Well, am now back to blogging and currently resident in the most southerly Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago for a bit.
Don't know where I'll be next. It's hot which is great, and heavily humid which bothers me a lot so my body had better acclimatise itself soon.
Activating your intentions for 2010
Now, let's talk about activating your intentions for 2010 and why they matter. I thought of posting mine earlier this week but didn't follow through. Then I read Cyndi's of Evolution Ezine Our Best Intentions for 2010, and thought again that maybe I should put it out there...
Don't know where I'll be next. It's hot which is great, and heavily humid which bothers me a lot so my body had better acclimatise itself soon.
Activating your intentions for 2010
Now, let's talk about activating your intentions for 2010 and why they matter. I thought of posting mine earlier this week but didn't follow through. Then I read Cyndi's of Evolution Ezine Our Best Intentions for 2010, and thought again that maybe I should put it out there...
I blog to share after all and I have nothing to prove so what people think about them is irrelevant.
When you clearly and specifically state what you want, in writing, you flip the switch on the energy connection between you and the universe to attract what you want. And as Cyndi says in her post, if you don't know what you want how the hell are you going to get it.
I finally understood that it was because my mind wasn't clear, my emotions were negative and therefore, I wasn't feeling the connection that I do now. I feel great!
Everyday Spirituality
1 - I intend to achieve all goals that I set with effortless effort.
2 - I intend to become the best person I can be, staying authentic and true to who I am, and be compassionate with myself when I'm on a learning curve, and celebrate who I am.
3 - I intend to increase my meditation to twice daily and be aware of how I feel which tells me what I'm thinking, and learn to have fun; allowing my heart light to shine for the highest good of all.
4 - I intend to complete, absorb and share the lessons learned in The Hamlet Secret: A Self-Directed Workbook for Living a Passionate and Joy-Filled Life by James M. Lynch, and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, for the highest good of all.
5 - I intend to pay attention to that still, soft voice when it speaks to me.
6 - I intend to lose my last six kilos to reach the 70 kilos my body requires, and continue to love and cherish the magnificent temple which is my body, and find new, effective and natural ways to maintain an optimum level of health and a rock solid immune system.
7 - I intend to continue Teresa Tapp's Fit and Fabulous
8 - I intend to listen to my body's needs, nourish it with delicious, healthy food; the nutrients of which are easily absorbed and the excess gently and efficiently eliminated.
9 - I intend to attract the man that I want in my life who is loyal, faithful, virile, attentive, and prosperous. He comes to me free of all engagements by an act of providence which creates all new things.
10- I intend to allow my family and those around me to be, do or have whatever they want, secure in the knowledge that I don't have to buy into their story or take anything from their experience that I don't like, for the highest good of all.
11- I intend to associate only with people who are positive, who support me, who bring out the best in me, and who vibrate on the highest levels of abundance and prosperity for the highest good of all.
12- I intend to attract the people, tools, free resources, and opportunities I need to quickly and effortlessly replenish my six-figure account, and create multiple streams of income to make me a millionaire by December 2010 or better, so that I can participate in the projects which interest me for the betterment of all concerned.
13- I intend to increase my blog readership ten-fold or better, create a funky newsletter of lightness and brightness, write consistently informative articles and blog posts for the greater good of all, and celebrate my passion for writing.
Dis-Identify yourself from your emotions
So, what does this have to do with activating your intentions for 2010? Basically, you have to clean up your emotional act in order to connect with and attract what you want in 2010.
Feeling dissatisfied with any area of your life calls up and fuels negative thoughts and emotions which will keep you stuck right where you left off in 2009. That can't be what you want!
Therefore, disconnecting from your thoughts of lack is essential to achieving your goals in 2010. Your thoughts are not who you are.
Ed Harkness Spina beautifully outlines this case in Dis-Identifying from your emotions. He also developed the Energy Center Clearing which offers 5 free lessons containing mystic techniques to:
- Relieve Stress
- Overcome Fear
- Eliminate Anger
- Dis-Identify from Your Emotion, and
- Connect with Your True Self
I will give my verdict after I complete them.
Your choices in 2010
It's time to get on with the business of creating a beautiful, bountiful life for yourself in 2010. And hey, nobody said it would be easy but the truth is it's only difficult when you fight the changes occurring in your life.
In order to progress, you have two choices:
One - Fight what's happening to you and suffer miserably. Whining "why me, and why is it so hard", complaining, criticising, getting angry and frustrated and lashing out at others as I did in 2008 and 2009 doesn't cut it; or
Two - Accept that you can't stand the pain and misery anymore and give in to what is. I did not say "give up" - there is a world of difference between the two so pay attention.
I used to confuse the two as well in my self-pitying phases even when I knew it was total bullshit.
That was because I equated giving in with being weak. That's the brain-washing many of us grew up with - it has to be hard in order to feel a sense of accomplishment. What absolute crap!
It's now up to you to choose your path. And remember, as Eckhart Tolle says in A New Earth
So drop me a line peeps and share with me your best intentions for 2010. I would love to read them. From what I have observed and the stories I'm hearing, millions of us are riding this wave of glorious change and this is just the beginning. The future is bright!
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