Best Blogger Tips

24 Nov 2009

Tapping out your Cortices to Relax and Heal: Body Talk Your Brain

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Best Blogger Tips
BodyTalk your brain. These words got my attention right away. So what is BodyTalk? Here's what the website says:
BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body's energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended. Each system, cell, and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times.
What does BodyTalk do?
Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, lines of communication can become compromised or disconnected, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental well-being. BodyTalk reconnects these lines of communication, enabling the body's internal mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus repairing and preventing disease while rapidly accelerating the healing process.
In this way, BodyTalk stimulates the body's innate ability to balance and heal itself on all levels.
What I want to highlight in this post is the BodyTalk core technique called tapping out the cortices. It is a non-invasive tapping technique which calms and relaxes you when you're stressed, and lifts you up when you're feeling "down". It works by normalising the electro-magnetic function of the right and left halves of the brain.

It takes approximately two minutes, you can do it as often as necessary, and it is simple and easy. Interestingly enough, it uses the head and heart meridians which are used to normalise brain function as in Chinese medicine.

The first time I practised this technique, I felt a wave of electricity-like tingles running through my body, right down to my toes. I use the word "wave" because it kept circulating and undulating through my body, from feet to head for a while. It was quite pleasant. Reactions are probably different for everyone.

Watch the video and follow instructions as demonstrated, please!  One woman tapped only on one side of her head, started feeling depressed and blamed the technique, of course. After watching the video, she understood how to do it correctly, and corrected the imbalance she created. 

This twelve-minute video with BodyTalk founder Dr Veitheim, explains the body-brain connection, BodyTalk and what it does. Click on the photo of the balding guy in the brown tweed jacket in the middle of the page.

BodyTalk Space in New York City and California. Their page includes fifteen videos on BodyTalk which is very informative.

Find a seminar near you. Here are some fascinating case histories and testimonials about BodyTalk, and what a bodytalk session entails?

I'm really excited about the "tapping out your cortices" technique to relax and heal, and bodytalking your brain. I intend to chart my progress, in order to identify tangible changes which may occur between now and Spring 2010.

Do write and let me know if you try BodyTalk, or just used the "tapping" core technique - which I highly recommend - and how it works for you.

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