Thought for today: Suffering requires acceptance – you cannot help anyone when you pity them. Far too many people whether at home and worse yet when the go abroad automatically pity "those poor people".
India and Africa are the two obvious continents of choice. Many express crap like "maybe I have too much or I shouldn't have so much".
When you believe that you have too much and begin to deprive yourself in order to help those "poor people", you diminish yourself and you denigrate those you wish to help.
Pity belittles a person worse than any denigrating word ever will and you transmit that very same energy to the person or persons you are trying to assist; thereby reducing them to the level of beasts if not lower. They will forever be in your debt and curse you at the same time because of your poisoned "gifts"!
The world's suffering requires acceptance because none of us, individually, can change it. When we accept what is without diminishing others with pity it is a decision and an action which immediately creates a dynamic within which YOU and I, as individuals, can make the change we want to see in our world. The magic starts then.
James M. Lynch uses the following Shakespearean quote in one of the exercises The Hamlet Secret: A Self-Directed (Shakespearean) Workbook
There is nothing good or bad
but thinking makes it so.
So, when I start to overly ruminate and masticate on various poisonous events, the phrase automatically pops right up to say "Hey, watch it" and damn, does it work! Print it out in huge letters and keep it visible at all times and see what it does for you.
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