Best Blogger Tips

11 Oct 2009

How to Boost Your Energy, Clear Your Mind and Tone Your Body: Do The Five Tibetans Movements

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So what do the Five Tibetans do and what are they? The Five Tibetans was first written in 1939 for us westerners and consists of five movements modified from a yoga practice by Tibetan monks centuries ago. They are each performed twenty-one times. The book can be downloaded free of charge.

The updated version which I purchased five years ago was written in 1985. Mary Kurus with the publisher's permission, provides detailed information and alternative movements based on this book to enable you to perform the movements correctly.

I have been practising these exercises for years because they were recommended to me by someone I trusted who said they toned your body, cleared your mind, purified the spirit, cleansed all organs of the body, and boosted your energy level.

I didn't buy all he said but I'm always willing to try something new. And they were only five movements anyway. Most of what he said turned out to be true from my experience. Try it, feeling is believing, and I feel fantastic every time I do it. 

I have a French copy of the 1985 version and can confirm that the photos and descriptions and other content provided by Ms Kurus are exactly as depicted in the book. She has simply expanded on it - alternative movements, stretches, eating and detox advice, etc. - for everyone's benefit. The video below shows you exactly how each movement should be performed.

As I said this ritual contains five movements only and has no age limit barrier. Practice and persistence is key. Do it every day, first thing in the morning before eating. You will feel good and improve your health over time. All children - hyper-active, adolescents and teens - should be encouraged to make this a daily ritual in their lives. They won't need any other type of exercise and will regain their natural health and vitality.

It is said that The Five Tibetans cleanses the body but I don't know if that's true. I will say though that if you eat meat every day and ingurgitate dairy products every day, your body may start to detox spontaneously because the movements stimulate the internal organs, the lymph and endocrine glands, encouraging them to work more efficiently.

Taking any drug stronger than an aspirin would defeat the whole purpose of detoxing.  I eat animal flesh maybe once every two or three  months and I do not consume any dairy products and therefore, have never had any of the side effects described by Ms Kurus.

I feel bright and alert and "buzzing" after performing only ten reps of each movement. I love to exercise but I don't get this effect unless I'm at the gym and really off the chain in a two-hour session!

And I admit I do the 5 Tibetans on and off mixing it with T-Tapp - Teresa Tapp's extremely effective 15-minute DVD workout - and my other weight routines simply because I like to change. However, I recently restarted The Five Tibetans and sometimes I add T-Tapp afterwards just because I like it. This is not an incitement or sales pitch for you to buy T-Tapp!

Do the five Tibetan movements every day for maximum health benefits. Start with three repetitions every day for one to two weeks or longer until you feel comfortable to increase the number of repetitions. It doesn't matter how long it takes before you can do the complete set of twenty-one repetitions either!

When I started five years ago I thought I was quite fit and figured twenty-one of each was a cinch. I couldn't do more than five each! So take your time, and stick to the suggestions offered by Kurus. She is quite knowledgeable.

These five movements form a complete fitness routine. They will firm, tone and stretch and cleanse your body, clear your mind and make you more alert, and boost your energy level every single time, returning you to the pink of health with daily practice!

So, here we go with 73 year old Ellen Wood's video - your model - if she can do it...

  • LifeEvents is a holistic Thai site talking about rejuvenation with the 5 Tibetans ritual.
  • Interesting testimonials about the effects of performing the 5 Tibetan movement. I've read them all, and they're reflect a lot of my experiences. I include it only for the testimonials.
  • Identified benefits of practising the 5 Tibetans - scroll half-way down the page of this site to get to this particular section. 
Do share your experiences with The Five Tibetans ritual.


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rae-ann said...

This is JUST what I am looking for - thank you so much! I just tried 3 repetitions, along with the video - they are much more challenging than they look!

Unfortunately I can't do the first one at all because I feel dizzy with the tiniest and most gentle of turning movements - I've had two RTAs which have left with with neck trauma, but the rest of it is great and the music chosen for the video is awesome too!

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to try this!

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hi Rae,

I suggest you look at Ms Kurus' suggestions for modifying the first movement because the ritual is incomplete without the first one!


Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hi Liz,

The 5 Tibetans work like a charm. Follow your breath on the in and out movement which will come intuitively. It makes it much more powerful and satisfying.

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hi again Rae, I couldn't contact you with further followup information because there's no email contact on your website, so I hope you come back for a visit. Please note the following:

1) it is normal to feel dizzy doing the first movement. that is the purpose - the activate your energy centres (chakras).
2) you keep facing the same direction while turning to avoid neck pains.
3) the purpose of the video is to show exactly how the 5 Tibetans must be done, so you don't have to read the book.
4) however, if you have aches, pains, health or weight issues etc. i invite you open the link i provided in the 2nd paragraph, to Mary Kurus' excellent advice and suggestions for alternative movements. they are very detailed and informative.

rae-ann said...

Thanks for that, Catherine; I'll check out her site and see how I can modify things.
I understand about the intention to get dizzy, but I really can't turn a half circle without feeling that I am going to fall over and that takes me right outside my comfort zone.

Anyway, we shall see and I'll keep trying :)

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