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29 Oct 2009

11 Ways to Tap into Unlimited Prosperity and Abundance: Re-enter The Vortex

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Watching this video on Youtube gave me the idea for this post. The movie - The Secret - with Oprah's support, populated in people's minds the idea that they could tap into the universal storehouse of unlimited prosperity and abundance, and get what they desired.

I'm sure you know we've all always had this ability. Most people are afraid to believe it although we all used it ferociously as children to get what we wanted. The problems started when we let go of our desires and "fell off the wall" like Humpty Dumpty.

So let me remind you how to re-enter the vortex - the place from which everything flows naturally from thought to action - and tap into your deserved wealth and abundance. And remember, money is only a very small part of abundance; it's energy, nothing more.

1 -  Stop worrying
I know, I know, everybody says it and it's easier said that done. But that's because it's a habit. Time to change it. Use affirmations. As Eckhart Tolle says in A New Earth, worry only pretends to be necessary. Do what you can with what you have, surrender the rest and have faith that a divine solution will present itself. 
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  Marianne Williamson

2 - Be yourself
Show your real self. Yes, it makes you feel vulnerable at first but you get sooo much more as you become comfortable being you. It's delicious! We are all divinities in human form and incredibly, exquisitely gifted. Free your gift and be yourself. The best way to start is to go within - start a morning meditation - and tap into the real abundance. Everything flows from there.

3 - Be grateful
Be grateful for your life-giving breath, the beauty all around you which you will see when you open your eyes; the spacious universe inside you which connects you to all that is, and the people right next to you. Say thank you every day for what you have and get more of it. Gratitude sells. Start a gratitude journal and write down five things you're grateful for, every night.

4 - Release your creativity
When you go within and reconnect to Source, your creative juices will start flowing. Ideas may come to you out of the blue, don't negate them, follow them. Creativity does not mean being artistic in the strictest sense of the word. We are creating every day; cristallising thoughts into action.

Understand how you "see". Are you visual? Do you need to see a picture to get you going? Does it have to be written? Get cut-outs from magazines and newspapers. Or are you like me; you start cold with an idea, imagine and flesh it out, then make plans on how you're going to get it?

Do you need to touch, taste or smell to get those creative juices flowing. Do you need to hear an explanation? Find the tools that work for you and get started.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Marianne Williamson

5 - Start a creative workshop
You can be, do or have anything you want. Demand it of the universe and get it. You are not alone. I practise this every single day with amazing results. And yes, I had to believe I could first which took months.  Figure out what you want, and practise visualising your goals for twenty minutes every day, in your creative workshop. Read about it on Contemplate This.

6 - Dreaming into reality
Marianne Williamson says your playing small does not serve the world. Dream big. Start asking yourself "I wonder how..." Dream your dream into reality.  The sky really is the limit you know and then you go beyond. Nothing is impossible if you don't believe it is. Start now. Dream your dream into reality with Esther and Jerry Hicks' videos.

7 - Be love, give love and share love

Love yourself! You have to love yourself before anyone can love you the way you want to be loved. You are already a divine being of unlimited potential and love is all. Our societies and cultures have done their level best to breed this knowledge out of us. 

Hear me clearly - if you do not love yourself completely and utterly - even if you're green, cross-eyed, with a square head and fat, no one can ever love you in the same way.

Don't you know that when you love and appreciate yourself, people love you back. That's why they say love is blind. So, be love, give love and share love. The more you give, the more you have to give. It benefits everyone.
8 - Give
Give of yourself, your time, or money and do with an open heart. Have no expectations in return. You give because you want to not because you have to. The rewards are tremendous.

9 - Smile
Smile at the world and the world smiles back at you. It warms the heart, makes you feel good and you make someone else feel good. That's what it's all about. Although I'm not a smiler, I laugh a lot. But when I was going through some very painful years, I didn't know that I had stopped laughing.

Until I was participating in a free-style dance class and one of the preparatory movements was to smile inwardly and reflect it on the outside. My muscles were so stiff that smiling felt unnatural. Don't be like I was, Smile.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.  Marianne Williamson

10 - Make eye contact
Look people in the eye when you're speaking with them. Make the connection that says "I am here and I am listening". This does not mean getting into the person's space or staring until your eyes water. What you do is look at the bridge of the person's nose while you're speaking with them. That person will feel that you're looking them in the eye and you won't get eye strain.

11 - Touch
Such a simple gesture that says so much. It says I see you, I care for you, I acknowledge your presence; a light touch on someone's arm, a hand, a shoulder, while respecting the person's space. It speaks volumes. Look at business people when they get together, they do it all the time and that's business. So what does that say to you?

