Best Blogger Tips

3 Mar 2010

How To Give Yourself A Good Talking To

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Best Blogger Tips
Here is a fabulous autosuggestive technique from the wonderful Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich

If you haven't read it yet and if you are truly interested in becoming the best you can be, then this book is a must read.

It should be kept on your bedside table for constant re-reading. Bet you can tell I am a fan, can't you!

I am currently on chapter six but chapter four Let Go and Let God is my absolute favourite. It is uplifting, insightful, informative and practical and lives up to it's title. It is in this chapter that the following self-suggestive statement can be found.

Here's what the great man says about it:

"So if you find your faith slipping or if you find yourself running low on this great motor power which accomplishes so many wonderful things, you can do something about it. The following exercise works for me - it has for years - and I know it will work for you too.

Note that when you are giving yourself this "mental treatment" , you should always go off by yourself and speak out loud to yourself in a firm, decided tone of voice."

Basically, you are giving yourself a good, bracing talk to take you out of your funky mood. Do this every morning, as I do; the effect is pretty damn amazing. 

I will add though that the word "god" got to me at first but I'm working on it as a separate term from religion. However, you will get past that fast enough as I did.

Replace "your name" with your full name. I would also suggest that you take a copy with you in case you need a "talking to" during the day.

"PUT YOUR OWN NAME HERE", You are a child of God and the being God made was never intended for the sort of weak, negative life you are leading.  God made you for success not failure. God never made anyone to be a failure.
You are perverting the great object of your existence by giving way to these miserable doubts of yourself, of your ability to be what you desire with all your heart to be. You should be ashamed to go out amongst your associates with a long, sad, dejected face, as though you were a misfit, as though you lacked creative power within, as though you did not have the ability to do what your Creator sent you here to do. 
You were made to express what you long to express. Why not do this? Why not stand and walk like a conqueror, like a David who slew Goliath, instead of giving way to discouragement and doubt and carrying on like a failure? 
The image of Perfection, the Image of your Creator lies within you. You must bring it to the center of your conscious thought and express it to the world. Don't disgrace your Maker by violating that image, by being everything but the magnificent success God intended you to be.

It packs a wallop, doesn't it!

All the best Bob Proctor and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Ryan said...

I luv it Catherine. One of my favorite chapters from "You Were Born Rich".

Thanks for sharing Twitter buddy :)

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hey Ryan, it's my absolute favourite too.

And although I'm sure it must be in my post, for those of you who don't know, the chapter is "Let Go and Let God".


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