For me they were completely normal until I started talking about them in secondary school. Obviously she - that's me - was strange! So I kept my stories to myself.
That period of my very young life has helped me tremendously in adulthood; my imagination is tremendous and prolific and am an excellent "thinker outside the box". And I certainly don't believe I'm nuts; just different.
I bring this up as a preface to Eleanor Longden's story. She's a young British woman who also heard voices and she talked about them. But when "more intelligent" people found out, she was promptly drugged, dumped in a psychiatric ward and labelled schizophrenic.
This case came to light in 2007. A "real" psychiatrist taught her how to talk back - How I Tamed The Voices In My Head
For your information, here are the names of some well-known voice hearers courtesy The Independent: Plato, Sigmund Freud, Beethoven, Byron, Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill.
- The doctor who helped Eleanor reconnect with her Inner Being created the Hearing Voices Network.
- Wikipedia explains what is the hearing voices movement.
- The Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) has published a fascinating article by Babs E. Keller The Myth of Mental Illness? A Review of Psychiatry: An Industry of Death and their present day bed partners, the pharmaceutical industry, in their latest magazine Healing Our World, vol 29, issue 3; horrific and fascinating. Unfortunately, this issue not yet available in their archives. Since HHI magazines are free, either sign up to receive future copies or write/email/fax/call and ask for a copy. There are tons of beautiful, healthful, insightful, factual and scientifically sound articles in their magazine archives.
Technorati Tags: hearing voices, voice hearers, Hippocrates Health Institute
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