Okay my food for thought today is about mastering your thoughts.
Our thoughts, guilt, honesty, and communication make an interesting mix. These issues are coming my way lately and how we deal with them affect us in various ways, mostly badly.
To this end, I opened my trusty Hamlet Secret Workbook
to do some work this morning and this paragraph caught me:
You are not your good thoughts or your bad thoughts but because you think others will think something about you because you're thinking what you're thinking you will keep inside of you what you're thinking.
If you don't admit what is going on in your head, clear it out, say it out, admit what you WANT to do without doing it you will only keep adding fuel to the fire. You'll never be able to let that thought out of the little gerbil wheel of a brain you're creating.
Get off the guilt trip, it's a long ride with no final destination.
One last thing, no matter what you've done, every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. Deal with both with courage and create today the yesterday you'll look back on with pride tomorrow.
Don't you think that's great? I think it's such a perfect analysis - all that bloody thinking, those ridiculous thoughts which take us in an endless, useless cycle to nowhere when all we have to do is say STOP.
Spit it out for heaven's sake and get it over with. Don't you realise that unverbalized thoughts are also communicated. Everything is energy you know, so don't be surprised when people react to them (meaning you) without understanding why or wondering "where did that come from".
If you feel you can't or you don't want to, then change your thoughts, that's EASY and the more you practise doing so, the easier it becomes.
Whatever you do and however you do it, get a grip and master your thoughts today!
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