I had an exquisite encounter today that told me something profound in me had changed. In my dream just before waking this morning, I replied "yes" to the question "are you ready for the change?". And right after, Whitney's new song Salute kept repeating in my head.
When I plugged myself into my iPod on the way to the supermarket, Salute was the second song and these words resonated:
I'm a soldier in my world / I walked a mile / I made it home /
I made the fall / Now I stand tall / I made it through /
And now all I gotta say to you / I salute you
I happily belted out that song to and from the supermarket. Hey, I'm not your regular gal, what can I say... Anyway, it's on my way back home that the incident occurred which showed me that when you are ready, you change and break through.
The setup
I wasn't hungry but wasn't ready to go home either. I went into a café which I normally avoid for a coffee, a raisin bun and an English newspaper. My regular café had just opened but smelled of cleaning liquids and onions - nasty combination.
I placed my order, sat down but then decided to change seats still singing softly, by the way. On my way to a new table, the male server met me halfway with my chit and coffee. I took it from him without comment. He was too close and his vibe was was rotten.
Before I could sit down, the fucker put his hand on my shoulder and pressed down a little. I went ballistic internally. I asked him in a clear, loud voice why he touched me. He said nothing but started making shushing noises with his hands for me to lower my voice.
He did it again, trying to put me on the defensive. I spoke in my authentic voice and was in control. I demanded twice that he get his hands "out of my face". They were less than thirty centimetres (twelve inches) from my nose.
I was firm, grounded and cool which made him angry. So in retaliation, he picked up my coffee and pastry plate and told me to get out.
My physical reaction
I calmly stepped forward and flipped the coffee and pastry plate he was holding onto his chest. He leaped forward to hit me and I did not budge. I stared at him calmly, then glanced down at a large piece of broken china on the floor. I had every intention of using it on him if he so much as breathed on me.
The female server stopped him. He then opened the door; I left and called him "a sack of shite" on the way out. I was hot, my heart was racing and I was striding along feeling solid and powerful as a god. I knew something major had occurred!
Part Two on change and breakthrough to you to follow.
Technorati Tags: change-and-breakthrough-to-you
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