Living is a choice and whether you accept this or not, you chose the life you're leading today, be it bitter sweet or sour.
And you continue to direct it like the superstar movie producer you are – with your negative and positive thoughts about it.
When I opened my Inbox this morning after five days of disconnect I found these words from Eckhart Tolle and they hit home with a bang underscoring the rightness of what I am living right now.
Happily, my dreams have given me the impetus I needed to begin a new story, so stay tuned.
Instead of creating expectations of what should or should not be happening, cooperate with the form that this moment takes. Bring a 'yes' to the isness, because it's pointless to argue if it already is. A greater intelligence is available to you when you no longer reject, deny, or 'don't want' what is.
So, I say:
I choose everything that I am living now
I choose the bewilderment of misunderstanding
I choose the pain of harsh accusing words
I choose the denigration of payback
I choose to experience people's meanness of spirit
I choose the deliberate attacks to undermine my self-confidence
I choose the self-doubt
I choose the belittlement of vicious words meant to wound
I choose to feel disrespected
I choose to interact with disaffected youths
I choose to experience the pervasive poverty mentality around me
I choose to offer no explanations
I choose to be misunderstood
I choose to feel resentful
I choose the pervasive lack of respect for woman
I choose the uncomfortable spiritually and physically dirty house in which I live
I choose to feel poor
I choose to not live 100 percent authentically
I choose to feel small
I choose to act small
I choose to feel denigrated
I choose to experience the ignorance prevalent in the neighbourhood
I choose to be triggered by vicious words
I choose to accept the consequences of my actions or lack thereof
I choose to act constipated
I choose to not have a proper wardrobe for the climate
I choose to not have fun
I choose to know that no one can make me feel anything I don't want to feel
I choose to know that I gave away my power
I choose to take back my power
I choose to say I am grateful to see how screwed up I am
I choose to say I am grateful to Infinite Intelligence pouring words into my mind which amaze me every time
I choose to say I am grateful for the fantastic people I meet
I choose to say I am grateful for my fabulous new job
I choose to offer my uniqueness to my clients for their benefit
I choose to say I am grateful for my dream guides who create the signposts I need to be aware of
I choose to create harmony in my life
I choose to develop grace in my life
I choose to know that life is about loving
I choose to close the door on my old story
I choose to sever all ties with family who bring me nothing but pain and discomfort
I choose to know another door is opening for me
I choose the painful experiences which help me growI choose a new life of love and all the drama it brings
I choose to rip out the weeds from my spiritual garden
I choose it all
I choose my life as it is, right now!
How about you Dear Reader, what do you choose? Comment and let me know.
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