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31 Mar 2011

Booster Posts To Spring You To The Next Level

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Feeling A Soul Touch My Heart...Feeling a soul by -RejiK  I don't know about you but since the beginning of this new decade, I am being pushed hard!

I am gaining tremendous insights into my psyche as events oblige me to peel away more layers of like an onion. HA! when I think "I'm good for now", I get hit with another whammy that basically says you're not finished yet.

Nope, transmutation business does not stop for anyone or anything.

Sometimes, I catch myself wishing I could fly away but since I can't, I gotta buckle down and sort it out.

What has helped me significantly besides doing a lot of energy work with Ann Taylor, Hale Dwoskin (Sedona Method), EFT Tapping, Jo Dunning and Christian Pankhurst are articles that I consider food for my soul because they seem to open additional doors within.

Living the soul journey never stops.

Interesting that it all seemed to coalesce with the coming of Spring, isn't it. So here are my 10 booster posts to spring you to the next level.

1– Cara Barker's What's The One Essential You Must Remember In Turbulent Times? »We are all in the "soup" together, don't tarry! When tough times come around "Your love is the lantern which lights the way through the Darkness. You are the best Love Project around."

A powerful trio from Judith Rich:

2– 7 keys for braving the storms of change – incredibly powerful. «Take the bull by the horns and say whatever is happening in my life right now, I choose 'it.'  The "speed" at which she writes leaves you breathless.

3– The tango of ego and soul »Who's right, who's wrong and what's most important for growth in our lives. Passionate!

4– Your breakthrough moment is right here folks » Embracing your personal sputnik moments Don't even try to get away from yourself, you can't. Embrace the pain and wounding; sinking into it is the only way out.

5– Our collective awakening - a story of a new decade If you missed this one to boost you solidly into the new year, here it is again. A not-to-be-missed for any reason post!

6– Natasha Dern's What is spiritual transformation? Socks you a good one — What? You think you know about spirituality and transformation, well here's the truth of it, KAPOW!!!

7– Pythia Peay's America and a shift in ages: an interview with Jungian James Hillman «So incredibly pungent it might burn the nostrils of some. Hillman is another truth talker who lays the American psyche bare to the bone.

8– Peter Ford's 10 ways to raise your self esteem « Learn to value yourself highly.

9– Olivia Rosewood's Please meditate: check your heart chakra  - Love is who we are and our heart is the compass. Use your internal guidance system you will never go wrong. Her  heart meditation at the bottom of the post unlocks the frozen door.

10–Ed and Deb Shapiro 7 ways meditation can save your life - The truth about meditation from two who show the way. Sublime teachers — simple and profound.
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27 Mar 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY – The Key To The Power of Allowing

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Power FlowerPower flower by BasL via Flickr
If you are willing to let your improved emotional state be the evidence of your progress, then the progress will continue; you will continue to feel even better, and the tipping point will come where physical evidence can be seen. But if you look too soon for the evidence, and you do not yet find it, you will lose Vibrational ground.

The need to see the immediate evidence of progress is the most significant hindrance to most people. When you attempt to take score of your progress too soon, you move further from the results you seek.

There is no desire that you hold that is for any other reason than you believe you would feel better in the having of it. Whether it is a material object, a pile of money, a relationship, a physical state of being—every desire is wanted because you want to feel better.

When you discover the power of feeling better first, by the deliberate focusing of your mind away from problems, struggles, irritants, and any other manner of unwanted things—and focus your mind upon the simplicity of your own breathing—you will have found the key to the power of allowing. ~Abraham-Hicks
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26 Mar 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: A State of Appreciation is Pure Connection to Source

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Flower             Image by hmerinomx
Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you love—and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes.
It is not your job to transform the world for others—but it is your job to transform it for you.
A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack. ~Abraham-Hicks
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25 Mar 2011

Finding Shelter In The Cathedral of Your Heart – A Meditation Technique

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Lotus flower   Lotus  by tanakawho  Here's a simple and lovely way to find shelter in the Cathedral of your heart. A meditation technique from Ed and Deb Shapiro.

