This is what I call seriously yummy – being with yourself – connecting with the integral you.
Fabulous teachers, Ed and Deb Shapiro have graced us with Find your peace in the midst of chaos and the following powerful words and meditation are excerpts.
Do read the entire article – it's so poetic and graceful!
Fabulous teachers, Ed and Deb Shapiro have graced us with Find your peace in the midst of chaos and the following powerful words and meditation are excerpts.
Do read the entire article – it's so poetic and graceful!
"If circumstances cannot be changed, then you can change your attitude toward them—you may not be able to control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
You can either blame others or you can relax into each moment as it arises.
When you can just be with the way things are in the present moment, then you can be free of complications—and that freedom is your peace."
–Find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. –Become aware of yourself, of your presence on the chair in the room.
–Cast your mind around your body.
–Breathe into and release any places of tension.
Now feel the flow of your breath as it enters and leaves. Here you are: alive...breathing...sensing...your heart beating...your feet on the floor.
Be present with yourself and whatever is happening, without judgment.
Now just sit and be and breathe...just sitting...just being...just breathing.
Silently repeat, "May all things be well, may I be at peace with all things."
Stay with this for a few minutes or for as long as you like.
When you are ready, take a deep breath and gently open your eyes.
Do comment and let me know how you feel practising this meditation. I truly think it's one of the yummiest – you simply become so connected with who you are. Delicious!
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