Mike Robbins suggests three ways to speak your truth on Huff Post. This is a favourite topic of mine, as I intend to live and be authentic in my thoughts, words and deeds.
Being authentic and speaking your truth is challenging but boy, is it worth it. It creates a seismic shift within you. You will feel the change when it occurs.
Being authentic and speaking your truth is challenging but boy, is it worth it. It creates a seismic shift within you. You will feel the change when it occurs.
Sometimes, you might wish for the old you, especially when you think "okay, I'm doing good" then you find yourself in a sticky situation. That's because every situation is different, so don't get cocky like me. The nice thing about is that you will become comfortable in your skin; even when you ache for others because they refuse to accept the new you.
And what does Robbins have to say?
Truth is not about being right, it's about expressing what we think and feel in an authentic, vulnerable, and transparent way.
It really doesn't matter what others think, you know. What's important is having a harmonious living and working environment. It's the external extension of the inner you.
When you are acting out a role, you judge others mercilessly. That is being fake but it goes along with the territory. Keep in mind that opinions are judgements. Stop expecting others to agree with you because you are always right.
Opinions are not facts. You filter your feelings through the lens of your own experiences. Take responsibility for your feelings and work them out. Don't blame another for making you feel uncomfortable. That is why you are being judgemental.
Opinions are not facts. You filter your feelings through the lens of your own experiences. Take responsibility for your feelings and work them out. Don't blame another for making you feel uncomfortable. That is why you are being judgemental.
When we let go of being "right" about our opinions and take responsibility for our experience, we can speak our truth from a much deeper and more authentic place.
1 - Stop managing other people's feelings
It's "...arrogant, manipulative and somewhat ridiculous" says Robbins, to think that we can manage other people's feelings. When in truth, we can't manage our own and it's a cop-out on our part.
In order to be authentic and speak your truth, you have to abandon control of yourself and others; and allow your real selves to shine through. It feels uncomfortable and it doesn't mean deliberately hurting someone's feelings just because you can.
It's more a matter of assuming your individual rights to communicate painful truths as adults, in a safe way. You will both know it's coming from the heart.
2 - Be real, not right
Robbins has hit the nail on the head with this one! Don't we all just love to be right and righteous. But there is nothing just about it if you go to bed mad, wake up feeling lousy, and refuse to "give in". That is not what love is for your partner, yourself or anyone else.
Being vulnerable and transparent are key elements in speaking your truth. Hah, can I confirm that one! Truth comes from the heart and people know when we are being real; children are the first to wise up.
Another thing is to release control of a conversation, and your obsession with being right. It is also irrelevant what other people think about you. None of that is important. Be real, not right.
3 - Practising creates a seismic shift
For Robbins practising means ...speaking up and stepping out into your life with your truth. Sink into you, deepen you; when you share yourself, you become so much more. You may feel naked and vulnerable at times when you speak your truth with those closest to you.
Your voice may quiver, knees knock and heart races but stay the course. You will come out shining on the other side. That's what happens when you are genuine. Tap into that well-spring of courage within you, and say your piece.
It is particularly challenging when you have to say "no" in a pressure-cooker environment. That's how my truth journey started and man, it was scary as hell.
During the interaction, I heard my voice rising and quavering - it made me cringe inside - but I stood my ground, quivering. All the while leaning against my desk on shaking arms.
I felt so angry at myself afterwards for not being cool and firm but it hadn't change my determination one iota. I know now that if I had become angry to "cover up", I would have ended up on the defensive, and would have lost the battle on all fronts.
That incident in 2007 created a profound change in me - I felt it physically. It was a seismic shift in my personality because I have not been the same since. I didn't know what it was at the time until I started writing this post. That incident marked the moment when I became determined to be me once and for all.
Your voice may quiver, knees knock and heart races but stay the course. You will come out shining on the other side. That's what happens when you are genuine. Tap into that well-spring of courage within you, and say your piece.
It is particularly challenging when you have to say "no" in a pressure-cooker environment. That's how my truth journey started and man, it was scary as hell.
I felt so angry at myself afterwards for not being cool and firm but it hadn't change my determination one iota. I know now that if I had become angry to "cover up", I would have ended up on the defensive, and would have lost the battle on all fronts.
That incident in 2007 created a profound change in me - I felt it physically. It was a seismic shift in my personality because I have not been the same since. I didn't know what it was at the time until I started writing this post. That incident marked the moment when I became determined to be me once and for all.
Robbins says you need to know that people will be upset with you on your truth journey. They will be offended or on the defensive as well when you express your truth. And you won't get it right all the time either. However, what you are practising is authenticity not perfection! Your lives and relationships will be transformed. It is a beautiful thing.
Speaking this deeper truth will not only liberate us, but it has the potential to make a difference for others and bring us closer together with them.
What steps have you taken to "be real"? How has speaking your truth affected you and your relationships? What hurdles do you have to overcome, and how do you intend to handle them? And what newness has being authentic brought into your lives? Drop me a comment and let me know.
Technorati Tags: being-authentic, speaking-your-truth, mike-robbins, truth-journey
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