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28 Mar 2013

Love Letter to One Who Dares

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Love letter from one who dares by Dr Cara Barker is a must read. This woman is boss... In her article she has paved the way for us with 9 steps to self-fulfillment and self-discovery (read the entire article Cultivating self affection during tricky times). It resounds, is profound and right in line with what I am living right now. She has taken time off to go renew herself by practising these 9 steps.

Here's a brief look at the 9 steps she proposes to One Who Dares:

1- Give up self-blame. There will be many willing to crucify you if you decide to dissolve your old way of life, if not with nails, then at least with words and judgment.

2- Find a garden. If not literally, then do so symbolically. We each need a space

3- Be prepared to stand your ground when you feel betrayed, by those you thought would understand, support, protect. Most especially, be prepared for your monkey mind to oppose your grand plan.

4- Throw a party. Once you have dissolved your beliefs about why you dare not shine as you really are, why you dare not cultivate affection for yourself, invite a few over for your "last supper," that is, a time of celebration to acknowledge what you appreciate in your loved ones who stand by you, when you are poised for a new leap of faith.

5- Surrender what is dying in your life. Release the old husk of life you've been living, those behaviors and relationships that deplete that are just too much darn work-intensive, those "puppies" where you are doing all the heavy lifting.

6- Forgive all that depletes life. Include in this relationships that are deadening, beliefs about yourself or others that rob you of joy, vitality. Make a list of them and address them one by one.
7- Be prepared to wait in the dark. Throw away your watch. Go into your cave. You will know when the time comes to return to new life. One way to go to the cave is through spiritual practice: meditation, the expressive arts, and prayer, a walk in the park or nature, a literal retreat. Do this every day and watch what happens.

8- During this process, do whatever you can to cultivate self-affection. I capitalize "self," because we are referring to your sacred self, the center point of soul as psyche. These days, we are enjoined to forgive others, and even self. But, there is a vast difference between forgiveness and cultivating self-affection.

9- Leave no forwarding address. How can you? If we don't know where our process is leading, best not to restrict life's flow. Yes, this is risky. But, isn't life fully lived risky? Likewise, choosing to opt out of life, and leaps of faith, carries its own toll, one I'd rather not pay. We are here now. Why not live now? Why not love the whole of who we are, this life we live, with all we've got, and be about the adventure? There are endless iterations of who we are, of the way sacred self-expresses. Ours is to get introduced, to come into loving relationship with the all, and celebrate this grand and glorious life, regardless the bumps along the road. (complete text)

Suppose the beloved - YOU - had a message for you today that went like this.

Love letter to One Who Dares
Stop being so hard on yourself! Yes, you. I am talking to you. Stop being so unfair to you. Give yourself permission to step back, to witness, and to find awe for which you are that has been hiding.

Your planet is on a collision course. Everywhere you look, notice the rushing here and there, the disconnection with human beings, with life in all its forms, the epidemic of loneliness and secret pain, the side-talk of he said/she said, the gossip, the blame, the suffering, the fear undergirding the mess.

Surely this is not living. Surely this is not the "more" you have been seeking. Search between the cracks and crevices of your schedule, your plan, and your previous agreements with yourself. How much room is there for you to appreciate your heartbeat in this present breath? How much space are you willing to give yourself to simply "be"? How much "skin" are you willing to put in the game to discover the magnificence awaiting to arise through your life?

How rare to find those who sit quietly, or hilariously, with one another, meeting in the moment, content to be together in the moment, without distraction, cell phones, screens, excesses of any kind. How rare and precious to participate in unanticipated love without strings.

How much space are you willing to give yourself to simply "be"? How much "skin" are you willing to put in the game to discover the magnificence awaiting to arise through your life?

Know this. I wish you fresh, gentle breezes. I wish you that special joy that comes from letting go. I wish you gold, finding it in hidden places, such as the daffodil in all her glory. I wish you life: the resurrection of who you were called here to become. I wish you fertility of self-expression, that sort which inspires you to new heights, from your innermost depths. I wish you peace, sweet dreams, and glorious sunrises to bless you on your way. I wish for you an age of inspired realism as you reclaim your original way on this earth, your wonder, and your mark upon the path that we might celebrate together.

