The line below from Anne Naylor's article Best Practices for Healing and Good Health reminded me of how important it is, along with a simple meditation technique I learned years ago from one of Deepak Chopra's books.
Take a little time each day to awaken to the beauty and joy in you by choosing to focus on the beauty in the world around you: nature unfolding its colours and fresh growth in spring; infants discovering and exploring their surroundings; wise smiles in old eyes. ~Anne Naylor
Anne's article offers such simple and effective ways of healing and of maintaining good health. It is all about you loving and respecting who you are and accepting where you are right now. Everything flows from this natural state and you can only move forward from there.
Because as you change your circumstances will change as well. I have lived it so I know how exquisitely painful the metamorphisis can be and believe it or not, it is something to look forward to!
It took me some time to get here, from 2008 and all of 2009, and I can say for sure that change happens when you are ready and not one moment before. You might not think so when it "hits" but you are.
Once you decide (consciously or subconsciously), the changes begin immediately on the inside and only manifest outwardly in the final stages.
Nothing will seem right at the time because you and your ego are completely destabilized and in resistance mode. Acceptance is the last step.
At the end of the process, you will look back in wonder at the stranger you left behind.
And when you come out on the other side, congratulate yourself and say this is how much I love myself !
Love, Forgiveness and Healing
Love and forgiveness are essential components in healing yourself and that is why you need to take a little time each day to commune with nature unfolding. It is a grounding and a resource which fills you up and restores your energy.
One, we are all part of the great cosmic mind and therefore we are all connected,
Two, healing comes with acceptance and forgiveness and that spells L.O.V.E. and,
Three, we are also connected to every thing around us.
Three, we are also connected to every thing around us.
It is high time that you forgive and forget and surrender to love as I did, and know this, true love is cosmic love. Forget about the big and small annoyances; as I am learning they fade away when you focus on something else.
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Visualisation Technique
And here I segue into the visualisation technique I learned from one of Mr Chopra's books to awaken and reconnect you to nature unfolding and restore your energetic balance.
And here I segue into the visualisation technique I learned from one of Mr Chopra's books to awaken and reconnect you to nature unfolding and restore your energetic balance.
1 - Create some quiet time for yourself in a calm space that is yours.
2 - Time yourself if you wish.
3 - Sit down or lie down and position yourself where you are facing Mother Nature's representative; either a plant, a live flower or a tree outside.
If you can do this outside in natural surroundings that is even better.
4 - Take a few deep breaths and relax.
5 - Focus on the plant leaf, the tree's new buds or the flower and examine it closely as if you are seeing it for the first time (because you are).
6 - Relax and let your vision expand.
7 - You will either come out of this state naturally or your alarm will sound.
8 - After your "rest", you will feel light, refreshed and energetic. Write down what you observed, if anything, during your time-out.
9 - This works because you were "being" instead of "doing". It is a great resource to have.
In his book (don't remember which one, sorry :-), Deepak Chopra says this can be done with your sense of touch, hearing and smell as well. If your olfactory senses are as sensitive as mine, proceed with caution.
I once got my nostrils full of a very stink man on the other side of Fifth Avenue in New York City. That put paid to my practise then and there!
Practise expanding your senses; it changes your perspective and reconnects you with what is happening around you on another level. Keep at it.
The End
I will end as I began, take a little time to commune with nature unfolding. It is good for you and the rest of us because we are all inter-connected and it is great for Mother Earth.
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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