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31 May 2012

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Quieting Our Minds with Meditation Lessens Stress

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Quieting our minds lessens the negative effects of the outside world, for the external things that seem unpleasant to us are often reflections of our inner tension.
Finding something concrete to focus on through our breath and mental repetition of some form—mantras, counting, or affirmations—enables us to still our minds enough to see that in our immediate surroundings there is often very little that is threatening to us.
The pressure we feel is usually a result of the stress we place on ourselves. By finding mental peace today, you will notice that the pressures of the world will loosen their hold on you. DailyOM

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29 May 2012

BECOME AWARE - Make The 12 Riches of Life Yours

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Make the 12 riches of life, yours.
My book Think and Grow Rich has been read by perhaps seven million men and women. In the twenty years since it was published I have been able to talk to some of these people, and I see that some have used the book to help them become rich in money only.
It is time to set down once more the twelve great riches of life:

1. A positive mental attitude

2. Sound physical health

3. Harmony in human relationships

4. Freedom from all forms of fear

5. The hope of future achievement

6. The capacity for faith

7. A willingness to share one's blessings

8. A labor of love as an occupation

9. An open mind on all subjects

10. Self-discipline in all circumstances

11. The capacity to understand others

12. Sufficient money

These are the riches which can and should go along with peace of mind. Notice I have set money in the last place, and this despite my insisting that it is very difficult to have peace of mind without sufficient money.

I set it there because you yourself will automatically give emphasis to money.
Now and then, therefore, I must remind you to de-emphasize it and remember this: Money will buy a great deal but it will not buy peace of mind--it only will help you find peace of mind. But neither money nor anything else can help you find peace of mind unless you begin the journey from within yourself.
Napoleon Hill
Source: Grow Rich with Peace of Mind Ballantine. Pgs. 67-68. From Napoleon
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26 May 2012

Five Things to keep in mind when searching for Paradise

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Judith Rich's superbly lyrical Finding Paradise in the Exotic and the Ordinary is a truly beautiful article that must be savoured.

It is about being present, facing life challenges head on and we evolve while we're at it. The dance of life is made up of many steps and missteps and it takes us somewhere, usually unknown, which is the scary part of many of us.

Just remember FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Nothing and no one can hurt us except ourselves.

“If a man could pass through Paradise in a dream, and have a flower presented to him as a pledge that his soul had really been there, and if he found that flower in his hand when he awake - Aye, what then?” Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Five things to keep in mind when searching for paradise right where you are.
1) Being present is not optional. It's mandatory. If you want to access all the glory and magnificence of each and every moment, it will require that you show up fully, totally and completely. Wake up, show up and situp. Then watch what happens.
2) Listen to the silence. When we are truly connected to what is, words are not necessary. In fact, they often get in the way. So stop the chatter and become still. Paradise speaks in a language all its own. It requires our full focus and attention. In the silence, we can hear the song that beauty sings.
3) Love what is before you with all your heart, mind, and soul. It's all there, it's always there, bathing you in its glory. Yes, even in those moments that appear to be scary or filled with conflict, in their very midst, if you open your heart to it, Paradise is serenely waiting for you to come to your right mind and receive its blessing.
4) Gratitude is the great turbocharger. Life is always showering us with abundance and goodness. It is we who erect the barriers that make us unavailable to it. When we're in gratitude, the doors open, the barriers fall and we avail ourselves to even more of what we're grateful for. Spend time in gratitude and I dare you to be unhappy.
5) Go for the gusto. Life is a coat of many colors. Some of them you'll have to seek out beyond the edges of your comfort zone. Take that helicopter ride, trek down to the bottom of that valley, eat that strange thing you've never eaten, take a leap of faith into the unknown and discover what awaits you. Learning, growth and joy lie beyond the realm of what is known. Or as Julia Cameron wrote: "Leap and the net will appear."

It's easy to recognize paradise in the exotic, like Hawaii. It's a bit trickier, but also very doable, to recognize it right under your nose. But you have to have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to feel it. Oh, and the soul to let you know you've hit pay dirt!