When people are touch-deprived as I was during my growing up years, it seriously screws you up as an adult. If you're there, find a way to break out of that prison now.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  Marianne Williamson

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28 Oct 2009

The Magnetic Force of Emotional Thoughts and What the Ether Brings

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So here we are with my fourth installment the magnetic force of our emotional thoughts and what the ether brings to us in response, from Napoleon Hill's second chapter on Faith - the second step towards riches which I am still absorbing.

Dominating Thoughts

You are what you are because of the dominating thoughts which you permit to occupy your mind. These obsessive thoughts direct and control your every action. The subconscious mind controls ninety percent of our lives. Most of us allow ourselves to poked, pulled and prodded and guided by it.

Strong emotions create a magnetic force which attract other similar or related thoughts from the vibrations in the ether. In other words, thoughts are things. When you think of an issue you feel strongly about, your thoughts take on a life of their own; pulling up memories that make you feel worse, or better. Hill's analogy beautifully illustrates this: 
A thought thus "magnetized" with emotion may be compared to a seed which, when planted in fertile soil, germinates, grows, and multiplies itself over and over again; until that which was originally one small seed becomes countless millions of seeds, of the same brand!

Attracting from the Ether

The ether is made up of both constructive and destructive vibrations and it is up to us to choose which we want. When negative forces take over your life, it is because you decided to have that experience, in order to know what you do not want. Yes, you did.

You are the sole architect of your life and no one, absolutely no one, is capable of making you think something you do not want to think!  Or for that matter, do something you do not want to do.

Your mind is constantly calling forth vibrations from the storehouse - the ether - which synchronise with the thoughts that dominate your mind at any given moment. That is why you attract what you think about.<

Or as Hill says:
Any idea, thought, plan, or purpose that you hold in your mind calls from the ether, a host of its relatives; adds these "relatives" to its own force, grows and takes over to become the motivating master - of the idea thought, plan, purpose - in your mind.
Or as I call it, the motivating monster (when it is destructive).

Cristallise Ideas and Change How You Live

It is essential that you write down your plans and goals. Seeing them in black and white cristallises them in your subconscious mind, and starts the creative process. 

Unfortunately, most of you avoid writing down your goals and plans because you are afraid that you would have to live up to them - fear of success - or not - fear of failure. Try, try, and try again and never give up; and please believe me when I say, I know what I am talking about.

Limiting beliefs annihilate your self-confidence and they must be dealt with sooner rather than later. Use affirmations and positive statements and/or in combination with other self-improvement techniques to create a positive self image.

The ether is a great cosmic mass of eternal vibration.

If you believe that you do not have the strength to start the change on your own, get help. Find a therapist, a life coach, an effective technique which feels comfortable to use, a mentor, a writing group, etc. Any means that would motivate and support you on your journey to becoming more.

Avoid pity parties at all cost! They are extremely negative and counter-productive. What you talk about, you create. You must also change the environment which encourages you to stay in your negative state.

Change Starts from the Inside Out 

Change happens from the inside out. Therefore, having faith that you will get there is essential. 

By now, I hope you understand the incredible magnetic force of your emotional thoughts, and what the ether brings to you in response. If you do, you are ready to make the change.

We are creatures of habit which is why change is painful and feels scary but, the rewards are stupendous on every level. You will start to wonder where it was hiding all this time!

The incredible flow of abundance starts when you enter the vortex which is where I am now as I write this post, and it is now far too long. However, I need to include all the information that is flowing to me, so I will link the other part to the following section.

Imprinting Positive Messages on your Subconscious Mind

Imprinting positive messages in your subconscious mind is accomplished with self-talk - as Hill calls it - and affirmations. Write down your affirmations and create positive statements to match the habit you would like to change. This post explains how to create positive messages.

Let me know how it goes for you and if I need to expand further.

If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and make that change. 
Michael Jackson

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27 Oct 2009

How to Imprint Messages on the Subconscious: Use Affirmations and Positive Statements

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Imprinting positive messages on your subconscious is a process. Use affirmations and positive statements to do this.

Let's use learning to accept one's image as the example. If you have a weight issue for instance (real or imagined), and you say or think bad things to yourself like:

- I hate the way I look, or
- I am such a fat pig, or
- I am such a slob, etc.

it is imperative that you change this false belief. You are caught in a vicious cycle of no return.

Positive statements and thoughts

Write down some positive statements now about this habit you would like to change. These are examples of statements you could create:

→ I could look for something good that I like about myself
→ I could try to find something I like about myself
→ I want to find something I like about myself
→ I love finding things I like about myself.