It's so beautifully delicious, I had to share it now.

Breathing into the area of the heart, silently repeat, "May I be well, may I be filled with loving kindness. May all beings be well, may all beings be filled with loving kindness."
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23 Mar 2011

Falling In Love With Life and Moving Beyond Our Self-Imposed Barriers To Creation

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Papaver 'Falling in Love'                  Papaver "Falling in Love"Falling In Love With You

Falling in love with you, falling in love with me, falling in love with life is a magnificent act of Being. How many of you have fallen in love with yourself and life today?

It is essential to human growth you know. It is the best growth hormone around! Ask any child. In fact, watch a child and you will see the truth of it.

Your love is the lantern which lights the way through the Darkness. You are the best Love Project around. ~Cara Barker

Love is essential for growth, aging and staying power. You and I have things to do here!

Have you grasped that the inspirational wave including affirmations, success strategies, coaching "gurus", channelling, motivational speakers, and the like all have only one goal in common.

It is to bring you and only YOU into alignment with your centre, your inner world, your spirit; in other words to make you fall in love with your Self.

We Are The Abundance Project

I listened to Jo Dunning  on World Puja Network Radio – I discovered her and the freely offered Abundance Breakthrough Project through Jennifer McLean's Healing With the Masters programme — and when she said "we must be aligned with who we are to assist the earth in her alignment" those words resonated like a temple gong inside me.

We are spiritual beings of light living a human existence. We are here to go beyond our self-imposed human limits. Thus, the devastation created by volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes in the last fifteen years up till now and the significant physical changes they created make sense.

One by one, group by group, gardener by gardener, we are falling in love with life because as Eckhart Tolle said, "We are life". When that happens we fall in love with one another, with all that is. 

Things are speeding up. It is time to step up to the plate and take your turn to bat! It is time to pierce those mental limits and take your turn to bat. 

We are the abundance project for this planet! We are the ones we have been waiting for!

We are hard-wired for love. When someone takes the time to remember connection, everyone awakening benefits. ~Cara Barker

Mother Earth Is In Transition

Jo also mentioned during the Abundance telecast on World Puja Radio that the people who died during the cataclysms – Japan and elsewhere – willingly gave up their lives (lights) to assist Mother Earth in her transition. That statement left me breathless and it feels right as well.

Don't religious folk and insurance companies call natural "disasters" and such "acts of god"? That is one way to put it, for sure.

Polar bears on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean... Polar bears on North Pole sea ice Faith or belief has nothing to do with religion. It is your connection to Source, God, Universe, or your Higher Self which is inside you that knows and is guiding you.

As I heard a wonderfully wise minister say on Oprah's Spirit channel, religion is the conduit to spirituality; that sounds right to me. 

And keep in mind that when you hand over your power to someone else, you no longer think for yourself. You will therefore be unable to witness with clear vision the magic taking place in our world.

Experience The True Bliss of Our Humanity

As Jo Dunning and others have said we are three-dimensional beings. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that we harmonise our inner and outer lives in order to experience the true bliss of our humanity, walking this magnificent world of ours.

There is only one like it in all the galaxies and we damn well better cherish it, stop abusing her and the children that we call animals. If we do not, they are going to disappear into another realm and it will be our loss and that of future generations.

This blue world of ours — even while is seems to wreak havoc is magnificent. We are its caretakers so let us start acting like it!

We are connected after, all. You and I are intertwined with natural elemental forces, as part of Creation's tapestry. We are interwoven with one another. If I neglect you, I break faith with all that is most essential to the heart. I sever connection with the advance of humankind toward its own best unfolding. If I break faith with you, this pretending we are not brothers and sisters brings devastation to our greater family. ~Cara Barker

It Is Not Revenge

There are people full of fear out there in the the "real" world who say that Mother Earth or Gaia as some call her, is taking "revenge" upon us for our sins. That is absolute garbage!

