This is the clearest explanation, description and example I have ever read about "acting as if ". It's from the folks at Yourself Empowered.
We hear this term used pretty often now to describe the process of pretending you already have what you desire or have already attained a particular goal or objective using visualisation, affirmations etc. but few explain the innards that some folks need to get them going, especially when they don't have the faith that they will succeed.
Napoleon Hill explains that faith is an eternal elixir and it's that juice which rests dormant in our hearts and minds that we gotta get moving. When we feel that things are so far gone that it makes no difference dream into reality - use your creative workshop. That's what visualisation, using your imagination is all about. It's your own private workshop where you act as if.
It takes consistency, entering your workshop every day - especially when you don't feel like it - at the same time, for the same length of time until you develop the habit of using your imagination to fuel your desire. Eventually, you will start to feel so wonderful that you will look forward to it.
Here's what Yourself Empowered says about Act as if. Yes, it's a bit long but quite clear and I've included some extra reading links for you as well.
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Here's what Yourself Empowered says about Act as if. Yes, it's a bit long but quite clear and I've included some extra reading links for you as well.
More on Creativity and imagination:There has been some confusion around the meaning of "acting as if" you already have what you want. Some who are struggling financially, for example, wonder if they should be spending as if they have the money they need - the money they're visualising? The advice "act as if" can be very destructive, if not explained. Here's what it means:The subconscious mind is like a genie. It doesn't reason, it doesn't argue, it doesn't judge. It just does as it's programmed to do. The conscious mind is the boss. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't always know what it's doing! ;)
The conscious mind is constantly instructing the subconscious - mostly on automatic and without awareness.The way to instruct your genie with awareness and intention, is to convey the feeling of the result you want, to your subconscious. Imagination is the tool for conjuring up specific feelings.If you consistently (and that's the most important - and most underestimated - bit) *consistently* imagine a specific scene that creates a specific feeling in you, you are effectively instructing - inserting a program - for the subconscious.
"Act as if" refers to in your imagination, because THAT is where the creation is happening, not in the outside world. The control panel for "out there" is inside you.
So, for example, a person who is struggling financially wants financial security. He creates this scene in his imagination:
He is at a table with all his close family and friends, in a wonderful restaurant. They've just had a fabulous meal, and he can see the empty wine bottles and remnants of dinner on the plates.
The waiter brings the bill to the table, and he calls to the waiter, to bring the bill to him. His friends and family object, and want to pay, but he insists that he will pay. The waiter brings the bill to him, and he takes out the cash, and places it on the bill, along with a generous tip. He feels the feeeeeling of being able to treat his family and friends, he feels the joy of seeing the waiter's face light up when he sees his tip.
This person is "acting as if" in the most important place (in fact, the only place that matters) - his imagination - which is what fuels the subconscious, which is the power that brings this scene to reality.
"Acting as if" in reality doesn't do anything, except probably get a person into more trouble ;) It's the subconscious that is the power, and the imagination that is the fuel for that power.
When this person feels worried about money in reality - when he gets another bill he can't pay - he "acts as if" in his imagination - he closes his eyes, in that moment, and brings that restaurant scene to mind.He feeeels the feeeeling of calling the waiter over and insisting on paying the full bill, of tipping that waiter generously. And in doing that, right in the middle of the worry of the bill he can't pay, he is changing the program in his subconscious... which, as long as he is consistent, will change his reality.
And, if he continues with that scene, daily, and continues to "act as if" in that scene in his imagination whenever doubt or worry creep in, he will find himself one evening, paying the bill for a wonderful dinner with his family and friends, happily tipping the waiter generously, with exactly the same feeling. And the feeling of being able to easily afford this, which he has been imagining... will be reality.Acting as if" in your imagination, consistently (meaning at least once or twice every day, as well as every time you feel doubt or worry) is powering your subconscious to create that end result.
1- Pick at least two moments in your day to do this. Preferably first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but make sure they are times you will stick to.
Just as you brush your teeth every day regardless, you'll do this every day in the same way. In fact, you might like to do it when you brush your teeth, to make sure it's consistent.2- Create a scene that would happen if you had what you want. Imagine yourself telling a friend that it's happened. What would you say? What would your friend say? Where would you be? Would you be eating or drinking anything? What would you see, what would you feel, hear, smell, taste?
3- Spend a few minutes imagining this scene, just as you would day-dreaming. Enjoy it. Do this at least every morning and evening (just before going to sleep is very effective.
4- During your day, whenever you feel worried or doubtful, or stressed, remember that scene. For a moment, remember what you did in that scene, and "act as if" in that scene. In other words, if the scene is you telling your friend over coffee, that you got the promotion you wanted, imagine showing your friend the letter - or better yet, read the letter to her.Or, imagine yourself going into work, into your new office, or chatting to a work colleague about your new project. In this moment, you're redirecting your subconscious from the worrying or stress, to the course you want to set - the promotion, or whatever the end result is that you want. Keep resetting that course throughout the day, by "acting as if" in your imagination.Hope this helps :) Love and Light and Magic xxx
Deepak Chopra's The secret of creativity
IntentBlog - 7 ways to let go and watch your life flourish
- Manifesting 101: How to create the life you want
- How embracing your limitations will make you more creative
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