Best Blogger Tips

1 Apr 2010

The Law of Vibration and You: You Get What You Vibrate

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The Law of Vibration is very specific, very clear and unequivocal - you get what you vibrate. And it takes precedence over the Law of Attraction, by far. Here are some thoughts on the Law of Vibration and you.

A comment on my blog by LizF gave me the idea for this post to share thoughts from the wise heads out there. Although LizF is referring to the Art of Allowing, it is all about vibration. 

When you become an "allower", your vibration changes and you start to attract more of what you want. She wrote:

Oh my! my money stories/beliefs are that there's never enough; money won't make me happy; I'll never make what I want to make; I don't deserve it.....there's definitely a theme of "not-deserving" and I blame myself for a lot of the debt I put myself in; however, I've accepted for what it is and it's been a lot easier to work through.  I guess my "aha" moment was learning how to allow it to come or The Art of Allowing. I'm still working on this because it's hard to allow myself to want money, abundance, wealth, whatever-you-call-it. However I'm feeling it emerge and it feels great!  It's a process.

Leaving your comfort zone of current patterns and behaviors is a courageous step toward self-growth. DailyOM

I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out.

Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.   Abraham/Hicks

Use Abraham/Hicks' Focus Wheel to clarify your desires and make them real and get yourself out of the unnecessary hell you are creating for yourself.

This is a fun and accurate way to change your vibration and attract the abundance you desire into your life; by changing how you view your situation. It works!

Use it for every tricky situation in your life and watch magic happen. Following up on that you can also use affirmations to make you feel good to maintain a healthy, positive vibration. 

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Napoleon Hill

The mind is a powerful magnet and as such, it attracts whatever corresponds to its ruling state.  Expectation dictates what that ruling state will be and therefore governs what corresonds to the mind and is attracted into your life. Expectation can be either a blessing or a curse but either way it is certainly one of the most powerful unseen forces in your life. John Kanary

...Prosperity - properly understood - is simply the inward awareness of the opulence, wholeness and completeness that abounds within the spiritual realm.  In other words, it is impossible to feel poor when you are conscious of being enveloped in the protective care of a loving God, universal spirit, or whatever ele you may wish to call the spiritual-center of our universe.
Let me repeat - there never is and never has been any lack of supply other than that which we have created for ourselves because of our own limited awareness.

-- taken from "Expect An Abundance" in Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich.

And what was your aha! moment when you realised that your negative feelings had taken over and were sinking you, and how did you save yourself? Do write and share what you know to be true.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Catherine for sharing my post and all your insights!

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Liz my dear, you are very welcome indeed!


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