Best Blogger Tips

9 Nov 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Feeling Good IS Essential for your Physical Well-Being

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Best Blogger Tips
Food for thought today is from Abraham-Hicks encouraging us to direct our thoughts to things that make us feel good as they also make our bodies feel good.

Feeling good, as anodyne as it seems, is essential for your physical well-being. There are enough articles and studies out there for the layman that discuss this. The "placebo effect" proves my point that your thoughts affect how your body feels.  

You already know that focussing on pleasant events or memories make you feel good. Your body feels good because your cells react favourably when you do. 

Try Kevin's Core Energy Technique and prove me right!

While it is obvious that a good-feeling body makes for a more pleasant physical experience, we want you to understand that finding pleasant things to focus upon also makes for a good-feeling body.

However, most humans are approaching the subject of their physical well-being in a backward manner. Most people who are experiencing physical ailments let their physical condition dictate their mental attitude. 

In other words, their emotions are responsive to their physical condition. When they are in pain, they offer emotions of frustration, worry, anger, or fear. They want the condition to improve so that their emotional state can improve.

Any illness, or departure from physical well-being, begins at a cellular level—but the overwhelming propensity of your cells is that of thriving. All day, every day, your cells are reclaiming balance at such refined and subtle levels that most people are completely unaware of the power and intelligence of their cellular bodies.

Focusing upon good-feeling objects of attention is the most effective way of providing the optimum environment for allowing unhindered cellular communication and the ultimate thriving of your physical body.

— Abraham

This is 3 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.

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