Okay, let us talk about Thought and Purpose, Chapter 4 from James Allen's As A Man Thinketh
– very à propos as I just realised after 14 whole days of my bloody ridiculous, unfocussed thoughts, that I have been allowing other people's dysfunctional actions, in the house where I'm staying, to influence me.
And so I achieved nothing (exaggeration - I wrote an excellent 1600 word article on how to liberate yourself from emotional burdens and family strife and some very good blog posts) to create a new income stream which is why I have been feeling so frustrated. I just woke up to the "why" of it all to know again that thoughts are things that get you lost.
What was also interesting is that I had no Internet service for more than a week during that period either so more time to think. Ha!
Thoughts are things. Napoleon Hill
Again, there is no accident. Everything is connected and when we – me and you – decide to make a change and act, the tools required show up. For instance, James M. Lynch posted the chapter Bloody Thoughts from his The Hamlet Secret: A Self-Directed (Shakespearean) Workbook
which I find interesting since that is exactly how I describe my thoughts when Ms Ego is taking me down the "dark side".
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles... by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. Mark Twain
I found this very explicit paragraph in As A Man Thinketh when I opened the book and this chapter caught my eye – no such thing as coincidence:
A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being.
But whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, and devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imaginings.
This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph.
A man is but the product of his thoughts,
what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
And you know something else, it's okay because I learn something every time I feel stymied like this.
Much love to y'all today and every day!
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