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14 Apr 2009

Children Suffering is Abnormal

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A favourite blogger of mine, Randy Cohen, the NY Times ethical blogger of The Moral of the Story fame expressed some interesting sentiments in his blog post Applying Ethics to Adoption on a child's needs, international adoption and Madonna's bid to adopt a second Malawian child, in particular.

He wonders "Is it ethical for families to adopt children from poorer countries?"

Some people opposed her bid to adopt a boy a few years ago because she's a celebrity and she got special favours. But I say, who cares. As far as I'm concerned the only issue is whether the adoption is in the interest of the child. And by the way, I can guarantee you that the majority of these "protesters" have never been to Malawi, don't know the culture, it's people or their current situation. I have and I do.

Mr Cohen talks about a "... creepy evocation of colonialism when a rich American or European swoop into a poor African nation and grabs a child as if it were a baby plantation. Critics charge that the adoptive parents benefit from the of poverty ... But the ethical obligation to help suffering children does not only apply to those who wish to adopt; it is a general duty we all share."

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Don't you think that's well said? As in divorce battles,
I'm convinced the so-called children's advocates forget the child in their fight to oppose foreign adoptions. An orphanage is not a place for any child! The article was very well written and expressed sentiments I share.

But you know, it's only on reading the blog post that I realized how much I love children. I just want them to be happy, smiling and laughing. How I wish I could adopt them all or at least give them a magnificently rich, relaxed, deliciously extravagant childhood. Memories to cherish later on in adult life.

I grew up poor but didn't know it because I was always clean, well-clothed and well-fed. So I would like to offer them what I never had. Hmm, maybe that's why kids are always drawn to me, who knows.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out there as the subject of children's welfare is very close to my heart.

I am not convinced that those who are screaming the loudest in protest have any child's welfare at heart. It is a power play, plain and simple. And in the Africans' case, the issue takes them right back to the spectre of white colonialism and it's legacy that they are living today.

Read the man's blog!

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