Best Blogger Tips

14 Nov 2010

GOOD NEWS: Breathe Your Way Into the Vortex

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Best Blogger Tips
Sunset's last breathSunset's last breath by kevindooley
Good news today is all about your connection to your Inner Being, your Spirit, the Presence in you, that which I call the God in your marvelous temple – your body.
Focussing on your breath settles you into a meditative state which connects you with who you really are. 

Meditation is listening. Ed and Deb Shapiro

Abraham-Hicks explain how you breathe your way into the vortex:

There is nothing about your physical awareness that connects you more to the Non-Physical aspect of your Being than that of your breathing.

Many assume that the process of breathing is only about your physical nature, but that is not the case.
The process of breathing is much more than an essential function of your physical body. Indeed, it is the flowing of Spirit to you, and through you.  

That is the reason that when the focusing of Spirit through your physical body ceases, your breathing ceases, also.
Oh Master, The Life Breath of Thy  Music  Runs...Image by -RejiK Our meditation experience will induce a convergence of beneficial aspects for you, for as you relax into the natural rhythm of perfect breathing while hearing these spoken words, the Vibration of your physical being will gently surrender to the Vibrational frequency of your Source, and you will become one with your Source, inside the Vortex.
Through the hearing of our words in your relaxed state of allowing, you will allow the gentle tuning of your Vibrational frequency to match the frequency of your Source.
This will not be an exercise of effort or trying, but instead an exercise of releasing and allowing…gently allowing yourself to be who-you-really-are.

This is 13 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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