The lessons I learned in 2010 have completely changed who I thought I was.
I did not plan to write this; they resulted from Closing the final chapter of my 9-year odyssey, my 2010 story — also unplanned.
It sort of created itself so I decided to share it separately.
The most significant discovery is that I hold no animosity toward any of my relatives — coming in a later post — in fact, they have collectively helped me to 1) move on, and 2) uncover my love of Self which I had been craving (unbeknownst to me).
Self-respect was the biggest lesson i.e. pay attention to my needs and having compassion for myself — that leads to joy and liberation, and it is contagious!
If you want to be loved, you have to be worth loving. ~Casanova
Going with the flow was the most difficult; it felt too painful.
I realised way down the line that my natural instinct to resist was the problem. I cannot say that I have mastered it but at least I am more aware of it now.
I realised way down the line that my natural instinct to resist was the problem. I cannot say that I have mastered it but at least I am more aware of it now.
A quiet, growing feeling (awareness?) makes me feel much more grounded, and that is all to the good.
The 54 lessons I learned in 2010:
01 - Again, that people change but not always in expected or pleasant ways.
03 - Seeing the real cause of someone's problem does not make communicating any easier.
04 - Tell the Universe, Source, God, exactly what you want in detail; do not generalise. I demanded a brand new life in 2010 and I got it!
05 - Allowing money to define who you are slowly and inexorably destroys you.
06 - Stop judging others; it is an ego trip. Everyone has their role to play in this game called life and I am part of it.
07 - The "I AM" that I express now will never be accepted by my relatives and I accept that.
08 - We are not in complete control of our lives; the soul has its own goals.
09 - Closure is good for everyone even if only one person does it.
10 - Unexpectedly positive results come from small actions.
12 - Conscious breathing dissipates tension like magic!
14 - Resentment hurts me and everyone else.
15 - I will never pass this way again.
16 - Loving someone is the most liberating feeling there is.
17 - It is easy to let go of the one you love when you want what is best for them.
18 - When you love the Presence in someone that is true love.
19 - Disagreements are never really about me or you but how it impacts the world.
20 - We lie to ourselves all the time. A very astute person said "You are never angry for the reason you think".
In my case, my resentment and hurt, after 24 years abroad stemmed from feeling abandoned by my relatives like the ubiquitous stray dogs often seen around the country, while living in the "bosom of family".
Image by Thai Jasmine (Take good care :-)) I wished that someone would show caring for me by giving me a "meal" the way strangers do for these innocent, abandoned animals.
21 - People cannot give what they never received.
22 - It is churlish to withhold caring just because others do.
23 - Compassion changes the way you see the world around you; it makes you "softer" and more tolerant.
24 - Deal with an issue immediately if it bothers you, thereby forestalling resentment. If you don't, drop it (no excuses)! But always ask yourself first "is this really important"?
25 - Connecting with my Self is an exquisite feeling which defies description; sex be damned (temporarily of course).
26 - We women translate feeling good (oneness with Self) into sexual energy because we want to share it.
27 - When you help someone, you help yourself (but let's not be suckers here, okay).
28 - Have no regrets – that is for wimps – it means you learned nothing!29 - You can never go back (and why would you want to).
30 - What others think of you is irrelevant — move on!
31 - Effortless effort makes everything seem easy.
32 - Authenticity is the only option.
31 - Effortless effort makes everything seem easy.
32 - Authenticity is the only option.
34 - Making concessions contrary to your character undermines your integrity.
35 - Fulfilling another's selfish demands for peace sake allows them to rip your heart out.
36 - Families are the perfect training ground for the knocks that await you in life.
37 - Appreciation and love for Self is essential for Well-Being.
38 - Never be sorry for anything — say "I apologise" instead.
39 - Every new day presents a clean slate for starting over.
40 - Nobody is better than me; not even on my worst day!
41 - Performing any task under duress is self-destructive.
42 - Gratitude plugs you into what really matters.
43 - Blaming someone means you are lying.
44 - I have paid my dues, with interest.
45 - Speaking your truth sets you free.
47 - Waiting sucks — Being is better.
48 - Having no choice is a choice.
49 - I have nothing to prove.
50 - It hurts to let go.
51 - Tears cleanse.
52 - Growth hurts.
53 - Love heals.
54 - I matter.
What about you, what insights have you gained in 2010? What is your biggest lesson learned in 2010?
I welcome your comments.
I welcome your comments.
You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult, you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it. ~Ken Keyes, Jr.
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