Hybrid Mom's 15 Powerful Life Lessons inspired this post. Thank you ladies!
Listen to your heart's desires. No one knows what is right for you and never will. You must choose you. Listen to your heart and let it be your guide. It always speaks true.
You may feel nervous or downright terrified at the thought of striking out on your own but that is because you are an adult.
As a child, you trusted your instincts without fail; doubt and fear never entered your mind. So what happened?
You grew up, you say. Really! Well in that case it should be even easier to pack it all in — leave that go nowhere unexciting life you hate — because you are now in charge. You can do what you like or can you.
You have responsibilities, children, a lover, car payments, mortgage and all the other chains that bind you while as you are bashed against that rock of reality called "my life".
Little by little you are being worn down and parts of you are being whittled away, every day, by the back and forth movements of those waves of daily humdrum and lack of passion.
When do you intend to get off your arse and say "I can't do this anymore". You know what you are living is not what you want anymore.
The house, car, two point five children, loving husband and money in the bank are all irrelevant. Your culture dictated that and when your parents said "that is success" you agreed because you knew nothing else.
But now here you are, you have it all and you want something more but you do not know what that something is.
Why not pack up and leave? Lots of people do but others cannot or are afraid of doing so.
I have done it many times in my adult life when I decided I had had enough.
My latest escapade occurred in 2010. The only time I was forced to leave it all behind; I had held on too long. I just could not decide what to do next. That was my excuse. The truth is that I was scared shitless about taking the next step into the unknown.
I had become complacent with what I thought I had and in a final twist of irony, I ended up leaving it all behind.
It was easy to leave everything behind and I mean "everything". I realised it was all worthless and unimportant; the dollar value of the items was irrelevant. It is only money, after all.
Never ever doubt that you will receive that you need before, during and after your journey. You are richer than you think!
Leaving it all did not change me. I still have the same tastes and values but the way I see the world has changed.
We often forget, and I forgot that "things" can be replaced. When you change your life, new places and things naturally re-place what you had before but in a different way. Because you can never go back but why would you want to.
You have evolved unbeknownst to you and your wants are now different. It is a whole new ball game and you have to learn how to play. That is the purpose of change.
When you do not pay attention to your own inner guidance system, you end up running off the road or you are forced to pull into a lay-by just in time where you wait for help to arrive.
Only problem with that is that no one knows where you are, and you do not know who you are anymore. You also do not know who to call!
You therefore must find your own way out into the stream of life in order to get the support you desire. I do not like the word "help" because it sounds as if you are begging and that is incorrect.
So, you insist that you just cannot pack up and leave, have you started dreaming yet.
Yes, you can dream your new life into existence. Design it in your mental workshop. After all, results are ninety percent thought and ten percent action.
Use your own visualisation technique if you have one.
Give yourself thirty minutes every day to just sit and relax quietly and open yourself up and see what comes. Imagine your new life into being. Your need is already present so no effort is needed.
Ideas will come to mind. They may pop in out of the blue or just stream by in quick succession. Regardless of how it happens, one of them grab you.
When that happens, pursue it. Play with it and see what develops. An image or scene may surprise the hell out of you, maybe even shock you, but do not, I repeat, do not let the feeling of "but I couldn't possibly do that" or "but I..." stop you from fleshing it out to suit your needs.
Listen to me here now, this is a very easy process. Never ever force the process by trying to add what you think should be there.
You will only end up frustrating yourself and defeating the purpose of designing your new life in your mental workshop. It will feel wrong and you will eventually find yourself returning to the point where you went off track.
When this occurs it is simply an indication that your logical mind and ego are present, most likely invited by your fear and worry about how good (and silly) you feel imagining non-sense and perhaps even intimidated by the "grandeur" of your imaginary project.
But it feels right, doesn't it. When something makes you feel so good inside there is no way it could possibly be wrong!
My advice to you from this point on is to go with the flow. When you are ripe with excitement about your new project, coincidences — which do not exist — will begin to occur.
Synchronicity is at work, you see. Pat yourself on the back because you attracted it.
Accept the events, thank them for showing up; confirming that you are on the right path and always, always take it one step further, immediately!
In other words, take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself; strike while the iron is hot! Do not worry if you feel too scared to act the first time, or that you took too long "thinking it through" and "lost" it. All is not lost.
This is where men have the advantage on us women; they are natural risk takers.
When you do, you are telling the universe, I believe in this; I want it and I intend to have it!
Synchronicity is the universe's (that is God to you) way of saying "we hear you; ready when you are kid".
Listen — your mind will never conjure up images and scenes which seem so real if they were unattainable. Impossible!
This is bigger than you and it is your passion, your soul's needs that is urging you to achieve them at all costs.
The dissatisfaction you feel with your current lifestyle is the impetus required to propel you forward.
Release resistance to these changes. You were born to do exactly what you are creating in your mental workshop. That is why you are so fired up about it and intimidated by it.
I will go further by saying it is probably the next chapter of your life's work as well. There are no accidents.
Your angst has led you to your personal crossroads and either you stay stuck right there or you take the next turn into your new life.
Which is it going to be?
Technorati Tags: release resistance, mental workshop, personal crossroads
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