Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
TAT was developed by Tapas Fleming. She says that TAT is not something she discovered all by herself. TAT acupressure points are the same acupuncture points used in Chinese Medicine and we know how old that is. Tapas only uses four of them.
Jaqui Crooks, an EFT Master, explains what is TAT.
Emotional Clutter and EFT
Emotional toxins clutter our lives and keep us stuck in our shit instead of living in abundance which is our natural right. It includes thoughts of the past and the future which remove us from the present.

Wilkes talked about clutter linked to the lack of something. He spoke about growing up poor with his divorced mother and visiting his father who was so obviously well-off and the feelings that arose from those those visits.
Not having enough to eat in the past is also linked to present food-related problems and stuffing the fridge and pantry beyond reason.
False Beliefs and My Aha! Moment
The discussion triggered a memory of my mother giving my smaller clothes to my sister despite my protests. And when my three other siblings came along, she allowed them to take and keep any of my belongings that they liked. Just to keep the peace. That so enraged and hurt me at the time.
The - I thought - forgotten pain from those memories was like a rock in my chest and I immediately understood my clutter issue; the root cause of my low self-esteem. I did not deserve to have anything of my own and I certainly did not have the right to succeed. I have always known that was wrong and never understood it until this year, 2009. Wonderful stuff! What an Aha! moment that was!

But when it comes to money itself, I look at my bank balance as if it belongs to someone else and deliberately and frenetically start spending to get rid of it. Now, I understand why!
My Results with TAT
And so, right there I started TAT. With TAT it's only necessary to put your fingers on the pressure points and think of the traumatic event in order to erase the painful memory. In this case, I just sat with the feeling and the long ago hurt. The result was magical and I felt magistral after 5 minutes. It disappeared like it never was.
°TAT - Tapas Fleming created TAT and TATLife. She also has a new system now called TAT4Stress and TAT that! Lasting Weight Loss Card Deck.
°TAT - Tapas Fleming created TAT and TATLife. She also has a new system now called TAT4Stress and TAT that! Lasting Weight Loss Card Deck.
°Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - Carol Look has a lot of freebies on her website about EFT and what it can do for those of you who want to explore. Here's the link to various podcasts on EFT like the interview with Rick Wilkes that jolted me this morning.
°7 Ways to eliminate emotional clutter - Dumb Little Man has good ideas but what he advises does not get to the root cause of the dysfunction. Try it for yourself, it may work for you.
I would however strongly suggest EFT, TAT, The Sedona Method or something equally effective and non-intrusive for 1,2,3 and 6.
Try Tap o' the evening with Brad Yates for number 4 - just before you go to bed.
I would however strongly suggest EFT, TAT, The Sedona Method or something equally effective and non-intrusive for 1,2,3 and 6.
Try Tap o' the evening with Brad Yates for number 4 - just before you go to bed.
°5 Steps to releasing emotional clutter - Alison Perry expands nicely on her suggestions.
°Clearing your inner landscape - Jodie Foster has written a very insightful and in-depth article and it's worth your time to read it.
°Getting rid of emotional clutter - excellent post and the exercises "J" refers to are from an e-book that's available free of charge on the site.
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