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25 May 2012

What Have You Done for Anyone Lately?

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Botanical Gardens, Trinidad-Tobago
A thought-provoker to be taken to heart from Napoleon in Yesterday and Today, issue 279. It is about currency, the one you know - money - and the spiritual kind that often gets neglected. While it is great to have money in the bank even though you may believe it is not enough,

It's always good to look at your bank balance and know that money is available for unexpected expenses. These funds might be termed rainy day funds by you or called something else, but in essence they are the monies that you can rely on when a need arises.
Just knowing that this money is available will help you sleep better at night. There is nothing worse than wondering where your next dime will come from or how you can acquire funds if the need suddenly arises.
Whether it is a death in the family, an accident, the failure of an appliance, or an unexpected tax bill, you can literally rest assured if you have put some funds away for this "rainy day."
Knowing that you need this capital, and then cultivating the art of saving regularly can alleviate a potential financial disaster.
So, for a financial need, the solution might be as simple as self-discipline and sacrifice until the goal is reached.

On the other hand, do you have an emotional and spiritual bank balance that you can draw from too in the time of greatest need? Financial savings can give you a certain peace of mind, but there is far more to life than a hefty bank balance.
Ask yourself who you would turn to for support or assistance if something happened that could not be fixed by money. What friendships do you have that would serve you in a time of emotional or spiritual need?
If you have a huge deficit in this area, how do you grow this account? In the end, those individuals you can turn to with a life problem and receive an open door greeting are the people who contribute to your emotional solvency. These people are worth their weight in gold.
To cultivate this process, as with finances you must care for and feed budding relationships. Friendships are not one-sided. If you are on either the giving or the receiving end, you must make sure that a balance exists in the relationship.
Out of balance relationships can exist, but not for long. By being both a giver and a receiver you maintain an equilibrium that doesn't drift too far off center. It is in the doing that the connection is maintained and established.
Are you a doer or a dreamer? Doers are rewarded by having "karma" credited to their accounts, dreamers only have the promise of future earnings.
By this I mean that in order to justify requesting assistance from someone you must first do something to deserve it. It is in the doing that we are entitled to receive.

So, have you called or visited a friend? Have you done something unsolicited for another? Have you shared what you have in a spirit of generosity? Have you given to give and not given to get?
Try this process on for size. For a calendar month, do something each day without the expectation of compensation from the recipient or anyone else. After the month is up, mentally check your emotional/spiritual bank balance.
You will be surprised at the goodness that you have spread around, and in so doing you have enhanced your positivity, one good act at a time. And, you will be making a difference, both for another and yourself.

Be Your Very Best Always,

Judy Williamson
Director, Napoleon Hill World Learning Center
 at Purdue University Calumet
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BE AUTHENTIC - What Could It Hurt

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Being authentic - being real - it brings new tastes, touches and insights which encourage you to let the chaff - those who do no uplift, support or encourage you - blow out of your lives. It is not easy and requires daily practise for you to become aware of your daily life.

I guarantee you that the rewards are definitely worth it as it will bring the people and events into your life that will make you grow and prosper.

Shakti Gawain's Children need honesty from her Reflections in the light, Daily thoughts and affirmations is a perfect example on what you seriously need to ponder, every day. When you keep in mind at all times that children are people too and you treat them with the respect that they deserve, instead of dependants, what could it hurt?

Your change in attitude - a listening one - opens up a whole new universe for you to explore, together. Think about it.

Many parents think they have to protect their children from their (the parent's) confusion or so-called negative feelings. They think that being a good parent means always maintaining a certain role: being patient, loving, wise and strong. But in fact, children need honesty. They need to see a human being experience the full range of human emotion and be honest about it. This gives children permission to support and love themselves as natural and truthful beings.

Today I am giving the gift of my honesty.
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24 May 2012

I am willing to believe in myself

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Have Faith - nothing religious about those words yet it confused me so and pissed me off because I felt the resistance due to religious brainwashing in my younger years.

