Trust your life to unfold perfectly by Martha Beck is the final segment in Getting your life back on track from Oprah's Spirit Newsletter. Sign up for it people.
She is the best female coach I have ever encountered; super smart, down-to-earth, incisive, insightful and funny. I love people like that.
Trust and letting go
You can achieve non-attachment by letting go and having faith that that which you yearn for will be fulfilled. It does not mean becoming a martyr and sighing and boring everyone to tears because what you want isn't coming to pass. Believe that what you want will happen.
Most of us were taught that in order to get something we have to "work hard". It is important to recognise therefore that the mental focus and doing what you can to bring you towards your goal, no matter how small, is part of the proces.

Learning to see with new eyes
But what happens when we can't trust anymore. With all the hard knocks in life, we become wary and untrusting and usually expect the worst. And when fortune smiles on us, we reject it out of hand.
Because we're coming from a place that cannot see it for what it is or dare not trust what our eyes tell us. We fall back on our doubting, suspicious minds.
Blocked trust is the reason for blighted dreams and Ms Beck proposes two exercises to get back us back on the trusting train.
Blocked trust is the reason for blighted dreams and Ms Beck proposes two exercises to get back us back on the trusting train.
Re-learning trust in the process
Exercise 1: choose something that you know will come true; make sure it's coming from deep within and that it's something simple that you like and want - like flowers or music.

Then deliberately trust that this desire will be fulfilled. Don't spend time thinking about it; just let it go and act as if you already have it. Your trust will be rewarded.

Then deliberately trust that this desire will be fulfilled. Don't spend time thinking about it; just let it go and act as if you already have it. Your trust will be rewarded.
I know it seems silly and you can't figure it out. But you see, when a desire comes from your core, it's a soul desire and it's real. Your subconscious mind knows this and will act to bring you what you desire by the quickest means possible.
Exercise 2: Make a list of every desire you have ever had in the past which was realised. Then try to remember how each of them happened whether by luck, coincidence, the generosity of others, an idea from out of the blue, and so on.
So what are you waiting for? Go get your life back on track and live it to the hilt!
Here are the three previous posts in this series: Become a well of stillness, Find your inner strength and get free, and Feeling your soul's desires.
Here are the three previous posts in this series: Become a well of stillness, Find your inner strength and get free, and Feeling your soul's desires.
Technorati Tags: trust-your-life, Martha-Beck
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