You are building up to I love and accept myself as I am, if you cannot say it or even think it right now. The magic starts before you get there.  Try it and watch your progress!

Self-defeating statements

It would not be wise to start with a statement like I love the way I look. That is the path to instant self-defeat because you do not believe it and therefore, your subconscious would resist it. This is why people say that affirmations do not work.

But how could it possibly, when you do not believe what you are saying. So please, start gently and softly and work through the issues, through all the tears, snot and pain. If you persevere, you will get there. There is no time limit.

A technique which marries well with affirmations

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an incredibly effective technique in this area, and you should be able to find practitioners in your area, if you cannot do it on your own.

Create affirmations 

Now, create affirmations to match your positive statements. All affirmations must be written in the present tense as if they are already happening. That is the cue for your subconscious to start recording.

Some examples: 

→ I enjoy knowing that my body gently eliminates food it cannot absorb
→ My love knowing that my food nourishes my body to perfection
→ I am beginning to understand that eating is a pleasure
→ I love taking the time to chew and savour my food
→ My body is my temple and I honour it
→ I am so grateful for my meal today
→ It is a pleasure to sit down to eat
→ I enjoy nourishing my body
→ I am starting to like food
→ Food is my friend.

Memorise your statements and affirmations or read them off a 3x5 card which you will carry with you at all times

Repeat them out loud every day and often, until they are recorded in your mind. You will know when they are. 

When your new habit is solidly anchored and you are well on the road to "recovery", pick another habit to change.

I hope this has been useful to you dear reader. Please let me know.

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What is Faith - Faith is An Eternal Elixir - It is Time to Have Faith

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This is the third installment on Faith - what is faith - Napoleon Hill's second chapter in Think and Grow Rich. Faith is the key that unlocks the door called desire is the second post, and Have faith and get what you desire the first.

So, what is faith?
Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects it... Ralph W. Trine

According to Napoleon Hill, faith is:

1 - The eternal elixir which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought.  This is all you need to know, and he suggests reading it out loud many times to "embed it in your mind". It will change your way of thinking.

2 - Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches.

3 - Faith is the basis of all miracles. From time to time, we read or hear about faith-based miracles. But the fact is you cannot get a miracle if you don't believe one will occur. Miracles are not religious experiences.

Miracles occur when you have a burning desire for something and you focus upon it to the exclusion of all else. Your faith backed by the strength of your will, belief, determination or desire works to bring you what you want. It is as simple as that. Faith can move mountains.

The smallest seed of faith 
is better than the largest fruit of happiness. 
Henry David Thoreau

4 - Faith is the only known antidote for failure.

5 - Faith is the "chemical" element which when mixed with prayer or meditation, communicates directly with Infinite Intelligence.

I have an allergy to religion, so meditation is my prayer. Without getting into the semantic definition of prayer, to me it is communication with my higher self - my Inner Being, the Source.

This is the first part of the mantra I do every morning before getting out of bed - shared with me a few years ago by someone who channels. It reconnects me to my physical body and reaffirms my connection to the divinity in me.

I bless my body. 
My body is God's temple and the spirit of God resides in me. 
I reside in my body and I am God.

6 - Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the mind, into the spiritual equivalent.

7 - Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.

These seven points are so easy to prove using positive statements and affirmations to change negative behaviour patterns, which of course are influenced by your thoughts.  

It is a well-known fact that one comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one's self, whether the statement is true or false. Napoleon Hill

It is time to have faith.

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26 Oct 2009

Faith is the Key that Unlocks the Door called Desire: Have Faith

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Faith is Napoleon Hill's second step towards riches in his book Think and Grow Rich. This is a follow up to the previous post - Have faith and get what you desire.

So, how do you develop faith?  How do you begin to have enough faith in yourself to enable you to get what you want out of life?  This series will show you how to get there.
Faith is a state of mind you develop at will 
after mastering the 13 principles 
 in Think and Grow Rich.
Because a state of mind develops voluntarily, 
through application and use of these 13 principles.

In other words, you cannot force yourself to have faith; you cannot force yourself to believe what you know is untrue. Because faith is the key that unlocks the door to your desires; you must apply practical methods that your mind can accept, in order to develop faith. 

1 - You can convince the subconscious mind to believe you will receive what you desire by imprinting auto-suggestions and affirmations upon it.   Daily practise is necessary for the first thirty days to develop this new habit.

Repetition of affirmations - out loud -  is the only method known to voluntarily develop faith or belief 
by recording it in your subconscious.

