The best lie detectors are children! I sincerely hope you all are aware of this fact. You cannot lie to a child without him or her knowing it.
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher
A murdered child
I read something obscene in one of the newspapers today which has me up in arms, again!
The case involves a twenty-year boy beating a 2-year old baby to death with his fist and a belt buckle. The so-called mother was 21 years old. He was beating her up as usual and she ran out of the house to the neighbour's and left the child sleeping in his crib, and so this piece of shite emptied his rage
on the baby.
Even though child abuse is happening all over the world, it is wrong, obscene every time it happens and in all such cases the perpetrators should be summarily executed or dealt a similar fate. Courts can never do justice, ever, in these cases.
A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer. ~Author Unknown
And in this particular case, the mother should also be jailed for endangering her child. Her remorse just does not cut it!
The horrifying murder of this latest child was obviously the result of a breakdown in societal and family values with the resulting lack of education on all levels that led to this tragedy.
Stay together for the children
Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. ~Harold Hulbert
At the baby's funeral the pastor exhorted parents "to stay together for the children's sake ". Excuse me?!
Does that make sense to you or is it just me considering the unnatural death of this baby boy.
I haven't heard that type of bullshit in a long, long time and I'm shocked and saddened that that kind of thinking still exists.
It distresses me that this type of religious brainwashing and cultural swill is still alive and prevalent and couples are being counselled to stay in their unhappy relationships, to their detriment, for the children's sake.
What about the children?
But why is it that people refuse to accept that unhappy parents create unhappy children? An unhappy couple creates a maladjusted individual in adult life. I'm not a psychologist and even I know that.
What about the damn children in all of this? They have a right to love, happiness and unselfish caring and a safe home. It is not in their best interest to live in an unloving household.
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. ~Rabindranath Tagore
Emotions are powerful "things" as we all know and they are an intrinsic part of our makeup. So when someone is in the grip of powerful emotions usually negative, it is dangerous for all in the vicinity.
These cowards – men and women – wait until they get home to blow the heat of this volcano on their families and those most vulnerable.
Sensitive beings
When people are angry and arguing and you, as an adult, walk into a room you immediately feel the vibe. It saturates the atmosphere.
So what about these vastly sensitive little beings when they interrupt one of these tense moments?
They inquisitively ask - until they learn not to because mummy and daddy always lie - are you arguing/is something wrong/what's going on?
Children's talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives. ~Maya Angelou
Then the adults lie and say "oh we're just talking hon/nothing's wrong/go outside and play" etc. etc. etc.
Worse yet when mummy isn't "feeling well right now" or she's sporting bruises or obviously in pain or afraid and trying to hide it and act like everything's normal...
I am not saying that it is this way in most families. However, I am willing to bet that it is much more prevalent that many would like to believe.
Children's rights regardless of country, the USA included, are not rigourously enforced.
The best lie detectors
Listen to me people, you cannot lie to a child. Children are the best lie detectors on the planet and I'm sure if the FBI and other security agencies around the world could "bottle" them and their natural abilities to spot a lie when they hear it, they would.
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
So tell me why would you put a child through this torture of staying in an unhappy or abusive relationship? How could that possibly be best for them? How? Obviously, it is not.
Adults welfare more important than a child's
The fact is that adults in general do not think or put a child's emotional and physical welfare before their own and parents even less so, even though they are responsible for that young human until he or she comes of age and can fly on their own.
They feel they know what is best and they do not in most instances. They rarely treat their child or children as intelligent, feeling human beings.
Children are so very wise and perceptive it boggles my mind sometimes.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ~Frederick Douglass
Stop telling them it is for their own good when it's really for yours, to make you feel good about bad decisions you make because of what you are living.
Therefore the children, our future, will continue to suffer until the village realises that they are our collective responsibility!
There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
~Walt Streightiff
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