Best Blogger Tips

16 Apr 2009

Prejudice - A Known Quantity or So We Think

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Best Blogger Tips
We are all prejudiced in one way or another though some of us pretend we're not or at least think so, especially those of us who make a sustained effort to educate ourselves. But reality tends to prove us wrong again and again.

A case in point was last weekend as I was on my way to my favourite café for breakfast. I caught sight of a lady out of the corner of my eye who looked disheveled and as she was speaking in a loud, slurring voice, I assumed she was drunk and homeless.

As I sat on another sunny terrace a few metres away, I could still hear her - this time singing very loud. My prejudice glands were standing at attention.

After chatting up the waitress, the old lady stood up to leave and that when I really looked at her. She was clean, warmly dressed, wearing Doc Martens two sizes too big and carrying a Louis Vuitton briefcase - it was the real thing.

She might have been off her head but she certainly wasn't destitute or homeless. I assumed that because she was loud, old, speaking in a slurred voice and seated in front of a middle-Eastern café. I had put two and two together and came up with five.

Assumptions definitely made an ass of me.

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