I'll share my experience at Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in West Palm Beach, Florida, and publish The Promise in the next post, from Healing Our World, vol 29, Issue 2.
The Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) was founded by Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas.
The first time I met Viktoras 18 months ago, he hadn't slept in 48 hours, had lectured in 3 states back to back and for 8 of those hours previously before flying directly to HHI.
He talked to us about health for another 2 hours soaking wet from the rain; demonstrating the power of his encyclopedic brain and combined with his yogic fitness and incredible vitality, I was breathless with awe. And he was 68 at the time, looked like a scarecrow in his baggy clothes and fly-away hair and staring eyes.
Right then and there I knew this was a man to emulate; I wanted to be as fit and limber with the same incredible mental prowess he displayed.
My stay at HHI was totally unplanned yet it turned out to be such a divine experience that I can't wait to return to their loving embrace. And I really mean "loving" - it's that palpable without the ghastly touchy-feely bit.
There's no pressure to do anything and you're accepted exactly as you are; that can't be bought at any price! On HHI's website they say:
The Hippocrates philosophy is dedicated to the belief that a pure, enzyme-rich diet complimented by positive thinking and non-invasive therapies are essential elements on the path to optimum health.

The staff was wonderful and the grounds magnificently energetic and soothing.
I learned what constitutes real health and how to keep myself healthy from co-Directors Anna Maria and Brian Clement, teachers on staff, as well as guest teachers, and I witnessed other guests incredible physical healing.
If you are prepared to take charge of your health sign up for their free magazine; it will be the best move you ever make.
Technorati Tags: Healing-Our-World-The-Hippocrates-Way
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