I love spring flowersImage by Valerie Everett  The observant among us will remember that with each shift of her magnificent body, going back at least fifteen years, the earth has significantly changed the face of the affected land masses.

While nature has taken her course well before, I feel that things are speeding up. That means that lots of other physical changes have already been wrought which we will hear about in due course.

The Physical World Is Changing

Maps have to be redrawn and instruments re-calibrated but not too hastily because... the North Pole is moving – perhaps as Jo Dunning said to switch places with the South Pole – glaciers are melting and moving and they are unstoppable; ice caps are melting, new unexplored lands are being revealed and other land masses are inexorably shifting metres every year, as well.

Don't you feel excited about all these changes? I certainly do!

The face of the earth as we know it is becoming unrecognisable. I have only 52 years and do not know if I will be alive to see the spectacular changes but I am looking forward to the new discoveries.

I too am changing after cataclysmic personal events.

I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no "brief candle" to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. ~George Bernard Shaw

A Clash With Two Vipers

A while back,  I felt buoyed up during the day by a diamond alignment session with Jacqueline Joy and soon after a distant relative attempted to crush me. It was stand up for myself or suffer, again.

I am thought of as the emotional sucker in the family. The one who will clean up, clear up, fix up and be fucked up and take it all silently or laughing. Despite the fact that these people's memories of me is twenty-five years out of date!

So, I had to verbally smack down my birth mother — it was the first time I did it out loud — and listen up now, this is not to describe the event in detail, that is old news and a closed subject. I bring this up to share the resulting growth lessons in those very long and fiery five minutes.

They say "you never get more than you can handle", well I handled it impeccably. It was perfect.

Forgiveness occurs when we realize that forgiveness isn't even necessary. ~Neale Donald Walsch

Later that night I received a magnificent energetic boost from Jo Dunning's Abundance broadcast that cleared away the scum, and all is well.

Upheavals And The Human Spirit

Upheavals impact us all but the human spirit is strong and vibrant when we are tuned in, tapped in and turned on to who we are. When we are connected with our Higher Self — whether you call that Universe, God, Source or whatever, as they say in the Caribbean anything could play and we would be "up for it".

We are here to help one another out of the cracks, crevasses and rubble in which they may find themselves. Those we cannot assist or who do not want our support must be left to their own devices. They have their own road to hoe and will meet someone else offering the same assistance.

Growth Lessons and Gifts Received 
  • I found my authentic voice in those five minutes. I have never felt such a powerful force emanate from my gut, up my throat and out my mouth. The inside of my throat was temporarily "on fire".
    Born to say: I LOVE YOU !Born to say "I love you" by Parvin ♣( OFF for a while )
  • I am truly in control of my thoughts! There were no mental aftershocks or ridiculous mental arguments (of which I am a champion) of "how dare they, who the hell..., how could they treat me like this..." and all that shit I lived in 2010.  Caving in was not an option!
  • I am firmly anchored in the reality of what is – my seat of power.  My outer world felt shaken for a few minutes afterward but my inner foundation stayed rock solid. A love song started playing in my head when I thought of them.
  • I am very grateful to those two mindless vipers. Jo Dunning suggested we feel gratitude for people like that in her Abundance message on 17 March on World Puja Network  and I vibe with that. Can you imagine what it must be like living in their bodies, with their personalities? I am so glad it's not me!  
  • I discovered how strong and powerful I really am. I feel as if I could lift the earth by myself – okay maybe just a sprawling ranch-type multi-level house:))
I am falling in love with my life and because of that I have taken a giant step to move beyond our self-limitations. We did not choose them so I wish you would do the same.

It is a fabulous day today... I feel so blessed and I am grateful for love this day. Be blessed!

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22 Mar 2011

The Petals of My Mind Unfolding and Expanding

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unfolding       Unfolding by Herr Saush A sweet and juicy AHA! moment I want to share – cannot keep it to myself. 

