We humans are too comfortable being afraid and that is terrifying.
Fear is meant to save our lives in threatening situations hence the fight or flight instinct. The major problem is that the majority of us will never experience or live in circumstances that will give rise to such responses.
For instance, the majority of us women do not live in the Congo in West Africa where armies of marauding two-legged curs — some call them men —descend from their mountain hideouts to rape entire villages of females including pre-pubescent and female babies.
We therefore have no excuse for wallowing in fear, anxiety or self-pity!
Feeling nervous is acceptable when you're anxious about an expected outcome; we cannot be sure of everything one hundred percent of the time when we allow our insecurities to come to the fore. However, you do have to be careful because a high level of anxiety means you are actually afraid, and you have got to nip that in the bud.
When fear is present it prevents you from moving forward.
Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have. ~Norman Vincent Peale
It is possible to vanquish your fears: This is what I learned from Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth
— Check in with your feelings —
How many of you ask yourselves during to the day "what am I feeling right now?"
I bet the answer will surprise you because most times you do not know and when that is the case, it is impossible to find a word to describe it. Naming a thing weakens it by showing it for what it is - an illusion!
Feeling stressed is a cover-all for your feelings and is therefore not an adequate description. It is an avoidance tactic!
Image by shioshviliMost of us are not accustomed to paying attention to how we feel; in other words we do not check-in. We are constantly in re-action mode which is a very weak position but don't worry, that is a first step.
Ambivalent feelings point to an issue you are avoiding by denying its existence. Lying to yourself will not make your feelings go away.
To find inner calm and vanquish your unacknowledged fears, take time out for yourself every day to become still. Your mental noise is masking the quiet voice of your intuitive inner knowing.
During your quiet time, let feelings arise and observe them as they flow by. Be with them – don't deny, judge or criticize them or yourself. Feel what you feel and let it happen. You may feel the tension but let it pass.
Negative feelings are not going to just disappear, so let's be real here. They will however be considerably diminished over time and you will begin to feel more in control of your emotions and thus your life situations.
Stay connected with your calm centre by returning to your well to stillness every day and eventually, you will find yourself naturally acting from that place of knowing because you have reconnected to Source, to your Higher Self.
Your sojourns to your calm centre will illustrate quite clearly that FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real — a bogey man — and you can kick its arse every single time.
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