I have never been a Krugman fan but he's now writing realistic assessments in the health care debate. It's very sad that in the health care debate, fear giving rise to violence is now a part of the debate as well.
The Big Hate – Paul Krugman
In this article, he discusses the rise of right-wing extremism fed by the conservative media and the political establishment i.e. Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell, Washington Post, Fox News, et al.
The Town Hall Mob – Paul Krugman
Meetings organized by well-heeled interest groups including two fake grass-roots organizations and manipulating the public's insecurities and lack of information with spin and outright lies.
It's necessary of course because the insurance and pharmaceutical industries will lose their stranglehold on people's lives despite the massive number of politicians in their pockets.
The Good News Beneath The Health Care Spin – Dr Cara Baker
An excellent take on health care reform from a savvy psychiatrist and former army nurse. Although her post is long and may seem unconnected to the title at first, read on till the end. It's worth it. An excerpt:
An excellent take on health care reform from a savvy psychiatrist and former army nurse. Although her post is long and may seem unconnected to the title at first, read on till the end. It's worth it. An excerpt:
... As the spin becomes more and more outrageous, here's the good news. Perhaps more and more people will "wake up and smell the coffee," or, is it toast?
These days, I'm reminded of one of my favorite stories about that parents who were very, very worried about their little boy, who, by five, was still not speaking.
They took him to specialists, but, still, no result. One day, as the family was gathered 'round table for breakfast, the child blurted out the words: "The toast is burning!"
Everyone was stunned ... the fact that their son had 'found his words.' Incredulous, the mother said: "You can speak! Why haven't you spoken up to now?" To which her son replied: "The toast wasn't burning."
Technorati Tags: health-care-fear-and-violence
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