We all want to do the best we can and live the most we can but most of us usually start a new year on the wrong foot! Linda Joy, author of Live a juicy joyful life fame who was a single mother on welfare developed this 8-step visualisation technique.
Let the light in — use it to start the new year on the right foot — taken from the lovely Kari Henley's article Let go of recession depression and live a juicy, joyful life.
Let's jump right into it, shall we. See you on the other side!
1 - First find a quiet place, and light an intention candle.
2 - Ask your deepest self, "When I look at 2010 as a successful year, what made is successful?"
3 - After that, follow up with:
"When I look at the parts of 2010 that were not as successful, what would I have changed?"
4 - Notice your reaction to both questions.
The assumption began that 2010 was a successful year -- did it change your retrieval process?
5 - Now, look forward into 2011. Ask yourself the following question:
"If I could envision the year I'd like to create, what is the first thing that comes to mind?"
6 - Be sure to pay attention to the very first flicker of an image or voice that arrives in your consciousness, as that is usually a divining rod to the soul, and the answer to follow.
Maybe it is an unexpected answer, like more time with the spouse, or learning how to dance. Once this image has come to mind, thank yourself for the recognition.
So often our lives are filled with the "woulds" and "shoulds" of life, so the inner voices of destiny rarely are given the microphone and center stage. Acknowledge whatever vision has come to mind, and let it make you smile!
7 - The final step is about Intention. Ask yourself:
"What are two steps that I will commit to take around this thought in the month of January?"
Again, nothing radical; just two simple steps.
8 - Close the visualization with words of gratitude for this burgeoning intention, and blow out your candle. That's it!
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