To have faith is essential to one's well-being. From it springs love, hope, charity, success, and brighter days.

Shakti Gawain has written a powerful affirmation which encapsulates this message in Reflections in the Light. Repeat your affirmations in a powerful voice first thing every morning and give yourself a boost!

Act as if it were true
By doing affirmations, you are replacing the old negative voices with new positive ones. When you first start using an affirmation, you may not believe it. In fact, if you already believed it, there would be no need to affirm it. It is important, though, to try to tap into a feeling of belief and an experience that the affirmation can be true.
Temporarily, at least for a few moments, suspend your doubts and hesitations and put your full mental and emotional energy into the affirmation. As if it were true.

I am willing to believe in myself.
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23 May 2012

Reconnecting with what you already know

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Here's a simple and effective visualization technique for Meeting your inner guide from Shakti Gawain's Reflections in the Light, Daily thoughts and affirmations.  As in all messages in her book, an affirmation follows at the end.

You already have all the answers inside you and this is an excellent method of reconnecting with what you already know. Relaxation is key for this method to succeed so please turn off external noises.
Close your eyes and relax deeply.  
Go to your inner sanctuary. Imagine that you are standing on a path.  
Start to walk up the path. See in the distance a form coming toward you radiating a clear bright light. As you approach the form, see how it looks, how it is dressed, whether it is male or female.  
Greet this being, ask its name. Take whatever name comes. Ask if there is anything he or she would like to say to you. You may ask specific questions.  
When the experience of being together feels complete, thank your guide. Express your appreciation and ask him or her to meet you again, whenever you desire.

I am now in contact with a wise inner guide.
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18 May 2012

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Take the time to Listen with your Heart

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When you take the time listen with your heart when engaging fully with others, you are creating space for open and mature communication. During conversations, we often think about our responses while the other person is still talking.

By focusing on what the other person is saying while suspending judgment and opinions, you are actually listening with a more rational and compassionate ear. This, in turn, allows you to understand others more deeply.

By really hearing others when they speak to you today, you will find that you have an amazing opportunity to deepen your ability to relate to others in a more profound way. DailyOM 

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17 May 2012

Do You What's Going To Happen Next — Then Stop Judging

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early morning dewImage by qmnonic via FlickrYou may already know the story about The Farmer and His Runaway Horse but it bears repeating. 

It is about the apparent misfortunes which befall a farmer and his seemingly "unreasonable" acceptance of it all.

This story appears in many books and languages all over the world and it is still fresh as the the proverbial daisy.

It is a sound reminder to us to stop judging every damn thing we see and hear as we really do not know what Source has in store for us.

David Cameron Gikandi in his book A Happy Pocket Full of Money says "The minute you judge things, you judge yourself. You also block the hidden gift that an event brings to you."

Taoists use this tale to illustrate the unfathomable workings of the universe:

There once was a farmer whose horse ran away. The farmer’s horse ran away, and his neighbor, feeling sorry for this farmer, said to the farmer, "I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you."

The farmer replied, "Don’t be, for who knows what is good or bad." Well, the next day, the horse that ran away came back to the farmer, this time bringing with it a herd of wild horses that it had befriended.

The neighbor said to the farmer, "I congratulate you for your good fortune!" The farmer replied, "Don’t, for who knows what is good or bad." 

Well, the next day the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses and fell, breaking his leg. Again, the neighbor said to the farmer, "I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you." The farmer replied, "Don’t be, for who knows what is good or bad."

The next day soldiers came by to forcefully recruit for the army but the farmer’s son was exempted because of his broken leg.

This simple story may seem exaggerated nevertheless, it clearly demonstrates how mysteriously Source works to bring us the miracles we desire.

It herefore is up to us to accept what is happening in our lives right now and let go and let the Universe work its miracles.

