We all have them in some form or another and they are ruling our lives, dictating our thoughts and controlling our reactions. Creating stress which inhibits us from acting in our own best interests.
But really, all we need do is look around at the wars and strife that's tearing societies apart. Those are the inner demons we need to kick out of our lives, permanently, and it starts with one!
Here is an old shaman technique that was shared with me a few months back. It is very old and and is extremely effective. I have used it twice so far and the results were spectacular.
It clears negative emotions attached to any issue that's bothering you and is particularly useful for those who refuse to open up to others.
You could also use EFT finger-tapping method or the Tapas Acupressure Technique known as TAT; and the above warning paragraph is still valid. Follow-through is essential.
1. You would need a) pen and writing paper, b) some quiet time alone, c) matches, and d) a plate or bowl you won't be reusing.
2. Sit down, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax.
3. Think of an experience that you want to forget but can't. It could be something that happened today or years ago.
4. Write down how that memory makes you feel.
5. Spill your guts onto the paper. Don't leave anything out. Nobody's going to read it.
6. When you're finished writing, take a few breaths, sit back and relax.
7. Go outside in your garden or to your kitchen with the plate and matches. Choose a safe spot, tear up the sheets of paper and burn them!
Yes, I said, burn the paper.
8. While you're burning the pages say out loud "this doesn't belong to me anymore. It's no longer part of my life".
9. When thoughts about the problem start bugging you during the day, write on a piece of paper "I want (whatever it is) out of my life". Crumple it in your hand and burn it saying "I want you out of my life. You don't belong to me anymore and I don't belong to you".
10. Follow steps 1 through 9 as often as necessary, every day, for 7 to 10 days minimum. Some people get clear in that time and others could take a month or more. You'll know when you're done because your feelings about the situation will be gone.
Also, this does not require any belief system, it is what it is.
So, by destroying the paper that's humming with those toxic emotions you have released, it dissolves it and severs your emotional link to the person, persons and the event.
The memory will gradually become insignificant because you are no longer emotionally attached to it. That is the goal of the exercise to banish your inner demons.
Technorati Tags: banish-your-inner-demons, self-improvement-technique
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