As there is no such thing as a coincidence, my flipping open the book and falling on this particular page with the words was meant to remind me that "thoughts are things" (Napoleon Hill).
I was moping last night because I didn't receive a document which I thought I needed and I woke up feeling low this morning. If I want to avoid attracting what I do not want, I had better get my finger out and change my thoughts to attract what I do want.
Writings of this type help me a lot - and I thank the universal spirit for the nudge - and I sure hope it works for those of you out there who need a boost!
What you seek is also seeking you! I first heard these words from Margaret Lynch, a Success Coach and EFT Expert a year ago and I got it, finally, with Bob Proctor.
Sometimes I need a big nudge to put me back on course and remind myself that the ideas in my head did not come out of "nowhere"; neither are they random or by chance.
And if I feel so good about them, why not consciously nurture them and see where they take me by writing them down to make them concrete; by thinking them through as far as I am able; obsess on them and see what else comes up - no matter how "nuts" they may appear to be; and take whatever action I can.
It can't hurt to follow through and there is much to gain any way you look at it.
Bob Proctor says in The Law of Vibration and Attraction You Were Born Rich:
Attract what you need for the physical manifestation of your image.
If it is true that energy or Spirit is neither created nor destroyed and everything in it's original state is either energy or Spirit, it necessarily follows that everything you will ever want is already here. It is simply a matter of choosing the thoughts which will put you into harmonious vibration with the good that you desire.
Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So you don't have to get anything; it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.
The moment you bring your life into harmony with the law, into harmony with the current of Divine Order, you will find that the "negative" will have "taken wings". For its cause will have been removed and you will no longer attract what you don't want.
The secret to receiving, on the physical plane, the results you desire is always locked into the Law of Attracton. -- end quote --
Do drop me a line and let me know how you stay focussed to enable what you seek to find you or as Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich
For a little more oomph on this topic, you can also read:
Rev Dr Fuller's Become a Mental Magnet - stay in harmony with what feels right to you
Leo Foster's How to become a Money Magnet - a step-by-step guide of do's and don'ts (very good)
Aldian's How to Become a Powerful Magnet - focus on your core values
5 Ways You can Become a Money Magnet - identify your limiting beliefs about money
I've been taking little short meditations throughout my day to focus on what I want in my life (I remember this from the movie "The Secret"). Little things are happening each day and I'm basking with joy as they happen.
You go girl! It sounds like something has profoundly changed for you since 2009 Liz.
So let me be the first to say, Congratulations. I know what a hard slog it is to get to where you are right now.
You're obviously on the right track and you know it too. Doesn't that feel gooood?!
All the best to you my dear.
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