Here's my good news for the day – 10 favourite posts from the incredible Dr Judith Rich that knocked my socks off. I suggest that you sip, pause, savour and reflect to allow the full taste to bloom in your mouth.
Her words strike a chord on first read even when you're tempted to dismiss them out of hand but they stay with you, making you think.
Then come the aha! moments and that is the beauty of her words.
- Kitchen table wisdom 1.0
- Crossing the spiritual desert
- Are you available for miracles?
- Does life always conspire for our highest good?
- The power of conscious forgetting
- The power of conscious forgetting, part 2
- The soul of relationships
- Soulful living: why is cultivating the soul so painful? one of my favourites
- Solitude for extroverts: medicine for a weary soul
- Happiness is overrated
I don't know how she does it so beautifully - must be her connection to Infinite Intelligence otherwise it wouldn't be possible. She always has the subject and us human beings dead to rights! Definitely Rx-ing for the Soul...
Do comment and tell me what specifically touched you or do you think I'm just full of it. Feel free to let me know.
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