Why is it that when people find themselves in difficulty they turn to religion?
While it is true that people are searching for what they feel they lack, religion is not the answer.
It is simply a path to something greater; YOU in your entirety.
Religion is man-made. Sure it was born out of the need to connect with something greater than ourselves but dogma is what all religions spout, and it is a trap for the unwary.
Spirituality on the other hand has always been here. We are spirit after all living a human experience.
Gem's Discovery and her Myopic Condition
This post came about after being twice accosted by an exuberant, thin-skinned, big-hearted and very young twenty-two year old girl I met recently who proudly claims that she has found... Jesus.Without being prompted Gem explained that in her very large and prosperous family she never felt loved. Kudos to her for being so honest; few of us are!
She said she discovered three years ago that Jesus loves her and she offers to pray with and convert all in her vicinity with unflagging zeal.
I find that kind of myopia deeply offensive and it is typical of these so-called born-again Christians.
Needless to say but I will say it anyway, I throw cold water on those embers any time I see a spark to prevent it from turning into a blaze!
Sadly, it is so obvious that she does not love, like or even respect herself at all and that is a crying shame. Clearly, the young lady has to live the experience in all its myriad forms.
Consciously Seeking The Truth
When you are consciously seeking The Truth, somewhere along the way you become aware that religion is a conduit to spirituality and not a destination in and of itself.
You cannot connect with Source or whatever you call it through external means. That is impossible!
If you believe I am lying then that also means that you consider yourself to be just flesh, blood and bones.
And if we take this a little further, you are also saying that your internal guidance system, gut instinct, that knowing that you know without knowing how, is bogus.
This then begs the question "what is the origin of this "knowing"?
If you really believe that "a man upstairs" is talking to you, well... The thing is that you already have all the knowledge you need.
You just have to tune yourself into the right frequency and trust yourself in what you know to be true and right for you.
I hope you all realise as well that the mind is not a physical entity. It sure as hell is not in your head, so where is it? And where do those "other" thoughts and ideas come from?
If you believe I am lying then that also means that you consider yourself to be just flesh, blood and bones.
"The greatest good," said Spinoza "is the knowledge of the union which the mind has with the whole nature."
And if we take this a little further, you are also saying that your internal guidance system, gut instinct, that knowing that you know without knowing how, is bogus.
This then begs the question "what is the origin of this "knowing"?
If you really believe that "a man upstairs" is talking to you, well... The thing is that you already have all the knowledge you need.
You just have to tune yourself into the right frequency and trust yourself in what you know to be true and right for you.
Seeking Source
Yes, it is inside of us all. When you reconnect with Source – your internal guidance system – you connect with all that is – Infinite Intelligence or that which you call God, Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Buddha or whatever. That is simple to understand, isn't it.
We are ALL one and the same, you know. Together we make up the whole and complete each other. Where there is night there must be day. There can be no light without darkness, positive without negative or good without evil.
I bought into that shit about sin when I was six or seven years old - kids will believe what adults tell them until they begin to think and reason for themselves.
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And by the way, we humans are the one who create evil not some invisible entity separate from us. So think on that as well.
"Know in thyself and All one self-same soul," says the old Hindu poem "banish the dream that sunders part from whole."
Experiencing Evolution
You create what you need to experience so that you can evolve and grow and putting religious connotations on it diminishes the gains you have made.
And that too is part of the individual's experiment.
I am not saying don't be grateful - gratitude is essential. Just be true to who you really are and pat yourself on the back for each and every time you succeed, no matter how small.
Yet we are fighting change and getting bumped and bruised in the dark as a consequence. We seek enlightenment, and... are all heading toward the very same destination.
Do not doubt that for a second – so why all the goddamn fuss! It is simply because you do not know what is going to happen from one day to the next.
Yes, I have been there and I am sure you have as well. But guess what, there is no choice but to live it.
No matter how dark a situation may appear there is always a glimmer of light somewhere, always; I can attest to that as well.
However, your eyes have to be open to see it. The beauty of going within and tapping into your well of stillness acknowledges that Infinite Intelligence exists.
Presence and Meditation
Eckhart Tolle coined the term "Presence" in A New Earth
Yet, at the same time, it is so incredibly nourishing and fulfilling to be in that quiet out of space and time.
You need to understand that no thing of power exists outside of yourself!
I say this particularly to those who label themselves "Christian" to underline the fact that Jesus Christ brought Christianity to the world.
It follows therefore that everyone is a Christian from the get go. Stop with the labels already, they limit your thinking!
Through meditation, you can become more aware of when emotions arise so you can take some time to chill out before they take over. Ed and Deb Shapiro
The living breathing cosmic mind is here to sustain us; to support and guide us when we connect with it.
Go inward by practising meditation in order to expand outward. It is the only way the Presence in you can go "home" for the rest and succour it needs. That is why meditation works you see.
Meditation IS for everyone. Make it a 15-minute habit every single day. Ed and Deb Shapiro share 8 ways meditation can change your life.
When the Presence in you recognises the Presence in another, it is magical.
Powerful Beyond Imagining
It is your power to reach beyond your tiny human shell, to connect with and embrace the magnificence that you are.
You create magic in whatever you undertake and that is what intimidates you and makes you afraid and so you retreat, preferring to remain in stygian darkness. It is time to cut that shit out.
I am an exceptional human being and so are you! Do you get what I am saying here?
When you start thinking maybe this is too much; I shouldn't aim too high; Aim for the sky yeah right, and burn up on re-entry... understand that you learned these fearful thoughts from those around you.
It is high time that you rid yourself of that dark, sour, stinking, invisible miasma you wear.
And at the same time, rid yourself of those around you who do (family members included) not support you and your dreams. Your mental shackles are keeping you in lockdown.
DECIDE RIGHT NOW with the smallest of steps that you will take your life back and start living as the magnificent human being that you are. Go find that open door and let your light shine through.
Life Is A Choice – Make It
Be full of wonder. Embrace the glory of life in the here and now, blessed by all the stars in the Universe.
Know with absolute certainty that EVERYONE is on your side. This is the only way to live your life people.
Thank Mother Earth every day for her bountiful offerings from a simple, life-sustaining glass of water and embrace all that is because YOU chose it – yes you did my dear!
Judith Rich's Growing through adversity: victim or victorious clearly and beautifully illustrates this subject for us. LIFE IS A CHOICE.
Make the choice every single day to accept what comes your way unless you decide to permanently take yourself out of the game of life, leaving those behind to grieve your loss. That too is a choice.
I don't know where these words come from but I sure am grateful to the Universe for sending them my way.
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