Have you ever felt so fantastic-- so filled up with life-- that you just had to let out a huge wooooo hoooo! at the top of your lungs? Well if not, you’ve got to take a minute to read this because that is the way I’ve been living lately.
I’ve been participating in one of the most powerful programmes to come around in years – it’s called The Prosperity Tribe. Created by Kristin and David Morelli who are also founders of the radio show Everything is Energy.
The shifts that have been taking place in my life since March 2009 are simply amazing, and if I hadn't lived it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. From feeling lost, alone and desperate, and sinking under a load of debt, to smiling and hopeful and bright focussed on plans for the amazing future... it blows my mind.
I got to this point by facing the reasons for my self-sabotage and breaking down my deepest blocks to prosperity and authentic wealth like I have never done before. In case you were wondering, money is only part of wealth.
For instance, I didn't even know I was afraid of change, failure and success and those were the hurdles I had to break down. It's when I was facing eviction for back rent owed and had no income and a zero bank balance that I realized how low I had sunk myself.
Can you imagine having to ask your old mother of seventy for money and then lower yourself still further and ask family members for help! I couldn't have imagined that kind of hell if you paid me, yet I am very, very grateful now. I didn't like my family.
However, my desperate situation made me see that they had evolved within the small confines of their thinking and that they are who they are and they live that authenticity. It was up to me then to accept them as they are and I did. That was such a huge breakthrough for me.
Another mega breakthrough was understanding that the "dry" financial period I had been living through was to force me to identify and clear up not only my self-sabotaging mechanisms but also, smash down the barriers that were preventing me from tapping into unlimited prosperity and abundance that is my natural right. Wooooo hoooo!
Here's a little bit about Kristin and David - Kristin is a self-made multimillionaire - by age 30 - and David is an energy worker of the highest caliber. He is sought after by many well-known Law of Attraction teachers to work with them on breaking through their own blocks to wealth and success.
Together Kristin and David are an extraordinarily powerful team who dedicate themselves to helping others make the shift from lack to abundance. Their teaching is based on the principle that true abundance is abundance that embraces money and ALL good things in life.
This couple and the work they do is nothing short of amazing! I am so grateful for having found them and for saying YES! to their mentorship by joining The Prosperity Tribe.
Come and meet Kristin and David and get a glimpse of the Prosperity Tribe. You DEFINITELY have nothing to lose!
Technorati Tags: Everything-Is-Energy, Prosperity-Tribe, Kristin-and-David-Morelli
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