I am a huge fan of EFT and for those of you who do not know anything about it - Learn EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique and how it could benefit you.
EFT is one of a wonderful, non-invasive and effective healing techniques out there.
Yes, I have been using it for over two years now and the results were pleasantly surprising. Honesty with yourself and perseverance through all the emotions which arise is key.
And you know what else, it does not require that you believe it will work. EFT is a tapping technique for healing almost anything traumatic.
The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. —Tony Robbins
Here is a script for how to tap for more energy from one of my favourite EFT Experts - Magnus. So go ahead and boost your energy people!
However, if you are new to EFT this is not where you should start. Follow the Learn EFT and How It Could Benefit You link instead because EFT tapping brings up unresolved emotional issues of which you may be unaware and if you are not prepared to take responsibility for dealing with them, do not start.
You can find out how tapping works from him as well and he has some great videos on his site, and so does my all-time favourite EFT expert Brad Yates!
What if we viewed every conflict that came into our lives as an "energetic invitation" to clear our own energy? Carol Look, EFT Master, asks this question in her newsletter Energetic Invitation and lays it all out. Yep, she is another of my favourites.
Magnus says:
I want to share with you a script I created for a friend who has 'M.E.' or 'Chronic Fatigue'. In creating it and tapping it myself I found that my own energy and motivation increased hugely.
If you have any energy challenges, I would like to hear how you get on with this script.
It's best to tap these phrases with the FULL round of EFT, including the 9-Gamut (the eye-rolling, counting bit). If you're not sure, follow my front page video on Tapping.com.
PART 1: Thoughts that destroy Energy
Start on the Karate Chop Point, and read aloud as many of these phrases as you like:
"Even though I Feel Poorly..."
"Even though I Am in a Bad Mood..."
"Even though it's True that I Am Sick..."
"Even though I Feel Nothing..."
"Even though I Have Poor Thoughts..."
"Even though I Have Poor Feeling..."
"Even though sometimes it's good to be sick..."
"Even though I Hate Others..."
"Even though I Hate Myself..."
"Even though I Hate the Laws of the Universe..."
"Even though Everything Deteriorates..."
"I DEEPLY, and COMPLETELY... Love and Accept Myself."
Now say "I Love and Accept Myself" as you tap all the points: Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin, Collarbone, Below Nipple, and Under Arm.
Then do the 9-Gamut as in the video on the front page, and tap all the points again saying "I Love and Accept Myself".
You can use all 12 "Even though..." phrases in one tapping round if you want, or do them one at a time, it's up to you. Make sure you get through them all eventually.
PART 2: Deeper Questioning
Tap the Karate Chop point and say: (don't worry about answering each question)
"How do I Feel?"
"How is my Mood?"
"How am I Poor?"
"What is my Message to the World?"
"What stops me feeling things?"
"How do I feel about my Thoughts?"
"How do I feel about my Feelings?"
"What have I learned about being sick?"
"What do I Hate about others?"
"What do I Hate about myself?"
"What do I Hate about the Laws of the Universe?"
"Why must things deteriorate?"
You don't need to deliberately answer these questions, although you can if you want and if you notice anything you want to tap then go ahead.
Otherwise it's just to acknowledge whatever answers are there at the back of your mind.
Still on the Karate Chop:
"I Deeply and Completely Accept Myself, and I release anything that doesn't create more energy for me."
On all the other points:
"I Release anything that doesn't create more energy for me."
Then do the 9-Gamut, and again tap the other points.
PART 3: Positives :)
On the Karate Chop:
"I Feel Life in me..."
"There is Life in my Mood..."
"I Have Happy Emotions..."
"I want to tell the world I am healthy and worthy..."
"What I feel is just feelings..."
"I Have good Thoughts..."
"I Have good Feelings..."
"I know it's best to be healthy..."
"I Love Others..."
"I Love Myself..."
"I Acknowledge the Laws of the Universe..."
"Everything is Alive..."
"AND... I Deeply and Completely Love and Accept Myself."
Now tap through all the points:
"I Love and Accept Myself."
Then do the 9-Gamut, and again tap the other points.
After tapping this a few times, you might start to get a feel for what thoughts create energy and what thoughts destroy it. When you notice them don't judge yourself (that in itself destroys energy!), just tap them!
I have this script on my wall and have been tapping it daily. There are certain ideas that can apply to anything and everything and this is one of them.
That's all for now, Keep Tapping!
The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Aristotle
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