Thought for today – acceptance is love – it is important to remember that love comes in myriad forms and we often forget to have compassion for ourselves; I certainly never did.
I was taught self-hate, self-denigration and deliberate deprivation from early o'clock so that I would conform to the accepted generational family dysfunction.
It took me many years – from my thirties culminating in my mid-forties – to learn, understand, internalise, and accept that I had to right to love myself.
What a discovery that was.
What a discovery that was.
I know for sure that embracing what is says "This is how much I love myself" – and accepting whatever is happening in your life is the most amazing gift you can offer to yourself.
Acceptance is self-love. It is foolishness in the extreme to deny what you are living because that denial will keep the fear flowing for sure and will bring you more of what you are resisting!
Understand this as well – resistance is futile because what you resist, persists. While there is no denying that life sucks sometimes, I strongly suggest that you make some lemonade and suck that up!
Understand this as well – resistance is futile because what you resist, persists. While there is no denying that life sucks sometimes, I strongly suggest that you make some lemonade and suck that up!
Acceptance brings the changes you desire and those very changes will heal you from the inside out and when you connect with others, you transmit that same healing energy; be it to a sick child or someone else in need. There nothing more inspirational to someone than that.
Gandhi said
– Be the change you want to see in the world – so go do your stuff and see you there!
How do you feel when you stop resisting the challenges on your path and decide to "roll over" them; and in fact what encourages you to let down your "guard"?
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