It is the culmination of a few weeks introspection in my metaphoric cave (bedroom) followed by an intensive energetic process with Jacqueline Joy's Diamond alignment and Jo Dunhill's Abundance broadcast on World Puja Network and elsewhere.

It felt like the petals of my mind were unfolding and expanding after reading Natasha Dern's What is spiritual transformation?  It happened in an instant just when I caught myself yearning for the man in my heart whom I thought was far away.

Yes, a lot preceded this but I don't know how to put it all into words just yet! Here's what I know now:

When you realise the "I Am" and understand that all you desire is already contained in the very essence of your being, you don't want anymore. Wonderful eh ;))

You are in the river flow — in the vortex — and as long as you continue going in the same direction as the current all that you desire manifests itself quite naturally on your journey. You have released resistance.

I do not mean sitting on your arse and waiting for Father Christmas but it just all naturally flows from your inspired actions, you see.

Unfolding ribbonsUnfolding ribbons by tanakawho In other words, not only am I perfect as I am — as are you my friends — but all refining I (and you) need to do is internal. That work will naturally nurture and nourish the external manifestation of whatever I desire to bring into being.

How about you my fine folks?!

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21 Mar 2011

Traits To Nurture During Periods of Personal Growth and Expansion

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Fire's ReflectionFire's reflection by ZedZaP 
One of the most important inner traits we can nurture during periods of personal growth and expansion is the spirit of adventurousness that allows us to open ourselves to a diverse range of new experiences.
It is easy to become locked into a pattern in which we devote all of our energy and attentiveness to our already established concerns so that we can concentrate on evolutionary endeavors we have already begun.
Yet our biggest leaps in development are often a direct result of our willingness to immerse ourselves in experiences that broaden our horizons and expose us to unfamiliar aspects of the universe.
Through adventure, we discover what we are capable of when faced with the unexpected.
Your understanding of the world around you will mature today when you open yourself to the thrilling adventures lying in wait for you. ~DailyOM
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19 Mar 2011

The Cathedral Of My Heart

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Statue of Buddha in Vietnam              Buddha in Viet Nam 
In the cathedral of my heart shines a light so bright, so all encompassing that it leaves me bereft of words to adequately describe it.

It fills me up and every cell of my being, my delicious temple, my body glories in its brightness.

Massive golden doors swing open automatically in welcome.

There is room for all who venture there, the angry, the thirsty, the pitiful, the disrespectful, the mighty, the small and the innocents, most of all.

The sick, the weary, the needy, feeling unworthy, drop in any time.  Stay as long you like till eternity even, there is space for all.

Burdens are not mine to carry but you may lay yours on my altar and be lifted.

My laughing graceful mighty Buddha tops it all creating a back drop wise and sure. Come sit, be embraced, all welcome those arms say.

His lap is my beautiful altar made of gold, same as the three walls, door and floor. It glows a warmth that transcends all. The Venetian lace covering cannot hide its beauty, too flimsy but I love the whimsy.

His head touches the open blue sky where you see cloud puffs stroll by; a more perfect roof has never been made.

Lady Mary the wise, smiling and ever so kind circles in from time to time. I don’t know her well but graces my temple she does.

Guardians known and unknown grace my space and light up my world. Something grand is happening. All is alight and compassion is its name.

The first time I saw those massive golden temple doors I wondered, Is this a game? It seemed insane but in I went; it is my space after all introduced to me by Jennifer McClean’s Soul Song 2011 with Body Dialogue so it's mine and I'm staying!

It belongs to me lock stock and barrel and I commune every day bringing the needy to the pool of healing.  All who hurt me deliberately or not are especially welcome because they teach me something new every day.

"A little statue of Buddha."                                         Little Buddha The pool is for sharing, healing and cleansing, frolicking and the waterfall is the back wall,  the curtain separating the physical from my Nirvana. Only those I love through eternity passes that portal.

