Particularly useful when I'm fooling myself about something.
So there I was this morning feeling desperate because of a dream I had which I didn't think was positive and I panicked because I was so aware that I'd fallen behind with my writing.
Things just didn't go well over Easter. I felt like such a loser and of course, I went and bought cookies to make myself feel better: it didn't work!
I have this old tape in my head from childhood that plays on repeat when my self confidence is low; with me it's either stratospheric or basement level - no in between.
Anyway, I followed the advice of my little voice and asked the universe for help and as I've learnt from Abraham, the stronger the emotion felt the faster the demand is answered. My desperate plea was for help to clear my mind and psyche from those negative tapes once and for all.
Well, guess what happened? This evening while copying some stuff to my blog, I noticed an ad for free training in the Silva Ultramind method. Now I've known about Silva for years and one of my two best friends swears by it but it never interested me until now. I swear the ad was like a beacon to my mind - I had to click on that button!
I received the first lesson right away and I'll review it all when I'm done. But that's not all: right after that I fell on a blog page The Strump Financial Blog post - The Little Voice of Resistance. I had just been thinking about mine own little voice of resistance.
I just love this kind of stuff and it just goes to show that there is no such thing as coincidence.
Thank you universe for answering my request and I am very grateful. I just love it - yeah!!!
Technorati Tags: the-mind-is-a-beacon
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