As you continue to practise having faith, plans will come into your mind, softly and subtly. Pay attention to them and write them down. Then act on them immediately. 
These plans or ideas is your subconscious mind's way of saying "I hear you". You have opened the door to the universe's storehouse. You have found the key to your success.

    Belief or faith is the element which determines  
    the action of your subconscious mind. 
    2 - You can also fool your subconscious into believing that you already have what you desire, by acting as if you already have it. This triggers the transmutation process (change) and the subconscious mind starts working to get it for you by the most direct means possible.

      3 - You can develop faith by suggesting to your subconscious mind that you have faith. Basically, it's fake it until you make it.

        The mind comes to accept the nature of the influences which dominate it.  In other words, you get what you think about. If you could grasp this truth, you would understand why it is necessary to encourage positive emotions in your mind; and discourage and eliminate the negative ones

        Both negative and positive emotions 
        influence the subconscious mind
        It's function is to act out our desires.

        If your mind is dominated by positive emotions - at least fifty percent of the time according to Abraham/Hicks - it becomes a favourable abode for the state of mind known as faith. 

        Such a mind, when you are "on track" instructs the subconscious to bring you what you want, and it goes into action immediately. Demand it and get it. 

        I have been practising this and observing the process like a by-stander. It is amazingly easy. It requires no effort at all because it is just a thought like "I want..."

        That's my synopsis of How to develop faith in Napoleon Hill's second chapter - Faith.

        What do you have to say? Let me know if clarification is needed, and how you go about getting what you want.

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        23 Oct 2009

        Have Faith and Get What You Desire: Feelings Solidify Your Faith

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        This is the first installment in Napoleon Hill's second chapter on - Faith - the second step towards riches in Think and Grow Rich.

        Step one - Desire - has already been covered. Let's start with his definition of faith:

        Faith is a state of mind which may be induced or created by affirmations or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind through auto-suggestion.

        This is a big, substantive chapter even though it is twenty pages shorter than chapter one on Desire. The first six pages filled me up and gave me so much food for thought, and lit up so many bulbs in my head that I had to stop. I have reread them a few times and need to do that some more.
        This chapter is very significant because I have been struggling with the belief - maybe yes, maybe no - that I will get what I desire. I know it is because of a lack of self-confidence on my part.

        In fact, all that is required is to focus on what you want and let go. Simple and difficult at the same time! I'm there now which is fantastic. Now I know that my feelings solidify my faith.

        For those of you reading this for the first time, know that applying any one of Hill's thirteen steps to riches will get you there - that's what he said. When you have faith, and you desire what you want intensely, you will get it. The great man also said: 

        Repeat a thought long enough 
        and often enough 
        and the subconscious will record it, 
        accept it as fact,
        and act upon it by the quickest means possible.

        • When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence. Just like prayer. 
        Sounds familiar, doesn't it.  We call it the law of attraction, and Abraham/Hicks calls it The Vortex. When I am in it, I am home, and everything I desire naturally flows to me, as it will for you. It is quite simply, magical...
        • Love and faith are spiritual, and sex is purely biological. When these three major, positive emotions are blended together they create an instantaneous link between the finite and infinite i.e. the mind of man and Infinite Intelligence. Any thought that is attached to this trio of powerful emotions is acted upon immediately.
        • Faith, love and sex, when combined with any thought give that thought more power and greater action than any one of these emotions could do by itself.
        • A positive (or negative) feeling together with a focussed thought are changed to their spiritual equivalent in the subconscious, then transmitted to Infinite Intelligence, Source, God, the vortex, or whatever you call it. Only this form of energy gets a response from Infinite Intelligence.
        • All thoughts which carry strong emotions that are mixed with faith begin to immediately translate themselves into the physical or material equivalent. 
        For example: you wish a particular person would call you, and they do.  Or you are thinking of that jerk in the office and planning to give him what for if he bothers you again, and guess what happens...  Or, you need a certain pair of shoes desperately and you want to pay just so much for it, you walk into a particular store "by chance" and...  You should not be surprised, you created the vibration that brought the event to you.

        Faith is the head chemist of the mind. 
          Napoleon Hill

        Check out Nancy Stremmel's Mindbridge-LOA for lots more about Think and Grow Rich.

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        21 Oct 2009

        7 Things to know about the Five Tibetans: Boosting Your Energy the Natural Way

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        I wrote a post earlier this week on how to Boost Your Energy with the Five Tibetans Rites and wish to clarify some points based on a comment from one reader. The 7 things you should know are:

        1 - The Five Tibetans is a physical workout. And it is so for everyone and anyone whether they're a yoga teacher, an aerobics instructor or a work-at-home mom. It is intense even though the entire routine with all twenty-one repetitions takes fifteen minutes!