So come one and all, heart gate open to all.

This is not egotistical but vibrational. I share what I must because it is part of me. So today, yesterday and tomorrow I offer this love sublime that is all mine.

Just wanted to share that today.
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13 Mar 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When You Behave Positively, You Influence Everyone Around You

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River Idle: Retford to Idle Valley Nature rese...    Image by Susan G
Your mental attitude is the most dependable key to your personality.

Your view of yourself will greatly influence how others perceive you. If you are a confident, cheerful, positive person, your co-workers, friends, and family will be attracted to your personality. If you are unhappy, negative, and always complaining about your situation, others will be repelled.

Even when at times you don't feel very happy, by forcing yourself to behave in a positive fashion, you will find that you soon feel genuinely upbeat, because your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between an artificial emotion and the real thing. When you behave positively, you will positively influence everyone around you -- including yourself. Napoleon Hill Foundation
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11 Mar 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Give Conscious Attention To What You Want

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Green-veined White on Cuckoo-flower           Image by bbusschots It is of great value for you to give your conscious attention to what you specifically want, otherwise you can be swept up by the influence of that which surrounds you.
You are bombarded by the stimulation of thought. And so, unless you are setting forth the thought that is important to you, you can be stimulated by another's thought that may or may not be important to you. Abraham-Hicks

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10 Mar 2011

4 Questions To Identify Conflicts To Congruence With Your Desires

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Angry Talk (Comic Style)   Image via WikpediaI just had a fantastic EFT session — see how to tap, newbies — after tapping for Complete Congruence from the free Attracting Abundance newsletter from Carol Look, EFT Master. 

New to EFT – a finger-tapping on the face using acupuncture points – get the free EFT tapping chart and learn EFT with Carol. 

I had to take a side trip to tap on my petty anger and frustration held over from the night before.

That is when it hit me that we humans are rarely and truly in complete in agreement with what we say we want, or even what we say pisses us off, and that is how 4 questions to identify conflicts to congruence with your desires came about.
It was also a no-brainer to use the marvelous Carol Look as today's teacher.
You know of course that we are rarely angry for the reason we think!

Take me, for example, I was pissed off this morning at a bitch of a woman who has created her own unhappy mess who was throwing it on me. Why? 

I was reacting to the monkey thoughts in my head – instead of feeding it a banana – and  pretending that it was something new and different. See? It is always the same old shite when we refuse to clean it up!
So, when I started EFT tapping on congruence, the anger came up even stronger. I therefore had to stop tapping on congruence and tap on the anger using my own words to say how I felt and why I was angry and accept myself for it.

In two rounds it lifted that stinky cloud and now I am bright and shiny like the sunshine again. I LOVE EFT! 

Jatropha podagrica flowersJatropha Podagrica by Martin_Heigan The anger was my excuse to avoid making the irrevocable decision to cut this person out of my life once and for all. The decision has now been made and stated.

I then returned to tapping on congruence and that experience is the reason behind this post.  

Below you will find an excerpt from Carol's newsletter on Complete Congruence. Do read the entire article on her site, and use her EFT script. It works!

I also strongly suggest that you sign up for her free newsletter to get the wealth of information she provides, as well as a free e-book and EFT scripts.

To answer a reflexive thought – no, I am not being paid for this – I just think Carol is an absolutely fabulous teacher! She says:

The truth is that we are rarely in complete congruence with what we want.  We always have reasons, fears, excuses, or “yes, buts” that get in our way of actually receiving what we say we want to have in our lives – from relationships, to health, to abundance.

This newsletter is yet another opportunity to clear any of our conflicts about being outrageously abundant in every part of our lives.  Are you ready to do some clearing?