Consider: If you took to heart the meaning of this letter, what might shift for you today? What is time to dissolve in your own thinking which limits you? Be brave, my friend, be brave. You have the right stuff in you, regardless what you have believed up to now in private moments of self-doubt. 
Consider: If you took to heart the meaning of this letter, what might shift for you today? What is time to dissolve in your own thinking which limits you? Be brave, my friend, be brave. You have the right stuff in you, regardless what you have believed up to now in private moments of self-doubt.

Be the Love You are,

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You Are The Only One Who Can Truly Love Yourself

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Thought for today is all about self-worth and releasing resistance. Bottom line - it is up to each and every one of us to decide that we are worth it!

Worthiness, in very simple terms, means I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me.

Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing.

There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting

--- Abraham /Hicks

I am not religious but holidays are always appreciated so Happy Easter holidays everybody!
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27 Mar 2013

Answer Discouragement with Intelligent Action

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I have not read such a powerful message as this one from Bob Proctor as this one about discouragement - the bane of our existence - it's really a feeling of lack of self-worth and that is such a terrible, terrible feeling. I've been there, got nurtured on it on my mother's breast.

When you let it take hold, you sink yourself into a morass of self-pity from which it is often times difficult to extricate yourself.

If you with to receive similar mail do subscribe to his free Insights of the Day newsletter.

That's Good

I often talk about Earl Nightingale and the positive influence he had on my life. The personal association I had with him was a great education but I could never estimate the effect his recorded messages have had on my life.

One of his recorded messages was titled "That's Good". I listened to it so often I could almost repeat it verbatim.

On that record he shared a fable about the devil having a sale that is most interesting and, as Earl mentioned, like most old fables it has a moral that is worth thinking about.

The story goes that Satan was having a sale of his wares. On display, and offered for sale, were the rapier of jealousy, the dagger of fear, and the strangling noose of hatred, each with its own high price.

But standing alone on a purple pedestal was a worn and battered wedge. This was the devil's most prized possession, for with it alone he could stay in business. It was not for sale ... it was the wedge of discouragement.

Why do you suppose the devil valued so highly, and actually would not sell, the worn and battered wedge of discouragement? Makes you think doesn't it?

He prized discouragement because of its enfeebling, demoralizing effect. Hatred, fear or jealousy may lead an immature person to act unwisely, to fight, or to run. But at least they act.

Discouragement on the other hand, hurts the person more than any of these. It causes the person to sit down, pity himself or herself and do nothing.

Now this doesn't have to happen, but unfortunately it all too frequently does. Not until we realize that discouragement is often a form of self pity, do we begin to take stock of ourselves and our predicament and decide to act ... to do something that will take us out of the unpleasant situation.

The answer to discouragement then is intelligent action. Get rid of discouragement before it gets rid of you. The devil might not survive without this priceless wedge ... but we can.

To your success,
Bob Proctor

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19 Mar 2013

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Say Something Nice About Someone

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The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today.

In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip. And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.Napoleon Hill
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18 Mar 2013

Positive Habits Develop Due to Right Thinking

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Dr. Hill reminds us that habits are first cobwebs than cables. Habits begin with thought. Positive habits develop due to right thinking and negative habits develop due to wrong thinking. By using self-discipline right now, we can control any negativity that might be seeping into our consciousness. 
As any good gardener will tell you, the best time to weed is when the plants are young and easily uprooted. Left untended, our garden will soon be overrun with weeds and produce little that is eatable.
When our mind garden is weed free, it is a good time to acknowledge this positive frame of mind and continue to work toward expanding this awareness. One way to do this is to become a “good-finder.” By focusing on the positive rather than the negative, the formation of good habits is occurring. By looking for something to praise rather than something to complain about we will soon find more riches arriving in abundance. By uncovering previously hidden riches we are now capable of finding even more and bringing them home to harvest. 
This is the master key in creating a true millionaire’s lifestyle. No amount of money in the world can buy you the joy and happiness you will accumulate when you think positively and cultivate the habit of right thinking.
Remember, our thoughts shape our world and, in turn, shape our earthly destiny. If we choose the right road rather than the wrong one, not only will we arrive earlier than most but we will arrive in a better frame of mind. Think positively.
Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson, Director,  Napoleon Hill World Learning Centre
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15 Mar 2013

We Can Make A Difference

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The selfless acts of kindness and compassion performed by others can become the inspiration that moves us to take up the cause of charity.