        2 - These Tibetan movements vigorously and rigorously work the entire body and all organs. They also stimulate the body's energy centres - you may know them as chakras. The effects are felt immediately during and after the very first session.  

        3 - The first movement will make you dizzy because it activates your energy centres. And the more toxic your body is, the more dizzy you will feel. Dizziness diminishes with practice as your body naturally starts to detox itself. Giving it some help to detox is a very good idea.

        4 - It is not necessary to download the book itself. It was included to provide you with as much information as possible.

        5 - The demonstration video with 73-year old Ellen Wood is meant to illustrate the right way of performing the Five Tibetans, and highlight the fact that anyone of any age could perform these movements.

        However, it is not wise to follow her blindly or anyone else for that matter - including me - without informing yourself on what you are getting into. She is expert at performing these Rites and so am I.

        6 - Therefore, if you have any physical disability, illness or pain and you are not sure if this ritual is for you or how it could affect your current situation, please read Mary Kurus' informative and insightful explanations to know what to expect and which alternative movements you should replace. And of course if in doubt, consult your medical practitioner.

        7 - The alternative movements procure similar beneficial effects as the original Five Tibetans. They are detailed in Ms Kurus 's one-page document. This was the main reason for linking to her site.

        PS.  The Five Tibetans should not be performed in the late evening if you are very sensitive energetically-speaking, and certainly no later than two hours before bedtime. Otherwise you will be like a jitterbug from all the energy and will be unable to sleep!

        Here is one more site you should definitely check out: The information on boosting your energy the natural way with herbs, sea veggies -  delish! - tinctures, etc. are down-to-earth, practical, and very effective and obviously coming from someone who knows what she's talking about. I love that! Wise Woman's Ways of Boosting Your Energy.

        Enjoy and Prosper!

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        20 Oct 2009

        Reconnect with Yourself through the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A Self Improvement Technique

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        This is one of a series of themed posts to highlight the self improvement techniques and empowerment lessons that I've written about so far.  Today it's about  The Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT created by Gary Craig. EFT reconnects with yourself - your spacious Inner Being. It is by far one of the most effective, non-invasive techniques I have ever used.

        Here you will find a brief description of EFT and how it differs from other acupressure techniques. Other self improvement techniques are explained here as well. You are welcome to investigate them, however I am only concentrating on EFT here. I will expand on the others in due course.

        2 - Learn EFT and how it could benefit you - This post takes you through the EFT basics on video.

        3 - The Universe is a friendly place when we're friendly to it - A story highlighting how we typically react based on what we feel, instead of acting on what is. This "blindness" is caused by the negative emotions we carry around all the time which EFT can clear.

        4 - Using EFT to attract abundance - EFT Master Dr Carol Look specialises in using EFT to attract abundance. And she provides the setup phrases she uses to guide her clients through their particular emotional blockages. The archives on her site are very useful and user-friendly, and her free newsletters are incredibly informative. It is worth signing up for them.

        5 - Change how you react to stress - An interview with Dr DiCenso who describes his use of EFT, in conjunction with his effective and non-invasive Science of Successful Change Programme. You have got to try it to believe it.

        6 - Creating an attitude of wealth with EFT - Another EFT Master, Carol Tuttle, describes the energy clearing for wealth accumulation with EFT.

        7 - Raising your vibration with EFT - an energy technique - Carol Tuttle again with a simple technique that clears the fog from your mind. She is the only one to-date, that shares these types of "quirky" and very effective practices.

        8 - Lack of self-worth, EFT and me - One of my lack of self worth stories and EFT and how using it affected me.

        9 - Jumpstart your day with EFT - A wonderful way to start the day on video with EFTWizard Brad Yates.

        10 - Improve sleep quality with EFT - with EFTWizard Brad Yates to get rid of the thoughts and useless negative emotions collected during the day. It works!

        I hope you find at least one of them useful in some way. I would reiterate once again that the Emotional Freedom Technique is extremely effective and I am speaking from personal experience. The results I have had over the past nine months are nothing short of spectacular.

        Follow through is essential though for optimum results. And by that I mean, while you are clearing out your crap and more surface, you must continue or feel worse than when you started! Or find a practitioner in your area to continue the clearing process. The blockages must go.

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        16 Oct 2009

        Love is the Shining Beacon in the World: Open Up the Horizons of the Heart

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        There is nothing more abundant and elastic than heartfelt love. The more you love is the more love you have to give, wholly and unselfishly and without reserve.

        When you give love from the heart, you don't notice how much the "other" is giving in return. That is irrelevant. You are doing it because you want to.

