I am tapping into my brilliance
I am love, light and laughter
Joy, sorrow and pain
And all is right as rain
When I face it and embrace it
It flows down like rain
Disappearing down the drain
I am being
I am creating
I am caring and sharing
I let shine forth the light of my soul
To the whole world
I am full grown
I am coming into my own
Right here
Right now
That's what it's all about
I am awake!

Technorati Tags: gratitude-for-being-awake
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