It's easy to learn how to tap. "Tap" is short for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping.
One of the most important things to realise about EFT Tapping is that it helps you see the world as it really is. Our negative feelings and beliefs are the filter through which we view reality. Once we've tapped away our negative feelings, we see the truth - the universe really is a friendly place.
I was waiting for some friends outside a restaurant recently, standing in the sun and just noticing the world around me. Across the street a man was chasing pigeons away from his doorstep with a broom.
He came in and out of his store a few times, would wave the broom at the pigeons to shoo them away, and retreat back indoors. Seconds later the pigeons would return, and so would the man. Each time he'd get angrier and angrier.His anger blinded him to what was obvious to me in my meditative bliss across the street. There were crumbs or seeds or something on the street, and that's why the pigeons were so keen to return to the doorstep.
If he'd calmed down and let go of the anger (Tapping is just one way to do this - counting to ten would probably have done the trick in this case!) he'd have seen not only the root of the problem, but also that the solution was
All he needed to do was use the broom that he was blindly waving around, but in a different way. We already have everything we need to deal with our problems, we just don't see it because we're too busy stuck INSIDE the problem.
This is karma at work. Recently I've started to see Karma not as something that we need to 'work out', rather as something we can 'work out'.When that man isn't chasing pigeons off his doorstep, it'll be cats off his front lawn, or kids out of car parks, who knows. The same patterns, repeating over and over. If you believe in past lives and reincarnation, you might take the view that he's been living this pattern out for a very, very long time.
But you don't need to know about any of that. All you need is the presence of mind to notice that you're angry, and that it's nothing to do with pigeons or whatever else happens to be on your doorstep.
Once you take ownership of your feelings - and they are YOUR feelings, no-one else will take ownership for them - you are one step towards dealing with them.
Remember that there are many different tools you can use to release feelings, Tapping is just the most reliable, powerful, and easy-to-learn one that I've found.
You can read more about it in my book:
The ideas in my e-book are centred around Tapping, but they'll also give you insight into how other self-improvement techniques work - or why they don't!
In fact, I found that Tapping was the ideal tool to accelerate progress in other disciplines. It's usually your limiting beliefs that stop those other techniques from working for you in the first place.
Keep Tapping,
Technorati Tags: the-universe-is-a-friendy-place, EFT, Magnus, Brad-Yates
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