        Love is a shining beacon in the world. An unending, all-encompassing rainbow that never fades. Love is not seeking and finding your heart's desire. That doesn't happen. When you are seeking a mate and want to be fulfilled far beyond your expectations, you must first love yourself.

        When you don't know what love is - and most of us do not - you cannot recognise it even when it is standing in front of you. This deeply felt desire  is intrinsic in all of us. Love cannot be measured.

        Because the ability to recognise it has been "bred" out of us, we adopt the habits of family and friends who pop pills for anxiety attacks and other toxic, chemical remedies to heal what ails us, or we become food addicts, sex addicts, adrenaline-rush addicts and so on. It is essential to love one's self. It is the only act that is required to open up the horizons of the heart.

        This means identifying your strengths and weak points, baring yourself in the mirror of your mind or with a very trusted friend or with a psychotherapist who is "connected" i.e. one who does not automatically prescribe drugs to stifle your quest to embrace your Inner Being. Be honest and talk about the inner you. You could also bare your soul in a journal.

        After you have rediscovered the magnificent Being of light that you are, embrace and shower love upon yourself each and every day, especially when it's difficult, to encourage your rebirth. Watch for the lessons the difficulties are teaching you.

        As your love for yourself grows and brightens, you will become a beacon and inevitably attract the people who match your evolutionary level. And it is marvelous.

        Start the process today by saying the following twice a day, every day and as often as needed. This has been translated from Eliane Spahr with a slight twist of my own. Look in your eyes in a mirror and say:

        I love you
        I am so proud of you

        I have enormous respect for you

        And you have the right to love, pleasure, success 
        and respect right now
        Today is going to be a fabulous day! 

        Love is truly a beacon in the world and it starts with each and every one of us,

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        5 Healthy Habits to Live By: Suggestions to Change Your Life and Kick Old Habits

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        If you are looking for ways to kick your old, tired habits have a read of my suggestions on how you could change your life, develop healthy habits to live by and jumpstart your day. Yup, all in one shot.

        1. Meditate (20 mins.)

        When you wake in the morning and after you empty your bladder, get back into bed. Get comfy in whatever position that suits. Place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest, and feel the rise and fall of your breath. Become aware of your breath. Flow with it as it moves in and out of your body.

        Feel your entire body come alive from your feet to the top of your head. Remain in this state for twenty minutes. On your "return", you will be clear-eyed and focussed and feel refreshed.

        Ideas may come to you during or after your meditation. Write them down because they will slip away and act on them immediately.

        2. Stretch (10 mins.)

        (a)When you get out of bed, have a good stretch with your arms outstretched above your head. Do some side stretches with one arm sliding down to your calf and the other arm over your head, pointing in the same direction. You will be stiff at first. Do the best you can and stretch ten times on each side.

        (b)Bend over and touch your toes or as far as you can reach without bending your knees.  Take a deep breath in and out as you bend over. It will relax your abdominal muscles which might get tight and painful, and help you to stretch further. Do this ten times.

        (c)Try to stand on your toes and reach to the sky. Push one outstretched arm up with fingers reaching for the sky. Relax but don't lower your arm and reach high with the other arm. Continue this alternating movement establishing a nice up and down rythym. Do it ten times for each arm.

        (d)This is a classic Ayurvedic (Indian) exercise to loosen up your hip joints and encourage flexibility in this area. Stand with your legs wide apart. If you are not comfortable and feel unbalanced, bring your legs closer together.

        Forearms should be resting on your hips with palms facing the floor. Circle your hips clockwise as wide as you can for one minute. Do not move your feet. Then circle them counter-clockwise for another minute. If you can't do it for a full minute, that's okay. You will get there.

        Stretching wakes up your body. and you might start yawning. That means you're evacuating stale energy.

        3. Drink Water

        Drink a glass of water first thing each and every morning. It flushes down the remaining food eaten the night before from your oesophagus (gullet) and encourages a bowel movement within an hour. This is very normal.

        Note: If you do not urinate copiously in the morning after you get out of bed, you are dehydrated. If it smells strong, you are not drinking enough water. If it's brown, same problem. Drink at least three litres every day. It flushes toxins from your organs and rehydrates your body. Water is essential for the proper functioning of your colon.

        Drink a large glass of water between meals and one hour after every meal. If you don't "go" every day and after every meal, you are constipated. If your child doesn't either, that child is constipated.

        Emptying your bowel before eating breakfast is an excellent habit to cultivate. Your body needs the time to evacuate the waste that's already in there before starting a new digestion cycle. Your body will thank you for it by working more efficiently and excreting toxins more effectively.  

