How do you know whether or not you're poverty-conscious? I have been assiduously working on my fear of failure and fear of success all year and have managed to root out the major blockages.
Fear of Success: A Limiting Belief
Everything is going great except for my finances which are steadily improving but not as fast as I would like. That made me realise that I'm still afraid of success, and that limiting belief is the reason why I have not yet attained my financial goal for December 2009.
It's easy to hear my negative thoughts now about lack "yes, but...", "but I don't have..." etc. and I can directly link them to the way I feel, so I'm working on making a change.
My feelings made me think of all the nonsense we have been taught about money as children which we now believe as adults. This limited thinking is a dead-end street. It is time for a change and that's why I decided to write about it. I categorically refuse to stay in this negative state one day longer than necessary; how about you?
Poverty-Consciousness = Deprivation: Expect rainy days
Do you always expect the worst instead of the best? If your answer is yes, that covers most of the human race, unfortunately. Are you always thinking in terms of lack, about what you don't have?
Are you always trying to save every penny, always depriving yourself, and money still seems to flow through your fingers like water, no matter how you scrimp and save "for the rainy day" that's coming? Do you wonder why it's always so hard?
That is poverty-consciousness. Continue to think like that and you will get more of it!
That is poverty-consciousness. Continue to think like that and you will get more of it!
What Do You Want?
What do you want out of life? Do you know? This is a question for women, in particular. Some might reply glibly lots of money, a fine car, a big house with a dish washer, and all the luxurious material things that money can buy. There's nothing wrong with that or is there.
What I want is simple - to be me and happy, enjoying whatever I'm doing and living a life of splendid abundance and unlimited prosperity.
Poverty-Conscious Thinking
You won't know who your real friends are, and in any case, money doesn't last, and it doesn't make you happy. Rich people take drugs, they're degenerate; you don't want to be like them, do you.
Rich people are not like us. Or as I was told recently, and vehemently, by a forty-year old, American born and bred doctor who was very proud of his middle-class status "people are supposed to be common not snobs like them". Don't you find that shocking? I do!
Here's a tip: you will never get very far in life or have a comfortable life free from want with that kind of thinking.
A Poverty-Conscious Winner's Story
You are unexpectedly gifted with a fortune; it seems like it because you've never had so much "spare cash" before. You spend, spend, spend and can't seem to stop. You have tons of new pals who, before your windfall, were just "Hey Fred, Hi Bob, Mornin' to ya".
The spending spree ends with a thud after a long while of highs and more highs, and you find yourself back where you started. You feel let down. You don't understand what happened. It felt great. The desire to spend on things you didn't even want or like was irresistible.
Now you need a job, you return hat in hand to the dead-end job which you hated. You receive tons of commiserations, and "that's the way the world is" shrugs. Some expressions say "what can you do man, you gotta work hard for your bread; things like that don't last".
If anything here resonates with you, decide to make a change how. Start today! What you think now it the basis for your future. Decide what you want.
Do you think you have a lack mentality? Do you know that the five people you're closest to tell others all they need to know about you? Are you comfortable with that? How do you intend to change your poverty-conscious thinking, to wealth thinking? What stories do you have to tell about your adventures? Let me know.