If we are diligent and serious in our observation of the small- and large-scale philanthropy we see unfolding around us, we can observe what garners positive results and what doesn’t, thereby refining our own humanitarian efforts.

We are more prone to help people in need when we have both seen others’ bountiful endeavors met with success and have taken pleasure in watching the gratitude unfold of those lifted up into the light. We need never doubt that we, as individuals, can make a difference because we are following in the footsteps of a guiding light.

You will likely be moved to act today as you observe people in the various areas of your life working to make the world a better place. DailyOM
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6 Mar 2013

THOUGHT FOR TODAY - Pay Attention to the Undercurrents

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When we make full use of our intuitive faculties rather than relying solely on the information others share with us, we can develop a more astute understanding of the world around us.
While the people with whom we share our environments will often tell us much about events in the various spheres of our lives, they will not always feel compelled to relate the entirety of their feelings and thoughts regarding these communal situations.

To come to our own conclusions, we must pay attention to the undercurrents of information that flow all around us. We soon discover that there are details of our individual situations that are not immediately apparent, but become discernable as we open our minds to the possibility of more.

Today, your perceptive approach to your circumstances will help you better understand the unspoken elements of your existence. DailyOM

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Change the Negative Conversation with EFT and Abundance Flow Into Your Life

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Control box for trams, trolleys, buses in Switzerland
We have to change the way we think because it influences what we attract into our lives - the vibration is what I mean - and we have all without exception experienced this.

You wake up feeling lousy, you spill the cheerios and milk, get a run in your pantyhose and think "Oh, that just great. How much worse can it get?!" and right there you set yourself up for a lousy day with that story.

While everyday can be a challenge in this respect I have found that meditation - some quiet time to begin my day before I get out of bed - works well to ground and keep me focused.

And this is where EFT (emotional freedom technique) can be extremely beneficial for rooting out what's making you batty like a "why do I keep doing this to myself" cry.

EFT tapping is one tool that helps you get to the emotional root of what is hindering your progress and by that I mean, encouraging you to beat yourself down with negative thoughts and comments about yourself.

It is easy to learn EFT and how it could benefit you. It is a non-invasive acupressure technique where you use your fingers to tap on certain points on your face to clear blockages on certain meridiens used in Chinese acupuncture.
With EFT I have been able to clear out major emotional garbage without having to visit a shrink's office every week, although I will admit that I highly recommend that as well. Both are part of my life and I use EFT whenever I am upset about something.

If you are prepared to take responsbility for your own well-being i.e. deal with unsuspected feelings and memories sometimes devastating that may arise while tapping, then EFT is for you.

Carol Look, an EFT Master, continues our conversation here and her EFT tapping script is included here. I think she is F.A.B. and in her free newsletter, Attracting Abundance Issue #236, she begins with "Imagine how much abundance would flow into your life if you could Change the Conversation..." 
It's so simple, yet so challenging to Change the Conversation. It sounds like an easy enough idea, but it's tricky to commit to it, remember to do it and to let go of your old story. Why? Because like it or not, we are somewhat wed to the old conversation of negativity, doom and gloom.
Image: inverted flower and bee
So when our situation truly does look bleak, that's what we're noticing, and that's what we tend to talk about. But there is tremendous power in focusing on what we want, and where we want our lives to go - and the first step in changing the direction of our lives is to Change the Conversation in our lives.
The first place we need to Change the Conversation is in our own head! Yes, that's where the negativity often starts, or at least that's where it gets real traction. We don't even notice how negative we are, or what we say to ourselves such as "It'll never work... I shouldn't get my hopes up... I'm just a failure..." because we see it as the "truth" of our lives.
That negative "truth" may be your experience, but here's where your personal power comes in and the real truth shows up: Change the Conversation and you will change what and who shows up in your life.
It's worth being inspired by this truth - that when you Change the Conversation, you change what shows up for you because your energy shifts and you raise your vibration, so you can't help but attract more of what you want - whether it's happiness, a relationship, a better job or something material.