        4. Break Your Fast

        It is essential to have a morning meal. I never subscribed to breakfast after I left home but I have changed over the years. Now, I eat only when hungry.

        I usually  break my fast between 10 and 11AM after exercise and meditation, with either two glasses of freshly made green protein juice, a natural seed protein drink, bananas, 2 weetabix with rice, almond or soy milk with a few drops of Stevia (a South American plant extract), or a bowl of sprouted, cooked lentils with pumpkin seed oil and a tisane, or rice cakes and nut butter etc.

        The point is that breakfast could be anything as long as it is nutritious (protein) and devoid of artificial sweeteners. All sugar is chemically produced nowadays - the worst are the artificial sweeteners that Coca Cola and others say is not sugar because it's "light". The only thing light is the way soda manufacturers rip you off.

        The fact is that sugar spikes your blood sugar levels then drops you down hard an hour later. That is why you binge on sweet stuff and guzzle light sodas - to keep the high. I know because I am a recovering sugar addict.

        If you are not a breakfast person like me, and I still make sure I eat something in the morning, have a bowl of fresh fruit, a bunch of bananas or make a smoothie. Fresh fruits, green drinks or vegetable milk fruit smoothies are the way to go for breakfast.

        And you get all your fibre, minerals and trace elements to boost your central nervous system. You could never overdose on fresh fruit but stay away from the acid ones like apples, pineapples etc. in the morning.

        Breakfast is meant to be light and easy to digest (2 - 4 hours).  Smoothies are extremely nutritious, tasty and filling. Make enough to fill a thermos to take with you for a 10AM snack. It will carry you through until lunch time.

        Use fruits in season for your smoothies and always add bananas to make them rich and filling, or take the bananas with you to snack on. Experiment and write down the combinations you like, and repeat.

        Note: Cow's milk is toxic to humans and is meant for calves only. Use silk soy milk watered down if it's too rich or another vegetable milk, like almond milk, if you want a milky taste.

        5. Oxygenate Your Body - Exercise

        Start a daily exercise routine. You could do the usual run, treadmill, jump rope, DVD aerobics, one-hour walk, etc. or get yourself a one-person trampoline and do five minutes every morning before you shower.

        Repeat in the evening. Because it's small, it stores easily. I keep mine open and leaning against the wall in the corridor.

        These activities are part of everyday spirituality reconnecting you to who you really are inside. They make you feel energized, bright, awake and focussed. One added benefit is that your excess weight will start melting away, naturally and without effort. The lighter you feel, the more vigorous you will become.

        I would love to hear what healthy habits you have made in your life, how you kicked your old habits, and what you think about my suggestions.

        Additional suggestions for developing healthy habits…
        • Zen Habits - An Evening Routine - taking it in another direction. Organize yourself the night before.
        • Open Loops - 6 Ways to Jumpstart Your Day - includes useful suggestions for those of you who have a problem waking up and bash the alarm clock for ten minutes more! By the way, that usually a sign that you went to bed too late.
        • Ten Ways to Jumpstart Your Day - a very well-written article with excellent suggestions and I do most of them.  Like expressing gratitude, visualisation, massaging your thymus (breastbone), etc.
        • Docstoc - For those of you who feel up to it, here's a women's fitness page on DocStoc with excellent instructions, warmups, workouts and photos on How to jumpstart your day with exercise.
        • Bellaonline - high fibre foods. Good, practical information.
        • Living Community's How to live to 100 - I don't subscribe to getting at least 6 hours sleep or sticking to your habits or living like the 7th Day Adventist!  We don't have to be religious to practice a particular way of life!  Our bodies need at least 8 hours sleep. 6 hours would work for you if you normally wake feeling rested. If not... you will become sleep deprived and eventually become ill.
        • Dr Oz and Roizen's RealAge - How to eat smart, what to look for and recipes galore. My favourite reference site. No BS just the truth about eating and food backed by solid facts. And How to adjust your waist brakes.

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        15 Oct 2009

        6 Steps to Become Rich and Prosperous: Use Desire to Slake Your Thirst For Riches

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        Desire is the first of author Napoleon Hill's thirteen steps to becoming rich in Think and Grow Rich. It is all based on one underlying principle that we know today as the law of attraction, just like the movie The Secret.   As I progress through the book and gain an in-depth understanding of each chapter, I will share it. 

        This is not a book that can be read through like a manual, although it is one. It's contents must be fully grasped and intuitively understood in order to apply any one of the ideas that would set you on your path to attaining the unlimited prosperity and abundance that you deserve.

