If you want to solve your problem you have to accept responsibility for it. You have to deliberately choose it; it is your only way out.
This means increasing your awareness of your world.
This means increasing your awareness of your world.
David Gikandi, author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money
suggests one way to choose it. I have used his suggestion and my goodness, what a change I created:
Here is a shortcut to solving problems, including financial ones.
Whenever you are faced with a confusing, unclear, or problematic situation, look at it and say, "I am that." And truly accept it, for you caused it and separation is an illusion.
Then ask yourself, "Why am I that?" All confusion and fear will disappear, and solutions will automatically start to appear in the face of your "I am that" awareness. This applies to any situation, actually not just to a problem.
Choose the situation you are in or lose control of the plot. It is your life you know. YOU decide what you want and what is unacceptable.
If you don't like it, change it.
So, end the year right people and start off the coming new year on a brand new footing.
Merry Christmas to you all!
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