Do you believe that your thoughts are who you are? In fact, a better question would be are you even aware of the thoughts that are controlling your life?
Here's a head's up - your thoughts, your reflection and your reality, are not who you are!
The mirror test
One way to become conscious of how your thoughts create your reality is to look at yourself in the mirror after you've had your morning pee. Do you like what you see? What do you say to your reflection at those times?
Is it more like this:
Is it more like this:
- I look okay ... I guess, or
- Nah, I'm fine... but I could definitely lose some weight though, or
- It's a fabulous day and I am the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Well, I will be as soon as I wake up, shower, make-up and coffee.
Or like this:
- God, I look awful
- I'm a fat cow
- My face looks like someone slept on it
- My god, Is that grey hair
- I look like my mother
- My butt looks like a dump truck
- I am starting the South Beach Diet right now
- Hmm, a little nip and tuck would help too. Well, maybe a lot...
Are those thoughts really you?
Your thoughts are so much more powerful than your words. They verbalize your feelings which never lie. So it doesn't matter what you say to yourself out loud if your emotions contradict it. You are digging yourself into a deep hole with this type of destructive thinking.
Your reflection may be static but your thoughts create your reality but are they really you? The answer is a resounding NO!
Your reflection may be static but your thoughts create your reality but are they really you? The answer is a resounding NO!
How to change your thinking
Counteract your destructive thoughts immediately with statements like:
- I am having a fabulous day.
- I am a magnificent child of the universe.
- I am god's child.
- I am getting better, better and better every day.
- I am learning to love and accept myself.
- I am proud to be me.
- I deserve love and respect.
- I am worth it.
Choose all or any one of the above statements which you relate to best, and repeat them out loud every day, twice a day for thirty days.
In the morning, preferably looking at yourself in a mirror, and the very last thing at night before falling asleep.
Some days will be easier than others but the benefits are well worth it. Persist until you can say the phrases easily.
The words will become automatic as you continue to practise and you will begin to see yourself and the world around you differently. You will become kinder to yourself, which is the goal. That means self-love is in the air.
A pick-me-up
Here's my favourite pick-me-up video. If it doesn't perk you up, find your own. Use without moderation and smile, smile, smile.
Find something that makes you smile and let it out wide. Give your facial muscles a workout. When you smile out loud, you will find more things to smile about.
Technorati Tags: Are-your-thoughts-really-you
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