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        13 Oct 2009

        Two Ways to Accomplish Daily Tasks, Be Productive and Stressless

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        Two simple and easy ways to accomplish your daily tasks, have a productive day and stay cool when you feel you're starting to lose it.  How many of you actually write out your daily tasks to have a clear idea of what you have on your plate?

        When you don't, you are not as focussed as you could be, you become easily distracted, and most importantly, you waste energy. The original idea came from Jack Canfield's free 21-day mentoring programme and I've modified it a bit.

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        11 Oct 2009

        How to Boost Your Energy, Clear Your Mind and Tone Your Body: Do The Five Tibetans Movements

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        So what do the Five Tibetans do and what are they? The Five Tibetans was first written in 1939 for us westerners and consists of five movements modified from a yoga practice by Tibetan monks centuries ago. They are each performed twenty-one times. The book can be downloaded free of charge.

        The updated version which I purchased five years ago was written in 1985. Mary Kurus with the publisher's permission, provides detailed information and alternative movements based on this book to enable you to perform the movements correctly.

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        9 Oct 2009

        Dreaming into Reality: Use your Creative Workshop

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        Jerry Hicks of the Esther and Jerry Hicks team, with his wonderful voice beautifully explains how to approach your dreams, desires and goals inside your creative workshop, from Ask and It Is Given . If you want to dream into reality, use your creative workshop to get you there. 

        Part One

        Part Two

        Part Three


        Dream, create and manifest!

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        8 Oct 2009

        Show How Much You Love Yourself: Work Your Thing Out and Change Your Life

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        This will be a two-part post about self love, how the lack of it makes us dysfunctional and fat, and the first concrete step to tackle this issue.

        Express love

        We need to recognise that expressing love is natural and showing love is an exceptionally natural and right way of being. Start appreciating who you are, right here and right now.

        I am so very grateful for the deep, abiding love I feel for myself. My eyes tear up every time because my heart feels so full.  I have come a very long way from those depressive, suicidal years.

        I have been reflecting a lot on life and my own in particular as I want to create something that I never had before. A home that is filled with bountiful love and prosperity and goodness and a garden that stretches as far as the eye can see.

        Those thoughts naturally took me to the perennial problem and obsession we women have with weight - because I have a man on my mind.

        An early developer

        Childhood experiences mark us indelibly and are often but not always, reflected in weight gain. I wasn't a fat kid yet others made me feel like I was. Nor am I fat in any of the family photos throughout the years.

        I was broader and taller than everyone else in my age group and was moved up a year ahead of my class mates; and oh horror, I was the first girl to wear a trainer bra to school. 

        My mother says proudly that I was walked and talked by the time I was ten months old.  Well... she said nine months but I don't believe it.

        Not only that, I was a tomboy, fought every Friday after class, and was one of the few girls in my area who played the rough and tumble street games - cricket, basketball, soccer, and so on and I came from a "good" family.

        No dolls and tea sets for me. With hindsight, I understood that my class mates felt intimidated but they didn't know what I was living either.  Rape and physical abuse was my lot.

        My dysfunctional fat story

        I left secondary school at sixteen with an average score and hung about at home for a year and got fat. I had nothing else to do and was told that I could not go to university; and the street games were over.

        The clincher to the weight story was when my mother's so-called friend suggested I might be pregnant. And guess what happened... my weight gain skyrocketed as time went by.

        Out of all those youthful experiences, it's the cruel, chanting taunts of "mama fat" in primary school that I remembered the most.  That was my dysfunctional fat story.

        I have outgrown most of it - I still have some fat in my head - and closed the chapter on the rape stories. Yes, there was more than one. All of that is finished now.

        Create a new story

        Now, I am setting my gift free and creating a new story. Sharing what I've learnt about weight gain and physical and emotional fitness. Women do not choose to be fat.

        However, because we are so connected to our feelings and have been screwed up by our cultures, the dysfunctional story is part of our psyche. What we want and deeply yearn for is completely at odds with what we are told we can have. We don't know if we're coming or going.

        Fat is a defence. It is a bulwark against the aggression to which women and girls are subjected. The only way to get free of the psychological prison of fatness is to face your demons and that will only happen when the time is right.

        You won't think you are when it happens because it is a painful process. However, it is the only way to heal yourself. When that Aha! moment dawns, you will decide what is right for you.

        Work your thing out

        It would be the perfect time to say This is how much I love myself.  Be compassionate. Loving yourself is the most exquisite gift you can offer. Start living life on your terms.

        Drop me a line and let me know how you are dealing with your barriers which were not of your making?

        Show how much you love yourself;
        Change your life!
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