Best Blogger Tips

5 Jan 2010

The Self-Confidence Formula for 2010: 5 Steps to Build Your Self-Confidence (If you're serious)

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Best Blogger Tips

I mentioned in Awaken the sleeping genius in November 2009 that I would post Napoleon Hill's Self Confidence Formula but the timing didn't feel right.  It is now though - to get 2010 off to a great start.

Hill says that after you take inventory of your mental assets and liabilities, you will discover that your greatest weakness is a lack of self-confidence and this is the raison d'ĂȘtre of his Formula. 

Here are his 5 steps to build your self-confidence (if you're serious) in my English:

The Self-Confidence Formula

1 - I know that I have the ability to achieve what I want in life and I demand of myself persistent, continuous action to get it.  And I now promise to take such action.

2 - I realise that the dominating thoughts in my mind will eventually reproduce themselves into physical action, and transform into physical reality. So, to make this happen, I will spend thirty minutes every day thinking of the person I intend to become. In this way, I create a clear mental image of my new reality.

3 - Because I know that any thought I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through practical means, I will devote ten minutes every day telling myself to develop my self-confidence.

4 -  I have a clearly written life purpose and I will never stop trying until I develop the self-confidence which will enable me to attain my life purpose.

5 - (a) I understand that wealth and position based on lies and injustice cannot last. Therefore, I will not engage in any transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects.

5 - (b) I will succeed by attracting the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of others in my endeavour. It feels right and natural when it happens.

5 - (c) I will encourage others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others.

5 - (d) I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, cynicism, and all other negative traits from my thoughts, and therefore from my psyche by developing love for myself first. 

Love for humanity flows from this. I will do this because I know that a negative attitude towards others only attracts failure. It can never bring me success.

5 - (e) I will make others believe in me because I believe in myself, and therefore I believe in them. We will be on the same vibrational wavelength.

5 - (f) I will sign my name to this Formula, memorise it, and repeat it out loud once a day with the absolute faith that it will influence, gradually, my thoughts and actions, so that I will become a self-reliant and successful person.

*     *     *

A little Napoleon Hill refresher on how to think and grow rich. Although, as he says these principles can be applied to any area of life.

° Use your imagination
 °Get an idea
  °Develop faith that the idea will work
   °Create a plan to bring the idea to fruition
    °Act on the plan
     °Persist with the plan until you succeed
      °Revise the plan after setbacks
       °Maintain the burning desire for success
        °Stay focussed on your goal
         °Persist, persist, persist!

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