If we’re not "receiving" what we have been asking for, there are some energetic blocks to receiving… reasons or issues we have that block us from actually getting what we want. Sometimes these blocks can surprise us, other times they are obvious and have been with us for a very long time.  To get you started on clearing the blocks, let’s be specific about what they might be.
First, think of what you really really want – the top item on your wish list – picture it, imagine it, feel as if you have it.  Then answer the questions below about having it.  

Early pink dogwood flower heads  Image by Martin LaBarWhen you have completed answering the questions for your number one item, repeat the process, applying it to the second thing that you want on your list – maybe exceptional health or something else.  

I ask you to repeat the process for each important item on your list, as there may be different “downsides” to being successful in love than being successful at work or in your body.

(1) What’s the “downside” to being completely congruent with what you want? (Think of people that might be jealous… friends who might treat you differently… reasons you may not feel comfortable reaching your goal…)

(2) What’s the “upside” to remaining ambivalent about what you want? (Consider what might be a positive aspect that comes with staying where you are, something good that might result from not changing or not getting what you have been asking for…)

(3) Are you more comfortable in the energy of  “not having” or in lack? (Maybe you learned that not having was “good” or proper… maybe you are more comfortable in the energy of wanting and yearning…)

(4) How does it serve you to stay out of congruence with what you want? (Think about possible advantages to being out of complete congruence… there must be some or you would be in congruence right now!)

These are all powerful questions that I recommend you answer as best you are able… once you know the upside of not yet getting what you want, you can tap on the blocks and change your energy to enjoy congruence and success.
It’s your choice… Choose to
embrace complete congruence
and enjoy your vibration of abundance!
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6 Mar 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Share Your Resources Freely With Those In Need

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rich tulipsImage by davedehetreWhen we share our resources freely with those who are in need, we open channels in our lives through which even greater levels of abundance can flow. Because like is naturally attracted to like, the generosity we exhibit toward others is radiated back to us by those in positions to grant us our wishes. 
Similarly, feelings of true security and abundance can only be achieved when we accept that we are capable of fulfilling the dreams of people in need. The more we give, the more confident we feel that a benevolent universe is watching over us and caring for us. 

We need never worry about riches, as we make it a point to actively invite bounty into our lives. You will feel gloriously abundant today when you take steps to see that others can achieve prosperity. —DailyOM
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5 Mar 2011

Everything In Its Perfect Time

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The gate of success has been openedThai Jasmine (Keep Smiling.g..g.g :-)  A Perfect affirmation for you today!
Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I'm enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I'm going. Content where I am, and eager for more," that is the perfect vibrational stance.
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2 Mar 2011

When The Going Is Hardest, Keep On Going

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Beesy Body              Beesy Body by Cheng I When the going is hardest, just keep on keeping on, and you’ll get there sooner than someone who finds the going easy.

If you think achieving great heights of success will be easy, you either don't understand at all how the process works or you have your sights set too low.

Reaching the top of any field is difficult, time-consuming, and often tedious. The reason it isn't crowded at the top is that most people won't do the things that are necessary to achieve success. They are all too willing to give up when the going gets tough.

If you need inspiration to persevere, read the biographies of men and women who have achieved greatness in their lives. You will find that they prevailed because they refused to quit. They continued to toil alone long after the masses had given up and gone home. Napoleon Hill
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1 Mar 2011

Attaining Success Means You Work Long After The Others Quit

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A stony path in the Valley of Flowers....A stony path in the valley of flowers by Himalayan Trails Napoleon Hill's Thought For The Day — When the going is hardest, just keep on keeping on, and you’ll get there sooner than someone who finds the going easy.

If you think achieving great heights of success will be easy, you either don't understand at all how the process works or you have your sights set too low. Reaching the top of any field is difficult, time-consuming, and often tedious.

The reason it isn't crowded at the top is that most people won't do the things that are necessary to achieve success. They are all too willing to give up when the going gets tough.

If you need inspiration to persevere, read the biographies of men and women who have achieved greatness in their lives. You will find that they prevailed because they refused to quit. They continued to toil alone long after the masses had given up and gone home.

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