Acceptance is the key to open the door to our best life.
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16 May 2012

Source is one of Love - not Condemnation

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Trinidad-Tobago sunset
Our Source Is One of Love, Not Condemnation... When you pay attention to the way you feel, and deliberately choose more thoughts that feel good while you think them, you will begin to recognize the nature of your Broader Non-Physical desires. The majority of negative emotions that you feel are not because the subject of your thought is wrong, but instead, because you are condemning something that your Source does not condemn. Your Source is one of love, not one of condemnation.  Abraham-Hicks

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12 May 2012

BE AUTHENTIC - Examine Your Impulses Today

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By Kirsten Rampersad
We gain an acute understanding of what we want out of life when we examine our impulses and determine their source because there may be desires untold hidden deeply within us.

To simply heed a compulsion unthinkingly is to deny that it may represent some other need that is more pressing.

Upon digging deeply into our hearts and minds, we may find that the whims that plague us are signals sent forth by our souls to show us that we have not fulfilled certain basic emotional or physical needs.

We can eradicate rashness and determine what we truly require by accepting that our compulsions may be indicative of more profound desires that lurk in the furthest reaches of our inner landscapes.

When you examine your impulses today, you will find out whether they are what they seem.


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11 May 2012

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - How Powerful is the Mind of Man?

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The Power of Thought

Man is the only creature on earth with the power of self-determination, the right to choose what his thoughts and actions will be.
Animals of a lower order are governed by six inherent habits and instincts and do not possess the power to understand situations, except in the simplest acts of existence such as detecting the presence of food by its smell, or finding a way out of a maze by bumping their heads against a wall until an opening is found.

The distinguishing characteristic of the human species is its ability to think.

Man possesses one thing over which he has the inherent, absolute right of control, and that is his mental attitude. The very idea of man's having absolute control over his thoughts is tremendous. It shows unmistakably a close relationship between the mind of man and Infinite Intelligence.

The implications of this simple statement of fact are awe-inspiring. Management of the mind is the key to both the power of our own subconscious mind, and the power of Infinite Intelligence.

In the final analysis it means that any plan or purpose which man can conceive in his conscious mind, he can fulfill, either to his benefit, edification, improvement and joy, or to his misery, degradation and ultimate destruction.

Napoleon Hill

Source: PMA Science of Success Educational Edition. Pg. 31.
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9 May 2012

BE FLEXIBLE - GO with the Flow

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Two of Shakti Gawain's quotes and affirmations today because they go so well together. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be flexible

Going with the flow means keeping your destination clearly in mind and yet enjoying all the beautiful scenes you encounter along the way. If life starts taking you in another direction, be willing to change your desigtination. Be flexible. Savor all the surprises life brings, and life in turn will bring more and more wonderful surprises to you.

I am ready for life's surprises.

Everything is unfolding perfectly 
You will find in using creative visualization that your ability to manifest will work to the degree that you are in alignment with your higher purpose. If you try to manifest something and it doesn't seem to work, it may not be appropriate to the underlying pattern and meaning of your life. Be patient and keep tuning into your inner guidance. In retrospect you will see that everything is unfolding perfectly.

Everything is unfolding perfectly

Shakti Gawain, Reflections in the Light
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8 May 2012

HAVE FAITH - Expect Pleasure and Satisfaction

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Shakti Gawain shows us with the superb affirmation below why you and I must expect the best. For myself, I know that we all already know what she's talking about but the fear of hoping stifles us when we find ourselves in challenging situations.

Don't you think it's better to have faith in the one positive thing in your life and believe that the rest will work out for the best, somehow? What could it hurt?
Expect the best

When we are negative and fearful, insecure or anxious, we tend to attract the very experiences, situations, or people that we are seeking to avoid. We attract these experience in order to become conscious of and heal our deepest fears. When we are feeling positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfactin, and happiness,w e tend to attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to these expectations. Therefore, the more we are able to imagine and accept our highest good, the more it begins to manifest in our lives, and the more power and freedom we will feel.

Today I expect pleasure and satisfaction.

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6 May 2012

BE AUTHENTIC - You Can Transform Others

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Affirmations from Shakti Gawain's Reflections in the Light.