So how do you make this important shift and Change the Conversation you are having with yourself and others?
Try these simple steps:
1. Notice the content, direction and tone of the conversation you ARE having. Do you talk of success and abundance or fear and failure?
2. Choose the "new" conversation you want to have.
3. Whenever you hear yourself using the old conversation, replace it with the new one you just chose.
4. Clear any blocks you have to Changing the Conversation (tap...).
5. Continue to be inspired to choose the direction of your daily conversations.
I'm aware that these steps seem simple enough and make common sense. But you need to feel inspired to Change the Conversation first or you won't be drawn to take these steps!
White striped carnation
So why would you want to Change the Conversation? What's the big deal? The big deal is that it works to make you feel better physically and emotionally.
The big deal is that it works to open the door to abundance... the big deal is that it's easy to do and you will notice immediate improvements!  
So unless you love everything that's showing up in your life right now, Change the Conversation, release resistance, and enjoy all the new benefits that flow into your experience.

Remember that our thoughts are real and carry energy...
Our vibration matters!

Remember that the Universe hears your vibration not your words. The principles of the Law of Attraction remind us that we will receive more of what we are "broadcasting" to the Universe when we are in alignment with it.
A high vibration (of joy, gratitude and appreciation) always precedes abundance showing up in your life. When the universe is able to receive a clear signal or message from you - (no energetic interference from your attitudes) then the Law of Attraction starts to work in your favor.

Are your conversations (and thus, your vibration) all about gratitude and possibility?

Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.

When you change your vibration,

you will change your life.

Go ahead, raise your vibration by being inspired to Change the Conversation!

Source: Flickr

The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
"Even though I've been having the wrong conversation with myself and others, I choose to have a positive conversation starting now."

"Even though my negative conversations have been blocking my abundance, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

"Even though I have a habit of keeping the negative conversation going, I choose to love and forgive myself anyway."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***

Eyebrow: "I am very accustomed to the old conversation of negativity."

Side of Eye: "No wonder I attract the same old manifestations."

Under Eye: "I always complain about the same old things."

Nose: "I really know my old conversations aren't helping me..."

Chin: "I want to want to have a new conversation."

Collarbone: "I have this bad habit of having negative conversations."

Under Arm: "I always notice what's not going well..."

Head: "I now know these negative conversations have been blocking me."

***Now for the positive focus on the solution***

Eyebrow: "I want to want to Change the Conversation."

Side of Eye: "I want it to be easy to Change the Conversation."

Under Eye: "I choose to feel inspired to Change the Conversation."

Nose: "I want to focus on a new conversation of success."

Chin: "I know that I need to focus on a new conversation."

Collarbone: "I feel inspired to Change the Conversation."

Under Arm: "I love feeling inspired to Change the Conversation."

Head: "I choose to Change the Conversation every single day in my life."

Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):

Thank You, Universe for teaching me how to Change the Conversation... I feel more aligned with abundance already!

Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel inspired to Change the Conversation... I am looking forward to uplifting results!

Thank You, Universe for making it so easy for me to Change the Conversation... I feel the vibrational shift and power already!

Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!

(Disclaimer: These EFT/ Meridian Tapping oriented products are provided as a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT in the world. They represent the ideas of EFT Master, Carol Look. While EFT has been used by thousands of therapists, nurses, social workers, psychologists, doctors, and individuals worldwide with exceptional results and minimal negative side effects, this does not mean that you will not experience any side effects. If you use EFT and meridian tapping techniques on yourself or others, you are advised to take full responsibility for yourself and the treatment.)
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1 Mar 2013

Brighten People's Day by Spreading Your Good Mood

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We can brighten people’s days by spreading our good mood. Our energy tends to reflect what we are feeling, and our moods can easily affect others.
A bad mood can ripple across the room through our actions or tone of voice and add a dose of negativity to people’s days, while a good mood expressed through a smile or a kind word or a positive attitude can make others feel good and even cause them to get out of their funks. 
The energy we project is real and has an impact that we aren’t always aware of. Express your festive mood today, and you may find yourself lighting the way for others to join in your good times. DailyOM
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