Thank you for visiting my beautiful blog!
I decided to start blogging to share the life lessons and self-improvement techniques learned which have made me become self-aware.
From my dysfunctional years growing up in the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago, the adult years as a working zombie, to the resulting suicidal breakdown in 2005. I am here to tell the tale of the alive person that I am today,
I broke down because the emotional garbage and psychological scars I was carrying around could not be borne any longer. It was the best damned thing that ever happened to me!
All that I have lived through has given me a unique perspective on life; including working for an Amoco Oil joint venture; the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in New York; and seventeen years for the World Health Organization (WHO) in Switzerland. The last six years involved regular travel to Asia and Africa as an administrator for the scientific meetings, workshops and projects.

My story is not unique, however I am. You see, it was the experiences in the first decade of my life which caused me to repeat exactly the same destructive schema, sabotaging myself time and time again until I hit that wall.
I celebrated my 50th birthday in 2009, and in March 2009 I had this photo taken for my blog. It was the first time I have ever seen my face happy and smiling. Firing that job of 17 years was worth it. I am now thriving.
I have had so many teachers who have helped me get here. From my childhood abusers whom I have forgiven; to the naturopaths, channelers, natural healers, herbalists, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists whom I met along the way.
To my three very good friends, Sandra, Greer and Jackie; and an extra special lady, Claudine; my family with whom I have “retied” the knot; bookshop owners, naturalists, shamans, and many others who came across my path, including the staff and Brian Clement and Anna Maria Clement, co-Directors of the
Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.
Everyone has played their role to perfection and they have made me more. I would not be as I am today without any them. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to them all.
And through all of that, I delved into every book I thought was useful. Including Eastern healing techniques, dance, voice and sound therapies, oxygen treatments, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, all types of traditional massages, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, fasting and colon cleansing, ultrasound treatments, freestyle painting, clay modelling, creating jewellery, writing poetry, adopting a raw food lifestyle (temporarily), etc.
I tried everything which caught my attention to…. I don’t know what really. I was searching and experimenting at the same time. And all in the last three years as if I had to make up for lost time. I am still learning and it will never be over.
I sincerely hope that in freeing my gifts to fulfill my potential and share with you what I learn, you dear reader, would find something useful to accompany you on your journey of becoming.
My purpose is to be authentic, speaking my truth, share life lessons learned and inspire others to do the same.
After all, life is about living.