You can transform others

If you walk into a room loving yourself, knowing that you are a creative channel, and expressing yourself honestly, everyone int he room can be affected, event hought they may not be aware of it. As a direct result of your presence, you will see others become more alive and empowered. It is an incredibly exciting and satisfying experience.

I am one with my self, a channel for the universe
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5 May 2012

The Best Season of Your Life

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Ten thousand flowers in Spring,
The moon in Autumn,
A cool breeze in Summer,
Snow in Winter.
If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things,
This is the best season of your life.
-- Wu-men

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4 May 2012

Ignore Seemingly Immovable Barriers and Go for Gold

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Did you know that a "Man grows 1,360-acre forest in himself" - determination, perseverance and action are the watch words here. It is always easier to allow yourself to be put down or dissuaded from what you set out to do but when your passion and life's work calls you must follow it to its fruition.

While it is true that none of us know what awaits us down the line but we try to play it safe anyway, following that powerful urge that will not be silenced is the soul's desires expressing itself and it will not be ignored.

Know that your internal guidance when you actively listen always leads you true and while it is not easy or simple, you must ignore seemingly immovable barriers in your way regardless of so-called taboos that must be broken. Go for gold!

Here is your Friday story from Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day - it speaks for itself.

A man in India single-handedly planted an entire forest, proving that one person really can make a large difference.
You always hear that one person can make a large difference in the world. Today, we've got a story that proves that saying.

When he was a teenager in Northern India's Assam region about 30 years ago, Jadav "Molai" Payeng began planting seeds in a sandbar near his birthplace. A few years later, he moved into the area and turned the seed-planting and tree-nurturing into his life's work, planting seeds and helping them grow over a wide area that was initially left for desolate.

In the past 30 years, his seed-planting endeavors have resulted in a massive, 1,360-acre jungle in Assam, a forest ecosystem that has left an incredible mark on the Indian landscape and stands as a testament to Payeng's dedication.

Initially, the forest department told Payeng that trees could not grow in that area. He was not dissuaded; instead he dedicated himself to the task of nurturing the forest, and his dedication has produced results. The Molai woods, in addition to being covered with lush greenery, is now home to a whole host of creatures big and small, including birds, deers, rhinos, tigers, and elephants.

Jadav "Molai" Payeng is a hero to those animals, to the ecosystem in the area, and to conservationists across India. But he is also a hero to us, people living oceans away who don't necessarily work in forestry or in the environment industry. Payeng is a hero because he has proven that with commitment, blood, sweat, knowledge, and dedication to making a difference, one person can truly make a difference, and a large difference, on the world.

It's easy to discount the impact that we can have on the people and places around us. It's easy to feel insignificant when faced with the enormity of the issues that surround us. But it's important to remember that our actions, no matter how small they may be, make a difference. Whether it's bringing a smile to someone's day or revitalizing a forest ecosystem, the little acts of kindness and good have enormous impact.

Our small actions may not necessarily lead to a forest and safe haven for animals, but they have the potential to grow and flourish all the same.

Sameer Vasta
Writer and Blogger
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1 May 2012

BE AUTHENTIC - See the difference between old messages and our own signals

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Be authentic has been the new buzzword these past few years with very important messages for all of us. Shakti Gawain's quote and affirmation below clearly highlights this because being who you truly are connects you with your own inner guidance counsellor.

As I am sure you have heard before, you already know all the answers so go within and connect. Living the soul journey demands authenticity people - experience it. Russell Bishop's Soul talk: Are you short-changing who you really are? expands on this theme beautifully.
Our own special path

When instead of following our own intuitive knowingness, we follow the behavior we have observed in others or attempt to follow the rules and regulations laid down by others, we move in ways that are counter to our own natural flow. This means we are not acting on what we know. We are not saying and doing what we really feel. As we learn to pay attention, we begin to see the difference between old messages from others and our own natural signals. The more we listen to and trust ourselves, the more our own special path unfolds magically before us.

Today I follow my own path.
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