I've included some links below which include simple and easy ways to have green workouts: 1) use metal bottles instead of chucking the plastics every day, 2) use recycled gym mats, 3) go to a gym closer to home and walk there, 4) exchange/swap used equipment and lots more.
Then there's eating green to save our planet too. 1) How about going vegan? If that's too hard, 2) how about ordering less takeout, 3) compost uneaten food instead of putting it in the trash, 4) buy food in season and buy local?
It only takes a little effort and the results of each individual would go a long way to mitigate the hellish future that scientists and environmentalists are predicting for us. Let's all do our bit for Mother Earth, shall we.
What do you do to make things easier for Mother Earth?
More information:
Eco-Sensitive Workout Tips -
from NIKE Elite Athlete and spokesperson for Nintendo’s Wii Fit Ashley Borden
10 Frugally Green Workout Tips - Linda LaRue
6 Steps to a Greener Diet - Curtis Cook
Simple suggestions to nurture your inner green foodie.
The Benefits of Vegan Cuisine, I - Mark Reinfield
A UN report entitled “Livestock’s Long Shadow” indicates that livestock production contributes to more greenhouse gasses than the entire worlds transportation industry combined.
How to go Vegan, II - Mark Reinfield
For those who care about our environment, look at the impact your food choices have on the earth’s limited resources.
Technorati Tags: going-green-food-and-workout
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